Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Thursday, March 7, 2024


Why Biden's Age Has Become a Bigger Deal Than Trump's

Biden's brain has suffered much trauma, brain aneurysms and alcohol abuse.

Trump has never touched alcohol and no brain trauma.  Trump is 80-100x sharper mentally and has 10-20x the stamina.

Get your popcorn for tonight for the squinter in chief he will be bu11sh1ting for as long as they think he can stay awake.
Biden will be on stimulants, hopefully they don't overdose him.
tRump has been dealing with his own stupidity for decades, hence the stuttering and squashing words that make no sense. An idiot will always be an idiot.
So you�re saying you�re smarter than President Trump?
* Stop saying bad stuff about your President. We all get old, but some are old and act as though they young,� young�  enough to get into all kinds of mischief- like stealing stuff, denigrating women, going so far as to rape them & even end up paying off a hooker because they think they hot stuff.
* As for 45 having no brain trauma- yeah right. Go watch his speeches over the weekend where he was sweaty & had brain glitches. Besides, his a walking pharmacy- pumped full of uppers & downers. The guy is as unhealthy as F.

* His mighty
* His nightly rants on Truth Social shows a person in mental distress, and totally unhinged when confronted with the truth. Going after Carroll & complaining about having to cough up millions of dollars in fines. His behavior is so bad that Melanie is MIA ever since he announced that he getting back into the race. She recognizes a psychotic person.
*sparkle-farts* another loser thinks they�re smarter than President Trump but is nothing more than a deluded dimwit.
Jaracrap, a roach is smarter than you and the orange traitor put together.
* Hmm, how stupid can a person be when: They recorded threatening the Secretary of Georgia to � find them votes.

* How stupid can an Ex President of the US be for stealing documents? For being charged with racketeering in a State election?

* If that does not showcase the definition of an idiot, l don�t know what is.

*According to jar jar- being stupid & being charged on both the State & federal level is the kind of person who can be called Leader of the free world.

*That shows how clueless jar jar is. When jar jar opens his mouth- count on BS to show up.
* Hey jar jar- how about me sending you on an errand- find out where Melanie Trump is, and why she doesn�t show up at any event to support your failed disgraced Ex President on the campaign trail, will you do that for me? Please!
The dimwits never answer a question, extreme TDS symptom. They aren�t smarter, they�re the dummies.
The news were showing libbies sitting in the streets in DC blocking Bidens motorcade.

Then look what happened today.
The lady gagaza protestors.
He's 15 minutes late for his own speech. The stimulants are gonna wear off.
He's nailing it, record unemployment. And he's nailing the republican trumpie insurectionist to the ground.  Very impressive speech so far.    He said he's standing up to putin not with him like the felon.
Four more years !!!?
* You have no logical questions to be answered. I asked where is Melanie, you going off about tds, just come out and say you willing to kill yourself for your disgraced leader.

* Make yourself useful by reading post # 10. That should keep your brain, if you have one busy.
* No, those are Trump supporters blocking the motorcade. Remember when we were told that BLM & Antifa members stormed  the Capitol? I have yet to read of a single member of both movements being sent to jail.

* Why did Trump go into the WH basement safe room again during the protests? Any explanation for that?
* Come November- Biden will shut both yourself & your Supreme Leader up for good. He would have stopped chaos being returned to the WH.

*Your Toddler needs to worry about his upcoming trial with Stormy Daniel�s instead of worrying about his bogus attempt at saying � the country needs to come together � since he sees himself as the nominee.
* Death is your friend!
No it was NOT Trump supporters blocking the motorcade.  Stop spreading lies.
Now qrwurston  were you not impressed by bidens speech. Tell the truth!!!
No I wasn't impressed. He came off as an angry old man, and said nothing to unify anyone or the two parties.
Angry, drugged up, bitter, partisan, yelling, get off my porch old man, worst SOTU in a long time.

Trump will get immunity.
* Right, and Trump can unify the country? What the heck have you been drinking all this time? Your Toddler cannot do that, never will. In fact Varney confronted another cult member on fox and asked her " Calling Nikki a bird brain and expecting her supporters to join his circus?" That's the denialism you folks need to crawl out from under.. by the way..

"Remember when we were told that BLM & Antifa members stormed  the Capitol? I have yet to read of a single member of both movements being sent to jail." Answer THAT.
* How is it that when you maga minions say Joe is senile, has dementia etc etc from the comfort of your living room- yet when Joe is away from the teleprompter and taking questions from both parties- why do none of those folks on the floor ever say " Joe was totally incoherent, and talking gibberish?'

