Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Will Donald Trump Be Nominated As The Next Speaker Of The House?

Welp, that will send our resident Peter Pansies into apoplectic fits, there will be screaming, foot stomping , crying , and Benny will chime in with Lock him up.
Ahhhhhh, hehehehehehehehe.
I will wager that Democrats vote for him just to try and corner the MAGA movement.
Apparently somebody didn't get their FOX News memo: right after McCarthy was ousted on Tuesday, Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas said he will nominate Trump.

That MAGA movement sure is breaking lots of records; who had "MAGA President impeached twice" and "MAGA Speaker of the House" ousted by his own party on their MAGA BINGO cards?
Who cares at this point? Just lock him up, he can be the speaker while in prison, next to bubba.
* Total waste of time. The big fella doesn�t

know how to follow rules of any kind. He

would be as he loves to say a � complete

disaster.� He took the advice from cronies

Whilst President and look what that got

him? He is not suited for issuing orders in

any capacity within the Govt, why? Cause

it gets him in trouble. Gee- he would forget

to � Check the box � and blame others as

He usually does. He needs an enema.
* Let me add: When he did weird stuff as

President- the excuse from his party was �

� The guy doesn�t know how the federal

government works.� He ignores advice and

even his attorneys can�t keep a leash on

him. He needs to suspend his political

ambitions & try & save what�s left of his

business empire.
rotflmao, look at the Pansies go. hehehehehehehehe
Lock his supporters up too.
They are locking up MAGA supporters now. WTFH
* Know what�s downright pathetic- is

telling oneself that Trump did nothing

wrong as President. Personally, l could care

less about his business empire, because it

does not affect me, but being the POTUS- it

sure does.

If that�s the thinking, that 45 was set up for

failure or that he is as pure as the driven

snow- let�s go down the political line and

say : Nixon, Clinton & other politicians

should have been cut some slack. In

neither of the two above Presidents did a

single person lose their lives. That cannot

be said of Trump- Remember the cops that

died at the Capitol? Saying he had nothing

to do with that is BS. Had he not invited his

rabid supporters to Washington- no deaths

would have occurred that day from those

stormtroopers.  Then you wonder why

many of his sentences supporters blame

him for their incarcerations.

I know jap, but ALL his supporters, who not only committed crimes, but all of them voted for the orange criminal, ITS CALLED AIDING and abetting.
Nixon and Reagen are rolling over in their graves with this new republican party.  No shame just lie,whine,break every law that they can. Then throw in some intimidation and you have the new trumpie idiots.
It's hilarious to watch him throw his fits everyday.
Like me watching you yahoos throwing your fits.
Sully! What's happening!
Just call me ben.
* Ben- when Trump lost to Biden, every single one of these Maga folks in HERE, were in mourning. They could not explain it and came up with all kinds of excuses about Trump's previous rally sizes compared to Joe's & just about anything and everything. Size means a helluva lot to these fools- but guess what, Trump's present rally sizes are much smaller and none of these folks will talk about it- why not?

* The other thing is : None of them would talk about 45's handling of the Covid-19 crisis either and how he hid vital information from American citizens, knowing it was deadly, because according to him" he did not want to cause panic ." So picture this scenario- you go see your Doctor, he finds out you have terminal cancer, but he withholds that  information from you...why? Cause he does not want you to " PANIC." and that was his handling of the pandemic.... then he wonders why he lost the election.

*Quick question: Would you stick with that same doctor after finding out what he did, by not coming clean with information about your health? You would be " Insane" to trust that doctor from that point on, well SANE Americans arrived at that same conclusion by pulling the trigger on the fool. Only mentally unbalanced folks still stick to the loser.
Nice chaotic topic ya got here Truessee............ This will cause more sting than Nancy getting kicked out of her lil cubby hole
* Its always a losing battle in attempting to penetrate the cranium of  Kool-Aid brain dead supporters of Donald Gordo Trump. I know its a bridge to far, but l venture on. After all, lives are at stake.
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