Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Thursday, August 10, 2023


Biden Asks Congress For $13 Billion More In Aide To Ukraine

well of course, they are still black mailing him.
* The Republicans on the Hill can always reject it, but will they? If Ukraine falls, we will have a battle on our hands protecting democracy in that region, something the Maga-rats  have very little respect for: Democracy that is.
* l still don't know why the US give billions of $$ to Israel, they certainly not spreading democracy in that part of the world. I have heard someone say that not to give to Israel would incur the wrath of the Almighty. Really? Where is that written?
There is something seriously wrong with you.
* Something Seriously wrong with me? Hmm-  l have good health & only take a baby aspirin a day. Let's turn to not only you, but your ilk. Is something Seriously wrong with them? you bet, why noise?

* Cause you are the O.N.L.Y. folks out there that still claim 45 won, that storming the Capitol was okay in your minds, and these charges against not only your disgraced leader but the fake electors was just a misunderstanding & disregarding the Constitution- what Constitution?

* Instead of pointing out the folly of my post- you and your band of anti Constitutionists have nothing to offer. It's just talk talk talk & zero substance. How about defending your beliefs with hards facts,  you can't cause you kool-aid drinkers who just can't get enough of that sweet stuff. Crawl back under your rock, better yet- get a freaking education for crying out loud.
*sparkle-farts* the video:
Ukraine is going to run out of foot soldiers pretty soon.
Weasel, you just regurgitate lies from the people paid to lie.  You can't tell when your being duped, sad.
* Gee, what are you mental? I just happen to live in the REAL world, meaning l accept Reality. When Trump beat Hillary, l accepted that because that is the " way our system of government works." People vote folks in, they vote them out. I ACCEPTED Trump as my President because he WON fairly & squarely. Over the course of 4 years, l saw the childlike behavior in your guy who should ACT as the leader of the free world, but he was anything but. Then when Covid hit- he truly showed what he was made of: an empty suit, the guy called it a Hoax & more. Ffs, this is the Potus & he was more interested in his image than anything else.
* Then when he was beaten at the polls, instead of accepting the results- he did what he did & the results of his actions are now being played out in court. Did he have a RIGHT to question the results of the election- absolutely...bring his case to court- absolutely...BUT once the States had certified Biden as President, Trump should have thrown in the towel & accepted the results....But No, he got carried away with attempting to overturn a legitimate election.
* You guys can say it was " illegitimate " all day, all night- but the folks running elections and looking at the results KNEW more than you lame brain folks that 45 LOST. Why the F can't you guys accept that reality? Your harping on his loss is freaking " eating away at you guys from the inside" and you don't know it yet.  Just get back to.reality for your own sakes.
* As for regurgitating lies- what would they be? Do you honestly think that the Republicans on the Hill, would not fight tooth & nail to PROVE that Joe lost if they had even a little bit of evidence? They would be all over this thing, but they have MORE information than both of us combined to see that Trump lost- and what do you guys have, some stories from news outlets than promote BS in order to have readers. There is NO way Ted Cruz or Greene would sit still if there was enough fraud or whatever that would have swung the election Trump's way. If they don't got it, and you continue to say he won, then accept the fact that you an IDIOT, in Capital letters.
*sparkle-farts* the video:
* Once again: Ask yourselves, why do l believe 45 won, when Cruz, Greene & others in Congress & the Senate have 1st hand information that you & l don't have & they have seen & are seeing that there is " NO there there?"

