Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Do your Homework

Looks like think progressive is putting another spin on things.


Watch the Fox special Bret Baier's special on Benghazi .

Watch the interview with Mike Rogers and Steve Doocy about the Benghazi attacks.

Then watch the interview with the greedy lawyers.

Decide for yourself from the spoken words of these people, not from some commie named Igor with an agenda.

I watched all 3, The problem was not with the ground commander, but with the State Department and that folks, is the smoking gun they have yet to get to the bottom of.

The fact remains Christopher Stevens called for help, none came, a Marine called the guys from the Annex, after they assessed the situation they went to help and ended up in a 13 hour gun battle with terrorists before help arrived.

The question we need to know, Who in the State Department did Chris Call? And why didn't they send help?

Do you homework, some people are gullible and just take things for face value when they have an agenda !


At 9:25 AM, sully16 said...

Just so ya know, the uninformed will tell you that Tripoli is 600 miles away, that's true, but fighter jets can fly anywhere between 500 and 1400 miles per hour depending on the type of jet.
Air support may have made a difference between life and death for these guys.

At 10:13 AM, Drenick1 said...

Fighter jets would have been there in less than an hour which would have given them enough support to save both the Ambassador and his aide. The two others didn't get killed until the early morning hours after they arrived to offer support to the guys in the interview.

At 10:36 AM, sully16 said...

The order to stand down came stateside, had nothing to do with the guys at the Annex, their commander told them to wait to assess the situation, had nothing to do with the orders that went to Tripoli telling them to stand down, these are 2 different situations.
I believe Trey Gowdy is holding an ace in the hole.

At 11:45 AM, GASMETERGUY said...

A fighter jet traveling faster than the speed of sound will create a shock wave behind it. This shock wave has the power to knock people to the ground. One jet flying over the area would have put a stop to the attack. Hillary (a.k.a. Obama) refused to do even that small gesture.

Now the Butcher of Benghazi wants to be President of the United States. Why? So she can kill even more ambassadors?

At 11:58 AM, emilyg said...

They could have been saved.

At 12:46 PM, jarasan said...

There is major CYA going on.

At 1:14 PM, sully16 said...

I watched that interview with Steve and Mike 3 times, what caught my attention is what Mike Rogers didn't say, He was strictly speaking about those 3 who wrote the book.
There were5 or 6 people at Chris Stevens compound, him and another were killed, we still have 3 or 4 people who for what ever reason have not been heard from. Yet!
At the Annex, there were quite a few people, how many I don't know, reports are almost 30.
The other 2 who were killed in the early morning were the contractors from the Annex, these guys went in on their own, no one told them to, no one stopped them. They did their duty to help protect fellow Americans.
That brings us back to Mike Rogers, he never mentioned the Tripoli connection or the State Department calls from Stevens.
They have info they are keeping under wraps until the dot the i's and cross the t's.

At 2:18 PM, MADDOG10 said...

It's coming, the dot the "I"'s and cross the " T "'s will be connected when the hearings begin with Trey

At 3:15 PM, CARBOB said...

When the "I" is dotted and the "T" is crossed is when the SH$T hits the fan. Just maybe, Hillary and Obama will both be pi$$ing in their pants, for arming terrorists. Obama does not like the term ISIL, it reminds him of Benghazi. The ISIL were being armed to fight in Syria, then the Muslim Brotherhood hijacked the shipment of arms, intended for them in Turkey. Pissed them off, because it was supposed to be for them.

At 8:20 PM, Drenick1 said...

The sad part is that Benghazi was far worse than watergate yet Obama and Hillary were immune from the media. It was the media that got Nixon impeached and forced him to resign. Had Obama swapped places with Nixon, nothing would have happened to him but everyone involved with Benghazi and the IRS scandal would be facing jail time.
So much injustice that it makes me sick

At 9:27 PM, emilyg said...

I don't understand why people don't don't speak up. Yell it - we are tired of all this. This administration is screwing America and Americans and nobody is trying to stop them.

At 9:46 PM, sully16 said...

Follow the money Miss Emily, it always boils down to money, power, position.

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