Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Sunday, December 10, 2023


Sheila Jackson Lee Loses Houston's Mayor's Race

WHATT, NOOOO, say it aint so.
* No biggie. Imagine the supposedly own claim of being the  " Greatest President " thos nation has ever seen, losing to someone he calls " Senile." Now that's  a..

" What, Nooo, say it ain't so moment!
Was it her sparkling personality and sweet demeanor or karma?
TDS *sparkle-farts* strikes again!!!!!!!!!!!!
* There you go again, probably still blaming me for your blog being downsized, and you wonder why?

*Have you seen a pic of your leader lately- the guy's top button on his shirt is so tight that it's giving him a throat vagina- go check it out & report back jar jar.
No, there you are, as always "full on TDS *sparkle-farts*" nothing profane about *sparkle-farts* but your TDS throat vahjayjay fantasy note IS profane and is very telling of how perverse your twisted TDS psyche is. President Donald Trump is deeply embedded in your 45 braincells forever.
* You must have a very very short attention span.  How so you ask, well instead of fading into history, 45 decided that he needs to stick around because he can. No one asked him to, but if you turn on the TV, he is out there, somewhere. He commands attention whether we want him around or not- such is his narcissistic behavior. Every President has his time, Nixon came back from defeat after Kennedy but he had a mission.

* You talk about this "TDS" there would be none of that if he had decided to return to his business empire because he would have been forgotten, but no. So, according to you- the networks that constant cover your loser in chief also suffer TDS? There should be no " reporting" on the lower? His indicements, his trials in Georgia should not be aired? Huh? When he has his cult rallies, those should not be news?

* Know who has " TDS?" It's you Maga folks, how so you ask- well every court in the land has told your disgraced leader that he lost: But the fool, along with his supporters, you included can't help yourselves saying " he won!" That right there is " derangement. " A refusal to accept reality. So, you don't agree with the description of 45's throat? Did you agree with 45 that soldier's who are captured as in McCain case are not " heroes " you agree that wounded soldier's should not be displayed at memorials- cause your lower Potus made a big deal of a wounded soldier showing up at an event, your Toddler told one of staff that he didn't want to witness that ever again whilst he is President. What a stupid & silly man child you voted for.

* Trump calls wounded soldier's losers, yet here you are supporting that stupid F to lead the country once again? I picture you driving your car or bicycle jar jar  with a sticker that reads " Student driver, please be patient." That's so like you!
5 hours to come up with that retort? Nah, *sparkle farts*, your TDS  is terminal.
* Since l have your attention jar jar: Do you honestly believe the polls that show your loser regaining the WH? That the country wants him back, that they all for : a convicted rapist, stealerof classified documents, someone who has total disregard for the rule of law in this country, someone who does not respect the will of the people?

* You think the voters really want that guy back running the country? Now the fool is claiming " election interference" from the DOJ & other entities? Yet he was guilty of that same thing by " not accepting the results" in 2020 and now thinks the justice dept should let him do whatever he wants & stay the H out of his way because " his running again?"

* You do know that in his run up to his 2nd term- he had " No Agenda " his party was willing to let him do whatever he wanted, no questions asked? At his rallies he tells the faithful " a President can do whatever he wants" and not suffer consequences? Where on earth did he get that idea? But l bet his supporters believe that claim because if" Trump said it, it must be true."

*It's that same old BS claim " we only lose if they cheat." The fool probably would blame others for his businesses bellying up- after all, he did nothing wrong even if his casino  went under.
* I don't live on LP, apparently you do. I do have other interests in my life that hold my attention. By the way- why are responding to my posts, you know you" Can't win" in a discussion with me because you start off in a losing position. Why you ask? Cause you not able to think clear enough & you repeat yourself way to much.

* Take your repetitive slogan of " Trump won." It's going on 3 years and you still stuck in the past. You really need to take up a serious hobby, like dogwalking, just advertise your services in the neighborhood & be serious about it. Put up a sign outside your door, it may help!
Lee lost to Democratic state Sen. John Whitmire a perennial tough-on-crime voice with the backing of fire department and police unions. Do any of these MAGA Kool-Aid drinking cult members ever do any research or is doing it way beyond their abilities?
SJL is a pedo, she wears insignia that let's the other pedo's know she likes very young boys, my question ? why do you libtards always fight for Pedos?
* It's always about Sex with you folks isn't it? If it's not trying to control a women's choices or her body, it's telling people how to live. You have no scruples getting a convicted rapist back into the WH again, but you concerned about SJL. Where's your defense for Dennis Hastert Troutmouth- after all, he was your party favorite & 2nd in line to the Presidency.

* People in glass houses...
Fight for pedos Sully? How about the Catholic Church hiding priests so they don't face criminal charges? Go eff yourself with your projecting all the time. How about the southern Baptist church admitting to thousands of cases you effing buffoon ? Talk about your unhinged hypocrisy you dumb s**t dolt?
Here you go Sully, grow a braincell for once in your life, and stop being an uninformed loser.
That's not fair 3838, we all know Sully's full time job is posting on LP and that doesn't leave much time for anything else, except maybe taking a quick glance at a uneducated MAGA Kool-Aid drinker's conspiracy site. Bet She doesn't even MAGA Republican George Santos (or whomever he is) was booted from the House.

Saw where Lee filed to run for re-election to Congress.
* l don't think Sully is Christian,  heard she may be Rosicrucian- personally l could care less.
and *sparkle-farts*  lusts for President Trump's throat, you exposed your perverse sick fantasy.

Dec 10, 2023, 3:26 pm
* There you go again, probably still blaming me for your blog being downsized, and you wonder why?

*Have you seen a pic of your leader lately- the guy's top button on his shirt is so tight that it's giving him a throat vagina-"

*sparkle-farts*, nosepicker, and stackles,  three misogynists gather in a circle..........
"The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either -- but right through every human heart -- and through all human hearts. ... And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained."
~ Alexander Solzhenitsyn
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