Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Monday, June 3, 2024


Tired Of The Mistruths Voters Might Ditch Trump After His Conviction

Rinse & repeat news..
This is getting old.
No discussion of what the real problems are in this country.
It's easy to avoid but it's  mind-boggling how this man got to be president in the first place. He's backed by billionaires that don't care about nothing but tax breaks.  The Republicans might need to have their convention in a local prison to search for future candidates.
* The real problems in this country are being dealt with by the � Democrats � of all people- whether Americans want to believe it or not. Proof? Sure, lots of it.

* Infrastructure- Dems got that passed for the American people. The Dems saved Speaker Johnson�s job & Kevin�s along the way. With the Dems help, things are being accomplished, bills are being passed.

* Now with the Republicans in power: Name ONE thing they have passed? Sure they went after Biden, Hunter & who knows what, coming up with nothing. The most unproductive Congress in decades. Then they want to say Biden is destroying the country. Really, isn�t destroying something doing nothing?

* The Republicans spoke hard & fast about the border, the drugs coming into the country & when the � border bill� came to fruition- they didn�t as much as glance at it, fruit of the poisonous tree. Why? because the ex President, that sick F-k told them to let it die on the vine. Now they saying the country needs DJT, are you F kidding me?
* What this country does not need is another 4 years of the BS we experience's the 1st time around with the Orangutan.President  � Tax Cuts� was so ambitious to get those tax cut through that he decided not to run on it, why not?
* He couldn�t run on the Covid response, Americans were still dying but the fool knew how to get in a round of golf. He even had the gall to say his administration did a � fantastic job� on Covid. It�s no wonder the only voice he hears is his own, and he expects the country to tune into that BS ringing in his ears.
Well said noise gate!
Stop lying.
* Point out the lies in my post G. It's easy to say " you lying" with nothing to back your claim up. Funny how you think l post lies, but if the Orangutan said" it's rigged " you all in on that. You believe it going on 4 years now. It's like burying your beloved pet & still believing he will return someday.

* Your religious leader said  l never said " lock her up" and then footage is posted of the fool saying just that even before he won the nomination. Another gem is him being in on the picking of the people to serve on the jury- he probably " saw something " in their eyes that told him that he would come to his rescue- he was right about the " rescue. " The jury was rescuing America from him. He just didn't see it.
* Hey G, here's another lie, oops, truth. Mike Johnson had better watch it, he relied on the Dems to save his job from the Marjorie Greene 's of the party- then he comes up with his BS tactics in blaming Joe for other things.

* He should be thankful the Dems in the hill are not militant, when the Dems saved Kevin's hide, that fool turned around & blamed them for the inaction of the Republicans & when Matt & others attacked Kevin, the Dems backed off supporting him & he became roadkill- Johnson better watch it as well.
Weasel your a sheep,  the man raised of 300 million in 3 days, those people are not going anywhere.
Now go back to your own Country.
*sparkle-farts* better call your idol maxie waters and tell her to stop calling for civil war.
* Who in their right mind wants a Dictator running America, cause that's what your religious leader said.

*He seems to think that his talking to ignorant & mentally challenged individuals: His right. His talking to the Maga folks who think Dictatorship is a good thing.

* He calls his supporters to Washington, they get arrested, some sent to prison. He gets indicted,  convicted & his base sends him more money. Who's being taken for a fool here? Take a guess.
* Crickets*
Lock him up!!!
The new Maga song: when your down and troubled and need a helping  hand, you got a friend.
The dictator running America is Biden. How so?
1) Arresting and jailing political opponents.
2) Rigging elections.
3) Censoring on social media.
4) Mandating people to take vaccines or they will lose their jobs. Drs, pilots, 1st responders.
While not being required to take it themselves.
5) Calling for them to be put in jail. 
6) Denying them life saving medical treatment for refusing the shots.
7) Kicking people out the military for refusing the shots.
8) Revoking Drs. licenses for speaking out against the C19 shots.
Whatever happened to my body, my choice? Or does that only apply to abortion?
9) Restricting freedom of speech.
10) Trying to remove the 2nd Amendment.
11) Corrupt govt.
12) Corrupt judicial system.
You get the idea.

) Tries to take away our rights.
All bs qwruston. Surprise us!
* No we ain�t got the idea. The � shots � were first promoted under your religious leader. He took a hell of a lot of them to walk upright, and so did his family. Just because you & other hardheaded conservatives think it was a genocidal drug, does not make your thinking right.
* l asked this years ago: If one came down with Covid & had not taken the shot, if you rushed to the emergency room: What do you expect the medical staff to do for you. Some wanted to get on ventilators & they still died. I thought keeping people alive was what humanity was all about. Instead it became a political issue & millions died.
* These anti vax folks are the worst. They willing to get sick but are depending on others to help them out when they crawling on the floor in pain. There is no remedy for stupidity, believe me, cause even election deniers are willing to go to their graves believing they right, then the results show otherwise.
* Not going to waste my time going over all your BS G, but Covid was a worldwide pandemic, not just in the US. Many folk who died claimed they stuck to their principles and left small children behind for others to take care of & support.
* As for taking away our freedoms? Really- l have not read of a ban on guns?  Even the Proud boys had their day in court, so what are you going on about? As for arresting & jailing political opponents- like who? If you referring to Trump, you wrong- Trump was charged in STATE violation, not Federal you moron. Biden has no power over Bragg & others, next you going to say Willis of Georgia is taking instructions from the WH. On a scale of 1-12 for stupidity, you a close 20.
LB You say BS.
I can prove they are, you know I bring it. You prove they're not.
Trump came out with the shots and said you had a choice to get it or not. Biden was the one that forced them on everyone with his stupid mandates.
They're trying to ban guns, here's Biden saying it.
Funny how the politicians NEVER talk about how to prevent criminals from obtaining guns, only law abiding citizens. There's a saying, "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns".  So when that outlaw busts into your home late at night how do plan to defend your family if you can't have a gun? You gonna call 911? By the time they get there it can be too late.

*As for arresting & jailing political opponents- like who?
If you referring to Trump, you wrong- Trump was charged in STATE violation, not Federal you moron.
You're the MORON. He was just convicted on 34 federal charges. Don't you pay attention to the news? Or do you just sit around getting F'ed up all day and trying to think up nonsensical BS to post here.
It's getting to be a real total waste of time trying to talk to someone as dumb, ignorant, and as full of sh*t as you are.
* Sure he was convicted on 34 Federal charges but his total is 91 or was it 81 dumbass. Bragg & Willis are STATE prosecutor fool. It's the reason when 45 says Biden is pulling the strings in Manhattan,  he us dead wrong. Biden has no say in what happens in the Hush money case- wake up.
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