Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Thursday, October 19, 2023


Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty In Georgia 2020 Election Subversion Case Will Testify Against Co- Defend

Don't anyone dare to challenge an election outcome.
See what you get if you do.

The big steal is now the future of elections.
Right on Jap! 81,000,000 votes.
Didn't HRC tell Joe, "Do not concede under any circumstances". Just one more "rules for thee, not for me" situation that applies to dems only.
* You guys are shameless. When Powell came out of the blue & claimed that the voting machines used in the 2020 Presidential election- every single one of you guys ran with it as though Powell was given that information from an angel.

* When she went before the cameras and said she had solid evidence that was of � biblical proportions � you guys swallowed that hook line & sinker. That showed how gullible you guys are. Yet it has not stopped there. The Orange one spouts classic BS on a daily basis & you guys are right there drinking it up. As the saying goes: You reap what you sow, and Powell is  a classic example of a person stealing your souls by feeding you lies.

* Remember her saying she was going to release the � Kraken �  and here she is, pleading guilty. You in a cult but refuse to acknowledge it- Shameful.
posted by noise-gate : 3:22 PM
When the Democrats own the courts what other choice does she have?
Like the old saying if you cant do the time dont do the crime!  It's hilarious to see the whiners respond!  They are brainwashed to think Republicans are immune to prosecution!!!!
* You talking nonsense there Jap. The judges that are out there did � not get appointed � when Biden became President. They have for the most part been around for years & as Justice Roberts once said � There are no Democratic or Republican judges.� They all serve the need of the justice system. What you forgetting Jap is that � Juries � find folk guilty, not the judges. Trump was indicted from what the � Jury� heard- so your claim on owning the courts is�BS.

*  Trump�s own appointee�s have rebuffed his claims of election interference.   He put 3 judges on the high court & they told his lawyers that there was No there there. Quit blaming the Dems, it don�t work.
* Unless you attempting to tell us Jap that prosecutors are asking jury members before seating them whether they are  � Republican or Democrat.�� Really, cause that�s what you saying�.
Like the no jury kangaroo court in NY?

*sparkle-farts* your commitment to stupidity is impressive & lakerdummy is the epitome of being a dimwitted dolt.
*Jaracrap- whatever you stupid F. First off, you don�t understand the English language toady. I explained in easy to understand terms but because you a clueless D- Hearn you make excuses. It�s no wonder you a Maga supporter, a conspiratorial nut who thinks everyone is wrong, but they right.

* NY is exposing the guilt & sins of your leader. His own folks are naming him as the head of the snake, cooking the books &  thinking he is always right. The fool thinks Mar A Lago is worth a billion dollars or more & so do you. Next you gonna say Willis is an uneducated.

* Hey fool, Trump�s attorney had to be reminded by the Appeals court that he had no right to bring up a motion to them � because the idiot� does not have a license to practice in the State. How stupid does one have to be to not know that.
*sparkle-farts* your commitment to stupidity and obfuscation is always impressive.

So I was right, there is no jury for the NY kangaroo court, how is that going to be decided by a jury then?

Fuque off, stop the Zoloft and cab, it is going to mess up you further.
Jarsan, Dr Phil is looking for you!
* Why not list the medications you on Jaracrap &

please don't say you take none. Cause heavens

knows you need them.
* Jaracrap- Trump's attorney DID NOT mark the

box for  jury trial, instead he wanted the judge to

decide his fate. You do know what " Checking a

box" means, right? Similar to checking the box

for tipping after a meal- which you don't do.
*sparkle-farts* *sparkle-farts* your commitment to stupidity and obfuscation is always impressive and you always manage to alter facts and reality.

*sparkle-farts* they were never going to give him a jury trial it was Letty James that (checked the box) requested no jury and the judge was going to deny it if Tumps lawyers appealed and they filed a motion. Below is what "REALLY" took place, they are out to screw Trump because if they gave him a jury trial it would eliminate the "kangaroo" part.  Engoron said "there was no point in doing so" Engoron is a fascist cork soaker just like all TDS hacks. Read the facts below.

From CBS news:

Former President Donald Trump did not request a jury for his New York civil fraud trial, but even if he had asked for one, the answer would've been "no," a judge said Wednesday.

