Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Saturday, October 7, 2023


Hillary Clinton Calls For ' Formal Deprogramming' Of Donald Trump's Cult Members

There is no hope for thr Trumpies. Even after two impeachments,91 indictments they still love him.   It should be called the republican national disgrace.
The cult members are beyond any current help available. It's a new mental disease that needs a treatment that's augmented to adhere to new methods.
Two impeachments that never materialized. Hillary is a loser just like the rest of these puppets.
The left's list of the programming of the retarded imbeciles that don't realize they are the programmed:

The joke here is that left�s whole operation is a wide-scale reprogramming effort, here go, you leftist twats HAHAHAHAHAHA! Read the list idiots, you've been manicured well by your masters.

Gender is fluid
Race is your destiny
Fetuses aren�t babies
Abortion is good
The state knows what�s best for your children
Keeping porn out of school libraries is �book banning�
Banning �To Kill a Mockingbird� isn�t
Too much speech is dangerous
We can control the weather
Abandon your car
Abandon your stove
Abandon your light bulbs
Wind mills and solar panels are great for the environment
Fracking and nuclear aren�t
Covid emerged naturally
Masks prevent covid
Shots prevent covid
Walls don�t work
Ukraine is our top priority
Abolish the police
Justice is blind
The 2000 election was rigged
The 2004 election was rigged
The 2016 election was rigged
The 2020 election wasn�t
Voter IDs are racist
Joe Biden isn�t a criminal
Donald Trump is a criminal
We can save democracy by removing candidates from the ballot
The economy is actually in great shape
The economy is in such bad shape that Biden needs to unilaterally forgive student loans
Joe Biden is competent
Especially you nosepickerjokerbitch, you should ASAP go get boosted again, your masters are waiting....go get boosted says joepedo. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Wow!  Put the pipe down!
P3master i agree!
*You right, 2 Impeachments that never materialized, why? Cause your party didn't have the balls to go through with it- but the Republicans of Nixon's day did. Your party told the world that Richard deserved it, but not Donald. Right!

* You right, Hillary is a loser, but so is Trump. She lost to Trump & Donald lost to Joe. However Hillary was Secretary of State & a Senator. Trump was non politician who thought he could run the country like he ran his hotel business & he was exposed as a fraud. He was brought down by his incompetence of the handling of the pandemic- not Joe.

* You guys are brain 🧠 washed by talking points: For instance 45 said " Make America Great Again " and yet the economy bottomed put under his watch, he claims he had the Greatest economy for any President & that's a liar, his numbers don't come anywhere close to the Clinton economy,  which handed W Bush a F surplus,  where was Trump's surplus.. huh huh?

* By the way: If Trimp is innocent of all charges as you guys love to think: Why not have a speedy trial & get it over with, why try & push it back to 2026..another Huh?
Noise   gate you are 100% correct!
* What l freaking hate is imbeciles carrying on

like they know what they talking about. I have

said it countless times: If Biden took a bribe or

did something that was detrimental to the US- l

want the guy out, like Right Now. I don't worship

politicians & l don't see the reason why others

either. These are just men who are in office for 4

or 8 years and then they gone. President

Roosevelt was the last President to hold office for

multiple terms & those days are GONE.

* To see the Maga folks carry on, one would think

Trump was going to hold office for 20 years. The

Fool lost, get your F heads out of your A*** for

F sake. Then they wonder why people call them

mentally insane or out of touch with reality.
How much disinfectant did you drink jaraloser f***ing moron?
nosepickerjokerbitch you jabbed boosted stupid bitch, you know, I know, we all know who the f'ing moron is, you see the moron bitch in the dirty mirror the days you're sober enough to see, so stfu and go get boosted just like joepedo tells you.
Go f*** off jaracrap. Yeah, so I made a mistake, atleast I have the balls to admit it, unlike your sorry ass to vote in a criminal into office.

Tell me, how much disinfectant did you inject a*****e? Afterall, he's your god.
Btw, I no longer have spike proteins flowing through my veins with augmented NAC dumbass.
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