*Do you see either of them or others still questioning the outcome of the 2020 election? If not, why not? Yet you forum members with limited information are saying that " Cruz, Greene & others are the Real idiots, that they being duped!" Oh the horror!
* You must have just finished drinking a gallon of that kool-aid Binks.
hunter's drug dealer's name is hugh crane.
Baby aspirin? What are you 5?
The dems cheated in 2020. They prove it every day with their actions. They're doing every thing possible to make sure Trump cannot run in '24. Why? Biden got the most votes in history. It wasn't even close, he won by 6 million votes.  They should be like, Pfft, we got this. Who cares about Trump?
But they're not. So why are they so worried about him?  Because they know they cheated and they know that Trump knows they cheated and if Trump gets back in, he will prove it. And that's why they don't want him to run.
joepedo and his masters want $24 billion not $13 billion for ucrane.
NG, you are truly a democrat with diarrhea of the mouth. You say you accepted that Trump won, to that I say BS. you labeled him from Day one. But, yet you can call others who have a difference of opinion "IDIOTS". If you can't have respect for others who have a different opinion, why should they respect you? Get the picture!
IMO, you must Love President Trump, because you mention him all the time. No mention of this disaster in the WH, but only Trump. Hey, if you want to continue to be an advocate for stupidity, I'm all for it, just be sure to take some Pepto-Bismal somewhere along the line.
*It's Friday Maddog & l am in no mood for a back and forth trying to convince both yourself & others that you guys are on the wrong flight. You know you are, but you want to stay relevant in politics, but there was a changing of the guard on Nov 2020. You may not have accepted the results, but that's because you living in an alternate reality.

* As for calling others " idiots" sure l do that because it's pretty obvious that it is what l am dealing with here when it comes to the Maga minions. It's one thing to support Trump & recognize his faults, but you guys are in a whole category by yourselves. You guys never once criticized 45 for anything- according to you guys, he can do no wrong,  that's not supporting a guy- that's worshipping the guy.

* That's the reason l compare supporters of 45  to those of Jim Jones. They left the US for sanctuary in another land, they also became violent at the end of days for Jim, by coincidence- your brothers & sisters stormed the Capitol, and the Militia groups  came out to support your fallen leader & look where that got them..jail time. Your disgraced leader spoke of " pardoning " them because in his F up mind,  they did nothing wrong,l guess you feel the same way huh?

* SANE Republicans are trying to look past your 77 year old Man child and plot a new path, away from your impeached leader as they should, and yes- l did aceot Trump as President because he Won. I may not have agreed with his policies but he was President. You never read a single quote from me where l thought Hillary was President, did you? Plus America had an election didn't we? One thing is clear: you have a hard time accepting Reality, why you ask? Cause the courts have already spoken & they have accepted the results of the past Presidential election.

* To hear Trump & his supporters- the nation screwed him over,well where are these folks that did the screwing over of your leader? Your party can get stuff off the hard drive of hunter's laptop,  but you can't find a single person who had a hand in denying Trump a 3bd term?

* You have not been paying attention Maddog: The folks that denied Trump a 2nd term were...wait for it: The VOTERS.

*They saw through your empty suit of a leader and threw him under the bus. Get used to that and stop chasing ghosts- have a good weekend by the way.
There are plenty of sites full of Biden supporters. They all have one thing in common, they bad mouth Trump all day long, but never say anything good about Biden. I guess that means they think Joe stinks.
* Another you don't get it guys. GG, pay attention for goodness sake.

* Biden WAS NOT the original choice of the Dems, but he was the last Man standing & his message resonated with the vast majority of the voters at the time. Had he lost to Trump, it would have been " Oh well." Get that through your skulls.

* Besides, Trump was Cruising to a 2nd term, BUT Covid & his handling of the pandemic is what got him booted from office. No Covid, Trump wins hands down. Biden is at the very least " working" and getting things done. Remember: Infrastructure,  infrastructure,  infrastructure- Trump talked about it, but did not deliver. Live with your pain.
NG, we're talking about the POG in the WH, which has NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING to do with Trump! You are one of the reasons we're in the position today. You're such a political analyst and you still avoid what's going on this Country today. IMO you're just another demented lefty. Don't you worry about me paying attention, you need to open your eyes and look at what's going on around you. Oops my bad, the democrats have the "Three blind Mice syndrome. Yeah, you have a great weekend also.
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