Judge Arthur Engoron addressed an issue that had been the subject of speculation on social media and by Trump himself, saying it "keeps coming up," even though he doesn't "read the papers or go online to read about" the trial.

Engoron is presiding over the bench trial of a $250 million lawsuit filed in 2022 by New York Attorney General Letitia James, in which she accused Trump, two of his sons, their company and other executives of years of widespread fraud. Engoron said that in paperwork certifying that the case was ready for trial, James' office checked a box suggesting it be a non-jury proceeding.

Trump's team had 15 days to oppose that, but did not, Engoron said, because there was no point in doing so.

"It would not have helped to make a motion. Nobody forgot to check off a box," Engoron said."
Just look at the right-wing idiots whining. It's hilarious.
The moronic jaracrap would love the jury to be packed full of his idiotic cult members. Too f***ing bad asswipe! No more cult members infiltrating our democracy. Take your dumbass ideas elsewhere. We have no use for retarded, un-American traitors. f*** the f*** off jaracrap loser traitor a*****e! Move to N.
*sparkle-farts* you are a liar and.........................
You can tell jokernosepicker woke up happy today, got a good ass packing last night. Still feeling it happy boy?
* Yo Jaracrap- if Trump has done nothing

wrong, why is he showing up in courts?

He loves saying � this is a hoax or witch

hunt etc etc� but if all of these

charges are BS- why hasn�t the Supreme

Court stepped in and stopped � All these

silly claims?� Why are they looking on and

doing nothing to stop this � Injustice!�
* l would still like to see the list of the medications you are taking Jaracrap. why you ask?  Cause  I have a friend who is a pharmacist & he could explain to me the root causes of your condition. With that knowledge- l could determine whether to ease of the gas in my healthy criticism of your remarks or continue to floor it.

* So how about it?
*sparkle-farts*, *sparkle-farts*, *sparkle-farts, your commitment to stupidity, obfuscation, ignoring facts, and changing the topic because you have once again... been proven a LIAR,  is always impressive.

Get some originality, I hit it 100%, you definitely are on some type of serotonin blocking crap and you're mixing it with alcohol or you are just plain an untreated schizophrenic with TDS.

And you're also an idiot, a pharmacist is not a psychiatrist.

look at yourself:
Entering told trumps lawyers to tell donnie to shut up and stop his crap. He could Impose x.  jail time and fines!!
* Jaracrap: Listen up, l know a dictionary is your best friend this past few years because � everyone knows� you do not USE words like: obfuscation on a regular basis, but l applaud you for looking up those words you hear others use , perhaps on TV in order to broaden your verbal palette. But�.

* It does not change the fact that you a moron. How can you tell noise, well thanks for asking. This fool,  Jaracrap  posted a� A pharmacist is not a psychiatrist, and you correct, BUT a psychiatrist writes out a prescription which a pharmacist FILLS OUT with medication. My pharmacist friend could � tell me what the medication is FOR� but your puny underdeveloped brain is under a tremendous strain to come up with a simple answer and � connect the dots.�

* Besides: Anyone who still claims that the 2020 Presidential election was won by Trump is living in an alternate reality as are you your fellow comrades.

^ Please read post # 20 and come up with a logical answer, since you and your ilk claim that the justice system is rigged against Trump. Your Toddler in Chief appointed 3 of those justices to the High courts- are you saying they trying to get rid of him, and why? If they turn on your disgraced leader- what hope is there left for the poor sucker?

* Psst- run to your dictionary and come up with a doozy word for my question. By the way: l still want a list of the names of your  medications. I want to make you my project in diving deep into your mind to get to the root of your stupidity.
*sparkle-farts*, *sparkle-farts*, *sparkle-farts, your commitment to stupidity, obfuscation, ignoring facts, and changing the topic because you have once again... been proven a LIAR and ignoramus,  is  impressive.

Riddle me this dipsh1t: Can a pharmacist write itself a prescription?

*sparkle-farts* you are a TDS dullard, a very dim light in the room. Liars like you hate being called out, you're a fake and everyone knows it.
* You easily triggered are you not? Hey dictionary boy- time to get a new line, you keep repeating yourself with " spakle facts BS.

* l get under your skin & you know it, which is the reason you keep back pedaling of old material. You have no brain, just admit it. Where do you stash your kool-aid? Need a refill?
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