Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


Illegal Border Crossers In New York Set To Receive $10,000 in Debit Cards

57, 000 Chinese Nationals have crossed our Southern Border since 2023. We are being invaded and that is High Treason . Please libtards continue to support pedo Pete and get a glock.
* The Republicans along with Dems drafted one of the toughest immigrant bills in decades & the Republicans on the hill said " Nah!"  They would rather have a con man at the helm guiding the country when it comes to immigration. Joe went so far as to say he would order the border closed if it reaches X amount of folks illegally crossing- once again, hard right Republicans said " not interested."

* Psst: Maga should shut their mouths when it comes to border security, they all talk & no substance.
Immigration bills in Congress is an Presidential election year thing.
You stinking weasel, you know that bill was filled with useless pork, you are the biggest liar I ever seen.
And you know Trump fought tooth and nail to keep that border closed, but he was called a racist, the go to excuse especially from cry babies like you. The Democrats shut it down.
If Trump supporters are all racists, does that mean all Biden supporters touch children?
Needs to be an investigation on who is behind and allowing this border crossing crisis.
Catch who is involved in this and make GITMO a permanent address for them.
It is bad when laws are used against our nation instead of for our nation.
I agree Jap, These men are coming here with american money,?????
You don't just stroll out of China, and you don't take a raft to Mexico, sumptin fishy.
* Troutmouth- l can have a discussion or debate with the best of them out there, however you don�t come anywhere close. Let�s talk about pork, shall we..

* Your disgraced leader gave massive tax away to the rich who only got richer to tune of billions of dollars that he inherited from the Obama economy & felt he had better reward his cronies. When our economy bottomed out under his administration- he had no plan.

* He ran on building a wall to keep � brown people out� and underestimated the amount of people that would come to our borders. Those pics some Republican posted about migrant caravans with the headline � Biden did this� were pics in 2018� guess who was POTUS at that time? As for this so called pork you talk about, you had one of the most conservative member on the hill put this together- suddenly the guy is a rino when it comes to border security? Give me a freaking break.

*Did you personal read the bill forwarded that you somehow despise? Well Johnson condemned it before even reading it & that tells one everything they need to know about the Maga wing of the party. Your Maga party is a minority in this country, stop thinking that it�s not. Just look at the pushback of the so called � Red Wave� that failed to materialize in the midterms, that little girl was a warning shot to your hard ass folks on the hill that it was unacceptable. How many wins has the Republican Party since 45 came into office.. Zero! That should be a wake up call to you brainwashed supporters.
* Your constant claim on touching children is hot air as far as millions are concerned. Where is the proof that Joe is a pedo? Let�s pivot to Dennis � the menace� Hastert, your boy who stood in front of a judge on sexual assault, and here was a guy 2nd in line to the presidency. Then we have the Orange unit who was convicted of sexual assault on Carroll.
* Get an education FFS. You come off looking ignorant, and that�s putting it mildly.
@noise...I'm beginning to wonder who here is the dumbest floor mat, jaracrap, or sullyiness.

They both talk out of their uneducated nasty asses. tRump specifically told the pubs not to sign the bill until he gets into office dumbass! And btw, it was a non partisan bill genius.

And all the pedos come from the church and right wing politicians. Even you r orange menace has been seen with epstein. Next time sullyness wants to sound intelligent, she can blow it out of her ass. What  a certified MORON YOU ARE.

Your so worried about money sent to Ukraine, maybe grow a few brainchild before you make a total ass of yourself. 1.9 trillion in tax cuts for the rich, billions sent to Irael every fuc*king year you dimwitted.

