Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Sunday, October 22, 2023


Trump's Big Lie Two Poses More Of A Danger Than His Big Lie One


Political hacks and apparatchicks of the leftist scum that should be put in front of firing squads yesterday, because they are guilty as hell of political persecution.
Yes sir!!!
lakerben thanks for agreeing with me, looks like you might be finally waking up.
* The Presidency is not " applying for a job" kinda thing. He WAS President & he F up. Trying to say he didn't and he needs to get back in there is not going to cut it. There is a reason there are mulpile charges against him, it's because he thinks rules do not apply to him.

* l asked this question before & have not got an answer from the Maga folks. Wanna give it a try? Great!

* If the justice system is corrupt & that would include the FBI & other agencies- Why has the Supreme Court not " Stepped in to Stop" these agencies from going after Trump. Why have they NOT told Jack Smith & Fanni Willis to close down their operations & go after " bad guys"  instead, since Donald keeps saying " he did nothing wrong."

* Psst: The Scotus is made up of a majority of Conservatives who would have no problem seeing Trump's charges being thrown out & him being " treated fairly " so- why haven't they? Anyone wanna take a stab at that question? Anyone?
The SCOTUS rules on court cases. It does not have a role in governing.
* The question remains Jap.

* Okay, why hasn�t the � Appeal Courts� sided with Trump then?
Except for the time the SCOTUS had a role in rewriting Obamacare legislation. Still waiting to find out how that came about.
Trump is defending himself against a stacked deck.
Political bias does enter the scene in the courts.
* Why has NO court in the land agreed with Trump or reviewed his claims as being legitimate in some sense?

* Trump can claim that the election was rigged or stolen 24/7, and that�s covered under Free Speech- but when the rubber hits the road, as in the justice dept looking over his claims, he has no case.

* So why the hell hadn�t he shut his mouth? Because his counting on his mentally deficient supporters to buy into his crap, that�s it, right? Almost 3 years after the election he still claims he won, yet he lack concrete proof. He labors on because he is out of ammo, but saying the same thing over & over keeps his belief alive.
* What stacked deck? The guy was President of the United States, and he lost his re election bid. If you going to claim
� stacked deck� then every President who lost can claim the same thing.

* The voters decide who stays & who goes. If you saying the voters that deny him a 2nd term are the stacked deck, then you need a lobotomy.
Buy into his crap you say.
I have been around long enough  without Trump filling my head with crap.
We do know how to think on our own out here. Yaa knooow.
I  said the courts are a stacked deck.
Has it ever occurred to you every President nominates members mostly from their own party. They do that for a reason.
If you have followed what is going on in past years you would have seen how Obama & Holder stacked the courts and government agencies with party members.
That is what is called a stacked deck.
Can not prove a fraudulent election if the courts immediately throws the case out.
* Better check your crystal ball there Jap. Trump stacked the courts with judges that Mitch handed to him on a plate. Your fallen President appointed tons of judges & you implying that every judge that denied Trump�s phony allegations were Obama appointees. Get real- 45 had, has no case.

* The only talking heads that the Justice Dept is rigged are poor losers& cannot face reality. There were 127 Congress folks who signed off on not certifying Joe as President, based on what? Trump�s word, yet with case after case, he still lost. Re count after recount, same thing. So saying he was robbed is BS & you guys know it.

* The Maga folks hate facts. It�s no wonder your own party quit on Jordan, he was an election denier & even with 45�s backing he still lost. If Trump is smart enough, he ought to know by now that his picks for positions in Congress are worth nothing & that�s a reflection that the voters have the same feeling about him: his old news & no matter what they told him in 2020, he fails to see that it�s going to be a repeat. He will-lose and blame the system.
Recounting votes does not prove a fraudulent election.
McConnel is a Trump hater. So any court appointments had to pass through McConnel before they were sent to the committee.
* l like having discussions with folks who can accept criticism & still be clear headed about FACTS. The facts in this case is that you CANNOT have a redo of a Presidential election. It�s one & done. However Trump was given the opportunity to � prove that he either won or lost� & the only way that would be accomplished was � recounts of the votes � in the States he challenged the results. As for Mitch, you guys turned on him simply because he did not go along with 45s claims of victory. He voted to � NOT� have Trump removed from office, but you guys were counting on Mitch to not change his mind- please.

* Parading folks in proceedings who claim � l saw this or saw that � on election night carrries very little weight & amounts to hearsay. That�s where the recounts come in. If you saw this or that, let�s see if you correct. In Arizona they did just that, they hired an outfit that had people manually count the paper ballots & the results stayed the same.

* I said this before: 99% of Trump�s choices for the Senate in the midterms lost. That was a direct reflection of the voters- they don�t want his fingers in anything political. A year later he backed Jordan & we know how that turned out.

* What l am saying is: The results will be the same, strong Republicans in 2024 will retain their seats- BUT Trump will fall as he did in 2020, we see that unfolding before our eyes. In 2020, voters kept those Republicans on the ticket but bounced 45. The guy just refuses to accept reality as do you.
run chicky little run, omg Trump used imitation vanilla in his toll house cookies, oh the pain the pain.
Say it isn't so. I bet he didn't even cream the sugar, eggs and butter properly.
Every filthy lie comes out of his orange dirty stinking mouth. I bet his breath stinks too.
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