Friday, September 19, 2014

Run for your life! Giant Spiders.

Seems our global warming gurus just can't help themselves.

Now they want to scare us with giant spiders.

They want you to believe spiders will get bigger if they have more to eat.....and since we have global warming, they are fat happy and growing out of control.

Because they know many have no interest in Science, the gullible will be on High alert for our 8 legged friend, foe, pest or annoyance, depends on your outlook.

Spiders have DNA just like us, apples make apples and oranges make oranges.

The Female is usually larger, Why are more coming into the house , because it's going to be a &%^$ing  cold arse winter.

Millions of years ago, insects, arachnids, creepy crawlies of all kinds were giant, they were huge.

Dragonflys the size of softballs.   Why did insects get smaller?

Because millions of years ago our atmosphere was rich in OXYGEN...The more oxygen the bigger the bug.

Long before man, these oxygen levels dropped and everything got smaller. Taaaa Daaaaa

If there was global warming and our oxygen was depleting, spiders would get smaller.


At 4:37 PM, JAP69 said...

I killed a spider in my backyard the other day. The legs extended out to the size of a wash tub. I needed to use the freezing agent in a fire extinguisher to be able to get close enough to it.

At 6:32 PM, sully16 said...


At 7:44 PM, emilyg said...

I like most spiders.

At 9:05 PM, sully16 said...


At 9:05 PM, sully16 said...


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