Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Monday, January 15, 2024


Trump Wins Iowa Caucus

Well duh,
Trump 51% to RDS 21%.
Big deal...Iowans have always ridden the short bus.
* To show the sheer incompetence of voters including those on the hill, they willing to put a person who IS GOING to be convicted in the WH. What sort of insanity is that?

* I sure would love to know where they bottle this brand of Kool aid? The last person to pull this off was Jim Jones who convinced his faithful supporters to follow him out of the US to the jungle of Guyana.
What's the matter lefties, all your BS floating downstream at a rapid pace? No oars this time!
* So brain dead one: You all in for America being run by someone indicted & charged, cause one way or another, he will be found guilty. You already know that he a rapist, right? You comfortable with that?
* As the saying goes Trump sure knows how to pick them.
* What l am saying is that if Biden had Trump's resume and was running for President- the Republicans would be climbing on walls attacking the Dems for being hypocrites in fielding such a character. Yet you guys see no problem in wanting this grifter in charge of the nation- Representing this country on the world stage.

* Wanting a person charged as a rapist in the Oval Office.  This has nothing to do with " election interference " it's about the moral stance of the nation. There's a reason we as a nation will forever have no right telling other countries to have " free and fair elections" when we install a con man to the highest position in this country.

* Crickets*
*sparkle-farts* throat vah j j lover, you are an idiot, write crap, and are a laughing stock TDS victim. No one takes anything you write as meaningful or worth responding to in kind, so go and post on your own blog dipsh1t.
* You right- no one takes anything you write as meaningful or worth responding to.....but you did!

* So what does that make you? A gullible F, the kind of people 45 is counting on to send him to the WH. In your pathetic world,  crime does pay, just as long as your gut is doing it. Stealing classified docs, only my guy.

* Raping women, only my guy. Selling secrets to enemies,  only my guy. Being indicted, only my guy. Jar jar- you serve a purpose: to be a fooled.

*Then again, if this world were only filled with intelligent people, you wouldn't have been brought into this world.. ponder that thought.
* If Trump is defeated in the general election- will you guys return to your home planet, cause clearly,  you'll are not from around here.
*Then again, if this world were only filled with intelligent people, you wouldn't have been brought into this world.. ponder that thought.

So how did you get here?
Will the dem libs watch this video till the end?
I see the word is out Jr is going to run in 28.
*G, You sold your soul to a con man. Thing is you refuse to accept it & now you ask " How did l get here?"

* My question to you is how can live with yourself after being in league with someone who displays Satanlike behavior: Stealing, lying, threatening etc etc.
* Trump Jnr as President is like saying Stormy Daniel's will be Secretary of State in 45's administration.
* The Maga party is one sick puppy 🐶.  They all for lies & being led by a grifter. Trump's last victory was 2016, he lost every term since, in 18 he lost, in 20 he lost, his picks lost in the midterms & he is heading for another defeat at the hands of the voters.....and then he will claim " it was rigged, so send me money."
Watch the video.

It's all dems and  I.T. guys in 2018 explaining and showing how voting machines can be hacked. So don't complain when Trump says 2020 was rigged. The dems proved it could be done 2 years before Trump said it.
Only in America can a man be despicable and have half wits vote for him.
* Just quit your bedwetting G. It's embarrassing to say the least. Everything you put up, EVERYTHING has been through the mill hundreds times by every person looking for a reason to accept reality. Funny how 45 did not challenge the results on the States he won, it's only the ones he lost, why? Cause him & his supporters felt that he was voterproof when it came to the election of 2020.

*Well as Eminem sang " back to reality " from Lose Yourself, everyone knows in politics that it's not over until the fat lady sings. Your failed leader expected the voters to put their trust in Trump & lead them down a path they were not prepared to go.

*Your guy ran on 5 things: The wall, infrastructure, drilling, tariffs, replacing Obamacare. His partial wall created a mess that he never expected to bring to the  fore: As high as it is, folks are using ladders to scale that sucker & then he blames Joe. His Tarrif war with Canada & China is a mess. He could get his infrastructure thingie off the ground, Joe accomplished that, Obamacare was & is dead on arrival in any Congress & there is " more drilling taking place now" than under 45.

* Which leaves what exactly: l will tell you ince you asked! Deportations of the folks crossing into the US & putting crews back on the payroll to add some razor sharp gear above his wall. Finally he gets to run Biden's economy into the ground because he has nothing better to do.