*It's always talk from benchwarmers or Monday quarterbacks like you fool souls claiming that. Yet Trump will go off and have brain glitches and none of you will answer why that is?
* Trump has moments of aphasia that are getting worse.
" If Joe Biden had performed any one of Trump's weird stream-of-consciousness speaking in tongues moments, we'd never hear the end of it. Instead, Trump glitches out like he's Mitch McConnell or something, and no one seems to care� in fact, we get another Biden is old story."
Dems can't finish the wall at the border, but they can put up a fence around the capitol before the SOTU.  Ironically they hired Hispanics to put it up.
Just look at the LP trolls melting over Joe Biden's fantastic SOTU. He is a strong leader for his age, and made your pathetic orange orangutan look like a blithering idiot. Thank you Mr. President, now this is how a president should act, wise, firm, and concise.

No wonder the goats run away.
* l swear, the ultra Maga folks are complete A- holes. They stick their fingers in their ears to block out any rational thought. Take their adulation for 45, they hang on every word that comes out of the mouth of the Orange unit. When 45 got Nikki bounced from the primaries- he says he doesn�t want her supporters, then calls for unity in the party, calls her names & then expects her supporters to fall in line & follow him.

* Then we find out that he is entertaining Victor Orban, the strong man of Hungary at Mar A Lago & we supposed to be impressed. The guy is damaged goods & thinks that if elected, he will rule with an iron fist. Americans are savvy enough to know a fool when they see one, well half the country does, these Maga folks should move to N Korea & experience the one man rule before trying to convince sane Americans to abandon their values & take a knee & kiss the Orangutan�s ring.
Lincoln Riley say her name. 1000�s of illegals killing Americans.
* It�s unfortunate, but did that guy come in recently or slither through under the Orange unit�s administration. Now that Republicans in a bi partisan agreement put together a plan to address the border crisis- the yellow party are saying they � want criminals & drugs to flow into � the US. They hoping your drugged induced Supreme Leader will take control of the govt & deport people.

* Here�s a brief history: Folks who are deported � Return� time & time again. Your disgraced leader is pouring money down the drain in thinking he is solving a problem.

*These folks who have been here for years have gotten used to living here- you think that if they deported back to squalors that they not going ti say � F this � l made money on the streets back in the States & l am returning. There is no wall or river they cannot cross- wake the F up.
* If you build it- the wall at the Southern border�. Repeat after me : They will Come! * Fields of Dreams.

* Talking about � fields� they return in order to work in the fields, picking fruit & vegetables to show up at markets across the country. Who the F is going to pick that stuff if they deported, huh huh?

* l seriously doubt any Maga morons are going to be toiling out in the humid conditions under a blazing sun picking away. I volunteer that jar jar, G, Troutmouth & the other Ultra Maga supporters set the example by signing up & getting their asses out there to fill in the gap.

* Who�s first? Hey jar jar, yeah you pencil neck- can America count on you to come through & get out in the fields & deliver, or are you all talk? I bet you�d be out there for 30 minutes & then you�d complain about your lower back, typical of you, you stupid F.
Why don't you set an example for the rest of us and show us how it's done. If you're that concerned then get your lazy lefty butt out there and help them. But you won't and we all know why. All talk, no action.
Lord help us all if trump wins.  I cringe the thought of  the sideshow of lies from someone who never should have been the president in the first place,
* Set the example- l am not the one talking about " Open borders & making sure those brown people don't cross the Rio Grande" it's you & your ilk. Government Abbot is on the warpath in making sure those folks dint set foot on Texas soil..

* Hello, Lady Liberty " invites" folks to come to the US. Is entering the US legally a must, absolutely, but if families are running away from violence, oppression - where are those folks supposed to go, a US Embassy? They can't wait if they need help NOW. Which is why they cross & " request Asylum." How is that a bad thing, huh? If their request for Asylum does not pan out: They sent back. They told up front that there is a chance they could be sent back, no ifs or buts.
* What galls me is that these hypocrites that put up barbed wire to keep these folks out are in church on a regular basis- claiming they born again & believe in Jesus etc.