Stick to the lottery, and you probably suck at that too. Your orange sh*tbag won't be in office and sitting in prison loser!
You're full of it, you mindless gnat, you are just repeating someone else's propaganda , you're too stupid to see you are nothing more than a useless idiot, If someone doesn't like you, it' not because your brown, it's because you're an insufferable azz.
Joker, you're just a hateful human, omg Trump took a picture with someone, you're just as stupid as weasel. Useless delivery boy, crying cause someone else is rich.
* Know something,  when you fund yourself in a hole, you should stop digging. I have no problem saying l was wrong, especially when the errors of my ways are plainly seen...but

* The Maga morons are just that. Everything in their world never goes wrong. Your leader along with you weaklings refuse to accept reality, explain you say...

* Take the 2020 election: You guys say he won, humanity says no. When you guys lose, it's rigged. Everything is a conspiracy in your world. It's always propaganda when faced with facts. When 45 gets charged & a jury of his peers says he is guilty, suddenly its " rigged." No one who gets 45's endorsements ever loses,if they do- they cheated. What a f up world you guys live in, and it's no wonder sane people want nothing to do with it.

* The most insane A ho*** are religious folk who say he is appointed from above, really. How then was it possible for your demigod to lose an election at any cost? Since when are " they" who rigged the election more powerful than the powers that be? Your stupidity along with your ilk is astonishing.
* P3, they all the same. One would think that after 3 years they would see the light. I know of families that have disowned their children that are incorrigible,into drugs, violence & other shots, but Trump has these fools on a leash. They just can't get enough of humiliation. Please, a few more lashes on the back, target the left side of the body this time. sound more intelligent when your mouth is shut. Keep it that way. Go cry your cult crap to someone who gives a flying fu*k.
I know noise, it's like millions of "humans" have whatever little brain cells left, gone to sh*t.

I just saw a short showing 2 grown adults say Trump is actually the current president, and Biden isn't real, but died a few years back, and someone is wearing a head mask posing as Biden.

How can I possibly take Sully or any other maga retards on this site seriously?
My accupuncture doctor is from China.  She does a great job. 
Sully you are still great at picking numbers.
Well Joker, you sound like a jealous hateful idiot, I can see you two dimwits are rattled, hahahahahaha.
You deliver sandwiches and cry about rich people, I'm retired and sitting pretty, sooo who's the dummy? That would be you. Ja das sandwich ist zu lecker, der salat ist zu lecker, LOL
Thank you Ben, been working on a vtrac project. Lots of tracking to do .
Well Joker, I don't know anyone who thinks Biden isn't real, once again the Democraps are putting on a skit and you fall for it.
* A study by both Republicans & Dems with a sprinkling of independents have placed Trump  last on a lost of the " Worst President's of the US." Trump even beat out Buchanan.

* The clown said that he wants back in to " Make America great again. " Hello, the US right now has the most robust economy. We are producing more oil with the drilling going on RIGHT now than Saudi Arabia. Low unemployment etcetera.

* So, pray tell what the F is 45 talking about by saying MAGA?Does he want to be a Deportation President, cause everything else is chugging along just present. Mr " only l can fix" it has claimed that the rise in the stock market is because, the market is " anticipating his return to the WH." Have you ever come across a more narcissistic F than this guy.
Well, ya weasel, you, narcissistic F.
It's not a skit, this guy goes to all the rallies and gets stupid answers from maga. He's been doing this for a couple of years.
Make America Accountable Again.

Leticia James just said she's ready to take his buildings if he doesn't cough up the money....a strong black woman with balls of steel.
LMAO, you weak attempt to inflame. She's a puppet for Soros and has many handlers and helpers.
You are 100% correct sully. All they do is repeat fake news propaganda ad nauseum and ignore actual statistics showing how wrong they are. smh
Their TDS is extra strong today. lol
They are here to inflame, they just can't air their beef about Trump, but they have to insult his voters.
So what there really doing is telling us how much they hate us, and hope we retaliate so they can spew the same old crap. Yeah, they hate us because they hate themselves.
Maga freakazoid traitors.  So much winning ahahhahahahahhhHahhahah
* I keep hearing this line " Fake news." If the news l personally can quote from, tell me where l can " Find True News. " Cause ALL the networks follow Trump,all call it as they see it. When he gets charged,they report it. When he says you have to grab women by their.. the news reports it. When he is found guilty by a jury for defaming Carroll, the news reports it.