* Every single time he goes before the 📷 cameras, it's to moan about " lost election,
vengeance & other sh**" and he expects the
country to forget about his indictments & ongoing sins.

*The Lord is not pleased with 45's treatment
of his children & he will act decisively when the time comes. I threw that on cause the Maga has Evangelicals throwing their support behind 45- well Jesus us not pleased, unless they think brown skinned folk are not God's children. Beware!
Well now we have 10 million illegals in the US since biden opened up the border and the people are getting pissed including mayors of dem cities. That will be one more dem created mess that Trump has to clean up.
Now go watch the video!!!
* Sure Biden has his hands full BUT the folks coming in are seeking � Asylum � & they are entitled to a hearing & if their case is bogus, they get deported. I agree Joe needs to do more, but America cannot become a � walled Country� for goodness sake. Why didn�t Trump remove lady liberty if he thought people coming in would be detrimental to society. You telling me that everyone working at 45�s properties are citizens of the US?

* We were told by your guy that folks coming in from South of the B were bad people, every single one of them, downright awful. They awful because Trump said so. The election was stolen because Trump said so. When are you going to stop listening to that maniac & think 4 yourself? I guess that�s too much to ask.

* Trump said the other day � No one wanted to touch RoeVWade & l got it done in no time flat. That was red meat for these Evangelicals- hello, since when does the Creator need help from politicians? If they thought they were pleasing him, how about cutting off food stamps & medical help for certain people? See the hypocrisy?
* I will not watch any video coming from you, why not you ask- cause you told me to go watch 200 mules & it sucked. What you guys need to do is repent from your ignorance in following a con man who folks think is religious, yet the guy can�t find the book of Genesis.
* You do know that your leader when asked his favorite passage of scripture said he didn�t want to but when pressed said � Two Corinthians� what an 🙄 eye rolling moment.
* What he ought to do is leave all spiritual advisors out of his life totally- they don�t help & didn�t the last time Paula called on Angels for help. Remember that moment? Trump was in a fetal position while Paula called out for help to � save the Orange One� & help did not come.
* The night before Christ�s death, an Angel appeared & comforted him for the agony that lie ahead- Paula White  actually thought an Angel would appear & comfort the Con, please. I know some religious leader take certain persons out of scripture & apply it to Trump, that�s blasphemy right there.
* One of your idiots said Trump is � like King David.� Next they going to say his like � Daniel in the lions den.� Then applying lions to lefties or the so called fake news. Yikes.
Lord have mercy, these demigods sure have their panties in a twist, don't they?
Their babbling only solidifies that if brains were fuel, they wouldn't have enough fuel to run around their leaders Limo.
There is a reason he won't watch the video and why he said 200 Mules sucked. He's like the judges in Trump's cases, they refuse to look at the evidence. Also it's because he refuses to believe the Commie/Cult News Network (CNN) that he relies on for his info has been lying to him from the beginning. Like Brian Williams and Mika B. both said, "Our job isn't to report the news, our job is to tell people what to think".  And they are very good at conning people.
Example: They tell him the illegals are seeking asylum, they're not. The cartels all tell them, if you say that they will let you in, and they even admit it!! If they really wanted to be US citizens they would do it the right way, instead of paying the cartels 5 or $10,000 to smuggle them in. Ask the ones that did it legally what they think. This pisses them off big time. Not only that, but does anybody really believe these people walked all the way here from Central America with nothing but a small backpack? You can't be that dumb can you? They are being brought here on purpose!!
You've heard the saying, It is easier to fool someone, than to convince them they have been fooled. This here is a perfect example. When are they ever going to wake up?
Well said grwurston! They would rather believe their dictator because of their Hatred for Trump.
(pathetic). Easy solution would be for them, is to live in a third World Country and spread their Hatred there and see how quick they would meet their demise. No sense in even trying to convince them, or to carry a civil conversation with them. Hatred is how they thrive!
* When Jesus walked this earth & healed people from all kinds of sicknesses & spoke truth- people were drawn to him.

* When Trump ran for President,  suckers were drawn to him & despite all the lies, bravado, theft of weak minded followers souls- they are still drawn to him. The difference is one is a True Messiah, the other a phoney Messiah who will face the wrath

* This will not end well despite what the Maga folks think or do. You heard it here first!
More and more people every day are seeing how things were under Trump and how they are under Biden and are saying Biden's got to go. We were better off under Trump. They also know that what they are doing to Trump is all politically motivated nothing else. So are you going leave the country when Trump gets re-elected like so many other dems and celebrity types say they will?
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