* That's a bunch of BS. If they were Christian,  they would act as such, those brown skinned folks crossing into the US are ALSO God's children, something these church attending hypocrites seem to forget. It's one of the reasons l think Evangelicals are the worst. Carrying a Bible in one hand and hatred for their fellow man on the other.
* folks to come to the US. Is entering the US legally a must, absolutely,

Legally is going thru the check points and being thoroughly vetted, to determine if you're a good person or not some career criminal. So we  when that process is done and you've been accepted then we'll let you know. That's what Trump's remain in Mexico policy was about. That's now gone, Biden opened the border and now these people are coming in sneaking across the border (not at check points) claiming "asylum" and Biden says, OK come on in. You can stay while we do the processing. Then they finally get a hearing 7 years later. In the mean time they beat up cops, steal from stores, and rape and kill Americans. Ask Laken Riley's parents how that policy is working out.

Easy question for ya. A group of adult men, complete strangers, come banging on your front door one day. They give you a sob story about how bad things are where they come from. They say they have no place to go and ask can we stay in your house for "a while." You know absolutely nothing about them. You gonna let them come in and stay and be around your family while you go to work all day?
* ... and for the most part- they are surrendering to authorities. The bi partition  Immigration bill would  have addressed those concerns on processing and vetting people- but No, the Republican Congress told the nation that they all for " open borders and drugs flowing" into the US. What they think will solve the problem is getting the Orange Unit back into power. He is not a  leader, he pretends to be, after all, what kind of a person goes on his platform at all hours of the night to vent and rant.
* He carries on like a person who was just released from a 5 year prison sentence, paranoid, venting at people he does not like- he needs to repent, and you fools need to stop writing checks. You do know that every dollar coming into the RNC- is going toward your ghoulish leader legal fees and no one else. That's worship for you, cult worship.
* Your example is IDIOTIC. Asylum seekers the world over do " almost" the exact thing that the folks South of the Border do. Poland is loaded with Ukrainians running away from the war, Germany took in countless of people. You and your ilk are into this " America First" nonsense preached by your disgraced leader. He entered the race way back when with building a wall- that was a racist move and you idiots bought into it.
* Why is there no wall up North, because they blonde, some French and they speak english?  This disgraced F wanted to get the US out of Nato, abandon our Allies, because he thought it was a Brilliant move? His other brilliant move was the Tariff wars with China and we got decimated, its no wonder his casino's bellied up.
* Answer this: Who in their right mind is going to Salute a rapist?

* Now l read that he is going to have access to Classified Material as he nears being the Nominee for the Republican party- Why the F would he get that access, after all we all know he does not treat such material with the seriousness that it deserves- that move right there will show that he is unworthy to occupy the Oval Office ever again.

* He cannot be controlled cause his a petulant Man child.  He looked at the WH as his toy, and the voters took his toys away, what a incompetent  F . l keep coming back to the point that he said he did not need Nikki's voters, his base has not grown, in fact it has shrunk and  he cannot win the general with his base alone- the independents want nothing to do with the fool, which is why he gets 50% of the folks who vote, the other half want nothing to do with him, they don't want to be tainted by being associated with the Orangutan.
So I guess that's a NO? You're not inviting them in... Why not. You just want to send them every where else and let someone else deal with it. Btw. Your example is MORONIC. Going to another country to escape a war is entirely different from just letting millions into your own country illegally.
*  the Republican Congress told the nation that they all for " open borders and drugs flowing" into the US.
That's Bull spit and you know it. Biden reversed Trumps immigration policy with EO's and opened the border as soon as he got in. Now he wants to tie closing the border together with funding for Ukraine. The R's don't want to fund Ukraine anymore so now he's blaming them for the border problem. He could have them as separate bills but he doesn't want to for political reasons, (ie make the R's look bad), instead of just closing the border which is the #1 issue for most of the people. How many more Laken Riley's does there have be before he does something?

So if building a wall is racist then that makes Obama, both Clinton's, Biden, and Schumer racist too. They were all for fences and walls until Trump said he would do it then they flipped. That just shows what full of sheet liars they are. Here's your proof. Listen to it in their own words.
* Let's take your issues one at a time shall we..

* We not inviting them in, thry seeking asylum which is anyone's right- getting accepted into the country is up to the govt.

* No different- the Ukrainians are escaping a war, the folks coming here are " escaping poverty & violence in their country." Stop pretending as though if lived with their situations that you yourself would not want out of there- stop being foolish.

* Some members of the Republican party want to stop aiding Ukraine,  why- because your disgraced leader says so. He wants Putin to win that war, they buddies remember? Trump wets his pants when in the presence of Vlad. After all, he took putin word over US intelligence.