* When the Toddler in Chief is caught on tape attempting to arm twist the Sec of State for Georgia- the news reports it, so what the F is this " fake news" you guys keep talking about?

* If News broke about someone seeing 45 with a sniper rifle shooting at cars speeding on a freeway 200 yards below his vantage point, that to me would be fake news, or someone saying they saw 45 dancing in the nude with a 21 year old transvestite,  fake big time. Do you minions consider " Gatewaypundit " a reliable source of truth news, after all- the CEO of this outfit encouraged 45 to hang onto classified documents- so fess up, where can l go to read truth news morons, apart from NBC, Cbc, CNN, politico,ABC etc..well F-r's.
* Yo Sully, all this could have been avoided if your Supreme leader had walked away from the political scene for good, but no, he figured he had to stick around & continue the chaos.

* Trump tapped into the disgruntled millions that for the most part are uneducated & couldn't tell the difference between sushi & sashimi. Your toddler has always been under the impression that the country cannot function without him, which is why he keeps ramming the term " take our country back" BS statement down the throats of his supporters.

* To hear 45 talk, America was a basket case until he showed up. Where the F was he ehen Covid really got going? He went golfing because he had no answers, the F started talking about injecting disinfectant into the, what a brilliant F..g idea. Why didn't scientists think about that one?

* Putin's buddy needs to go away for good & be a page in history. To think 45 wanted his head on Mt Rushmore, up there for all to see.
Imagine a 8 year old asking their parents" Whose the man with the comb-over at the end?" OH, thats a history lesson for all Americans, that was a narcissistic President who was impeached twice for attempting to overturn Democracy." His buried at one of his golf courses.
You call us morons and f'er's and then you want us to do you the favor of telling you where to find the sites that give the true news? Fat chance Jack.
Do like we did. Find them yourself.
How do you prove you're an illegal so you can get one of them free money cards?
I see 2 of the NAMBLA Anathema's are back at posting their morally superior jargon....tick tock..The houseplant is wilting and soon will be replaced.
* No, l am not asking for a favor, l am asking for Facts. If you challenging information l am posting that l can back it up, why should WE tolerate this constant talk of " fake news."

*Either you prove me a liar by posting your source material, or put another way: as James Gandolfini once said in a movie " you don't put on a condom unless you gonna F" or something to that affect.
Nice try.  Prove you're a liar? You prove that you're not. Go ahead and back up your so called facts. We'll wait.
If you want the info then don't be so lazy, go look for it. It's not that difficult. Smart guy like you should be able to find it.
Just like they claim that Trump's lawyers didn't check a "box" to receive a jury trial.....false, lie, fake news, made up, ignorant leftists should go to NYC and get 10K and STFU because that is why they are so angry, some people getting some free cash and it isn't them.

I know joker the angry Iranian needs cash for a new goat (boyfriend) cause his one last ran away, he is planning a trip to NYC right now.
Jaracrap, grow a brain cell for a change, maybe a 15 day cleanse, it'll empty you out. What about a brain enema, yeah, that should do it. Oh wait, he doesn't have one...just stick with the enema, cause that's where your 3 brain cells are, up your ass.
we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun
See how they fly
I'm crying
Sitting on a corn flake
Waiting for the van to come
Corporation T-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday
Man you've been a naughty boy
You let your face grow long
I am the egg man
They are the egg men
I am the walrus
Goo goo g'joob
Mister City policeman sitting
Pretty little policemen in a row
See how they fly like Lucy in the sky, see how they run
I'm crying, I'm crying
I'm crying, I'm crying
Yellow matter custard
Dripping from a dead dog's eye
Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess
Boy, you've been a naughty girl, you let your knickers down
Joker picker, maybe this will cheer you up.
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