Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Peter Navarro Speaks From Behind Bars: I Am In Joe Biden's Prison

* No Peter- you put yourself in prison for not obeying a subpoena, all this stuff about � Biden�s prison  is BS. The same applies for Bannon.

* Yo Peter, you forget the interview you had with Ari where you pointed out that you guys had � fake electors � standing by to hand their phoney certificates to be ratified by Pence in Congress- you had no idea that you were discussing a Coup with Ari? Btw: Your trade advice to Trump on Tariffs screwed the American people royally. Stay the F out of politics when you get out.

* In the Maga world- only innocent people go to jail. Offenders like 45, the Proud boys, Meadows, Rudi, Eastman & others should roam free. Yeah, okay.
Double Standards.  Dems get away with everything.

Eric Holder Is Defying the Law by Resisting Subpoena
U.S. News & World Report � debate-club � eric-holder-is-...
Jul 3, 2012 � Holder should be jailed for contempt. He is not simply disagreeing with Congress. He is acting in defiance of the law.

Judge declines to hold Holder in contempt
Politico � under-the-radar � 2014/10
Oct 6, 2014 � A federal judge has declined a House committee's bid to have Attorney General Eric Holder held in contempt of court � and perhaps even jailed
* Nonsense & you know it. Holder was not preventing the Congress from talking about � subversive actions� like attempting to overturn a fair election. You can say whatever you want- but Peter went on MSNBC & told Ari that they had what he called the � Greenbay sweep� where they would switch out legitimate electors for FAKE ones.

* l don�t you guys truly realize what the Maga folks were attempting to do. Plain English: Throw out votes from citizens who either stood for hours in line to cast their votes or mailed it in. That�s horrible, it�s like paying for a flight & being told� Sorry, you now on standby!� Actually it�s worse. Folks who vote expect their candidate to win, if they come up short, oh well- but Peter was denying millions of voters their right to choose their candidate- he belongs in jail.

* Peter said he was withholding Presidential immunity, well no- not when it goes beyond the bounds of your official duty. Meadows tried the same thing in Georgia, saying in his capacity as Chief of Staff, he had a right to contact the Sec of State for Georgia & twist his arms.. ahh No.
* Your claim on double standards is hollow G. Menendez of NJ has been told by Dems to resign because of what looks like bribery, his blaming the wife & now wants to run as an independent.

* The law acted again Clinton for his affair, even though it was consensual sex between adults- the Republicans put him through the ringer. Nixon got nailed, Reagan dodged a nuclear bullet with Iran Contra thing. So you wrong.

* Which reminds me of the Maga folks on the hill coming up with a goofy suggestion, which they hope passes: Move convictions of Presidents in State courts to Federal courts, where a pardon can be performed.

* Something else to ponder on since l
have your attention, since Trump is now a convicted felon- he cannot fly to a number of countries around the world, why? Cause felons are not allowed to set foot on their soil. How the mighty have fallen.
Tell em noise gate.  He can't handle the truth or he'll block you like he did me.
* Not to worry LB, l was blocked 12 years ago on his blog. 😎
Ignoring a suboena is ignoring a subpoena, makes no difference.
You don't even know why Clinton was impeached. But he paid off PJ 850K so no problem right?
12 years ago huh?
Even your profile knows you're a chronic liar.
Member Since December 12, 2012 (11.5 years)
Join Order Member #136471
Hey LB, You can always start your own blog you know. But both you clowns are too scared to do it. Prove me wrong!!
I might unblock you just so I can block you again. HAHAHA
* Your attention to detail on when l arrived at LP borders on � obsession.� However since you are a fan of mine, l won�t go hard on you. Btw- l calculate by years, not months.

* For example : When l broke off with a gal in my younger years, l would say we were an item 4-5 years ago. It seems in your world, you would say  � 3 years 6 months & 2 days. What you have disputed is you blocking me years ago�. Yet you still want to do battle with me, out here & not on your blog, cause l am viewed as a � destructive influence � l guess.

* As they say : With power comes great responsibility😁
* If it�s any comfort: l don�t need to get on your blog G, to many Maga heads, very little sense.
You wouldn't have got blocked if you weren't there posting bs.
Ya know there's one more thing... How could I have blocked you from my blog 12 years ago when my first blog post was less then 8 years ago, on 9/9/2016?
You really should stop lying all the time. It's not good for your cred at all.

Now we could do battle on your blog anytime instead of always on truesee's. She won't mind.  Dam*... I forgot,  you don't have a blog. You really should get one, I'll bring the whole gang over. We'll have a blast. We'll take turns arguing. One week on your blog, one week on LB's. Go for it man, start a blog.
* What a surprise: You calling me a liar on trivial stuff but you won�t call your religious leader a liar- not once.  Hmm, better calm down, we don�t want your blood pressure to rise.. oops too late.

* l don�t need a blog, why steal thunder from Truesee? We don�t drive on roads we made do we? Well, perhaps from our driveway to the street, but you get the point, or do you? You still my fan that�s for sure- you put a lot into that last post, and it was heartfelt & l want you to know that I appreciate it. 😎
You remind of a guy I used to work with a long time ago. At lunch break I would read the newspaper. Every day he would walk over and say, Can I read the sports section when you're done? One day I asked him, Why don't you just buy your own paper so you don't have to wait for me to finish it. His answer: Why should I pay for my own paper when I can read yours for free. After that he never read my paper again.
* l remind you of a smart person, he knew a sucker when he saw one. Much like the saying � listen from other�s mistakes & avoid them.�

* Psst- blog are not the end all, it�s just a place to shoot the breeze, point being, you guys take things to seriously. What do you mean? Glad you asked- when your leader came up short in 2020, your comrades resorted to violence. Attacking people, the nation�s Capital etc etc.

* Instead of regrouping & getting set to fight another day- it�s been a constant barrage of lies & finger pointing. A President that loses keeps quiet & bids his time. Instead your religious leader never went away & guess what, it�s indictment after indictment & it�s all on him. Instead of confessing to being a fool- he blames others.
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