* You being both naive & stupid at the same time, a rare feat for someone who thinks he can debate. You had the Republicans wearing those lapels as a badge of honor, hello, who knows how long that killer was in the US, he could have come in under the Trump administration & don't suggest for a minute that " No migrants crossed " into the US under 45's watch. Silly argument- by the way, what's with the weird behavior from the Maga cult members, what you mean, thanks for

* Your ilk made that woman who was shot at the Capitol into a martyr- that silly woman flew cross country from San Diego to DC only to break into the Capitol,  then your ilk called that murder. You guys then started calling the folks arrested for breaking into the Capitol " hostages."

* Your disgraced leader did not simply want a wall built- the F-r called those people crossing into the country " gang members, mental cases, they here to rape your daughters" as though American born males don't rape, are not mentally challenged like 45. Lately he is calling them vermin.

*Thing is Trump is an empty suit. His wall was incomplete & expected Joe to finish the job he started. He didn't get the infrastructure bill passed in 4 years, he spent more time in Twitter than doing his job. His Tarrif war screwed the country over, he didn't drill, Joe did, Joe got the infrastructure bill past- so, who really is looking out for Americans?

* Trump has nothing to ran on: He says the country is in a disaster, really- more jobs under Joe than him. He left the country in a mess, he couldn't get the economy back & threw up his hands, now he claims the stock market is up because it anticipates his return to the Oval Office, oh my.  It's like l say- 45 is all about himself, no one else & you guys are to dumb to see it. America doesn't need him, never did- it's comatose voters that hated Hillary enough to take a chance on this grifter. Come November- women across this land will send him into permanent retirement.
* If you post some ridiculous crap- l am not responding,  it's after midnight on the West coast & l look forward to 8 hours sleep. I am not a vampire like 45, who never sleeps.
So see ya.
Nothing to say about what your phony leaders said in the videos about building walls...  Huh. That figures. You lefties always go quiet when you're confronted with proof of your cult masters or the fake news lying to you AGAIN.
So you changed the subject same as always, so predictable from your type.
You are sooo brainwashed with their propaganda. How can you be so freaking stupid.
* We not inviting them in
Why do you keep telling lies? 
Biden told them to come. Here's your proof. Again.
* There's a reason l post " a lot of stuff", it's because l want you and your ilk to THINK.  I want your so called brain to get engaged because I am not a one trick pony.

* That noise you have ringing in your ear " l won, it was rigged" needs to be exorcized  from your brain so that new information can take root. In a word: you brainwashed.

* You Maga folks are going around telling folks to vote a rapist & thief back into office? What F g planet do you think this is? It's you guys that are attempting to make America a 3rd world country. Which woman with a brain is going to shake the hand of a rapist & one who calls a woman who challenges him for a position " bird brain. " Wake the F up!"
I dont care if biden was 100 because I'd never vote for trump.
You're the one  that doesn't think. You just repeat whatever cnn tells you.

Do you want me to repost the videos again of dems saying all the way back 20 years ago the machines can be hacked?
* Boy do l wish that the medical community could make it possible to have brains transplanted,  cause G, l would sign you,  jar jar & others to get on the waiting list. I know it would be quite a list- but l would " pull strings" to fast track you guys to experience a untainted brain for the 1st time in years.

*Imagine walking around with a new, healthy brain- free from inbedded Maga BS? Take your post about 20 year old machine hacking post. Wake the F up, it's 20 years ago, during that time has the thought ever occurred to you guys that Technology has " advanced " to the point where things can be hack proof? Listen Rip Van Winkle, technology does not stand still, it's the reason l say you in dire need of a new brain.

* You should have kept your post to yourself,  cause you looking like an idiot, but it's a good thing that I am here to help.
Trump has every right to say the 2020 election was rigged. If the dems can claim it why can't he?  Here's your proof. AGAIN!!

Here's video of dems crying about rigged elections all the way back to 2000.

Here's a video from 2018 with dems saying they were SHOWN by cyber security experts how easily voting machines can be hacked.

Now this has to be the dumbest thing thing you've said in a while, and there's been a lot. * it's 20 years ago, during that time has the thought ever occurred to you guys that Technology has " advanced " to the point where things can be hack proof?
Well there is this...
And this too.

As for brain transplants doing one on you would be easy. All they would have to do is find a barnyard with some horses. The hard part will be pulling your head out of your rear end. That's gonna require a first class proctologist.
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