Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Thursday, June 6, 2024


Fighting Trump On The Beaches

* Good thing America is represented by a President who cares about the fallen. The Ex disgraced fool hated seeing wounded soldiers & even called them losers. At least Joe is showing respect.
Right, the same pedo joe who pooped his pants while commemorating Veterans while hanging out with Frances President Macron.  Just happened this week, that's your idea of leadership? Poopy pants?
* l watched the video where Joe shook hands with the French PM, turned towards his wife & before sitting halted in order to get his butt in position Sully. If he had pooped his pants, he would have excused himself and made a Beeline for the restroom, but he sat down.

* Who sits down in their own poop, children & infants. However the Maga folks decided they needed to run with this, pathetic as usual. Where is the footage of your religious leader needing 2 hands to lift a glass of water to his lips, or almost losing control while walking down a ramp? They both old, but thinking the President is taking a dump in public at an event is outrageous, even if Trump was President.

*Worse things have happened on Presidential watches... like revolting against the outcome of an election you lost because the voters saw you as crazy.
* Psst: STOP believing every piece of BS that comes across the wire & supposedly supports your theory. Like..

* Your religious leader made no mistakes, he is incapable of such actions. Your Maga party will die a slow death once the True Republican party wakes up from their slumber. There may be remnants of the Maga policy still going, but as a whole, the old tale of " it was rigged & they cheated" nonsense will be long forgotten in time.  You can count on it. As proof: Compassionate Conservatism is dead, once a go to theme. What l am saying is " All things pass" and the Maga movement Will DIE.
Joe sits in his own poop, that's who.  Since your from San Fran poopy on the sidewalk , you probably just think it's normal.  It's not.
* Just to be clear: l am not from San Francisco. It�s a 49 min drive from my residence. I live in the � Bay Area� still unfamiliar- look it up on a map.

* By the way: You really ought to give up your vitriol against Biden, if he wins this November, your going after him for another 4 years will be viewed as mentally unbalanced behavior- not that you guys are not already displaying such behavior. You have been warned- 8 years of crying & moaning is a recipe for incarceration at a mental institution Sully.
* l like you when you not mean & up in arms about silly Shxt.  Work on it girl, you have room for improvement- l can tell, but only if you leave the hate & mealymouth behavior behind.
I just knew we could be besties, wine at 8.
Biden just has a couple more weeks and he is gone. He is approaching the point of uncontrollable outbursts, you know screaming and blurting out incoherent rants. They will have to sedate him even more.
Shame on Jill for not keeping him in private.
He'll will freeze over before I vote for a felon president!
* Biden has control over his voice, he raises it on occasions to make a point. Unlike the religious leader who rants both day & night. Truth Social is on 24/7 & so is their leader who doesn�t sleep. He says he got enough shut eye during his hush money trial. Funny how no one comments on that, but we discussing 46 taking a dump abroad, in his pants for crying out loud.🥸

* You right LB, who would imagine that a felon could be voted into office, not for town mayor or city manager- but POTUS, and then we told the US is a laughing stock with Biden at the helm.

* It�s like thinking Nixon had a change of heart back in the 70�s &  decided to run again after � resigning the Presidency.� That�s where we are, and as the saying goes it�s only made possible by the actions of Maga wing of the Republican Party.� Who
* We now step into the twilight zone: If Trump became President, could he travel abroad being a felon, or are Presidents that are felons given automatic leniency? It�s a question worth raising. Could Nixon have run again, if not- why not?
Welp, in the news wire, one of the Jurors family member posted on facebook that their cousin said they were going to vote Trump Guilty a week before the Jury was asked to deliberate.
* Hey Martz, yeah you- jar jar. We all know you have a pretty low IQ, but what are your thoughts on the above questions?

*Here�s a new one: Does the current Republican Congress need to pass a new law, call it an amendment if you will, that any future President starting with 45, can run for High office even if he is a convicted felon?

* We have already seen that plotting a Coup is not grounds for disqualification as President, what�s next? Are we going to allow murderers or serial killers to run for President? Imagine if Jim Jones had survived, could he have run for President, despite his supporters firing weapons on Congress persons? Got you thinking huh Jar jar?
* Looking for sympathy- it�s in the dictionary under � S� Sully. It matters not what people say- there were 12 people who Trump picked & gave the green light to sit & judge him.

* This piece of news you bring up is similar to Rudy standing outside an adult club saying the election was rigged while hair dye ran down his face. 

* Sully, l call you that on Fridays: if this person was going to vote guilty, it just made the other 11�s job more easier. So what�s the big deal. It�s not like he didn�t pay $130,000 girl, and since you worked in real estate, you know that you don�t get to move into a house without a down payment. The $130,000 was a down payment on SILENCE. Somehow the bubble burst.
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