Thursday, September 18, 2014

One if by land-Two if by sea!

Alex, I'll take two if by sea.

A ship from West Africa pulled into New Orleans and it has been discovered half the crew has Ebola.

The ( sick) have been transported to a medical facility, no word on quarantines as of yet.

I hope Bobby Jindal takes quick action.


At 9:46 AM, MADDOG10 said...

And the plague begins here in America..

At 9:50 AM, sully16 said...

I pinned that article, I wonder how long it will take before it comes down?
I am tired of Isis and Ebola articles disappearing from the news.

At 9:51 AM, sully16 said...

Well guess what, the ship pulled in last night and now there's a new article saying the cdc declared last night there in no ebola on the ship? wth, that fast.

At 10:01 AM, sully16 said...

Now it's Malaria that's making everyone sick, got test results that fast?

At 10:31 AM, MADDOG10 said...

Another Benghazi I see on the horizon...!

At 1:32 PM, emilyg said...

Jesus H - will they ever stop lying to us?

At 10:09 PM, lejardin said...

Not on your life.

Yesterday Was watching the 700 club, Pat Robertson said he was talking to a washington insider who is knowledgeable on what goes on in washington.  Pat mentioned a well known lobbyist Tommy Boggs of Patton-Boggs, a huge lobbying company, had passed away.  The report he got back on washington was there is total deadlock in washington, the whole government has shut down, nothing is being done, nobody is doing much of anything, Obama does not know what he is doing, his policies are obviously flawed, instead of coming back and saying "look we blew it" there is a tremendous amount of coverup and obfuscation in washington, congress is in stalemate because of partisanship, they don't want to do what is good for America only what is good for their particular brand of politics, they want to set up for the next election, who we can beat, who we cant beat, Harry Reid has shut the senate down he wont let them take up any legislation whatsoever that might embarrass some of the members, he wont let them vote on anything, the House has voted on some stuff but nevertheless it doesn't go anywhere, we've got this huge, monstrous, expensive government in a state of gridlock, it is not moving.  Somethings got to be done, and this President instead of being America's uniter, he is America's divider, he is doing everything he can to set one class against another, trying to stir up animosity, trying to stir up racial strife, anything he can to stir the pot, to get a crisis going so maybe he can win some electoral votes, he doesn't seem to be engaged, the whole government is in trouble.  The government is dysfunctional because the head is dysfunctional.

At 7:45 PM, Think said...

you forgot - three if by air

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