Truesee's Daily Wonder

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Monday, May 1, 2023


Third Major Bank To Fall Under Biden's Watch

4 embassies 3 banks, joepedos illegitimate installment is building one great legacy, but he isn't done yet with destroying America. 

Ok now, so sparkle-farts or nose picker tell us how bad is the true President Donald J. Trump.
* It's a direct result of the idiotic policies of the Toddler in Chief who " Rolled back banking Regulations " back in 2018 Imbeciles.

*Do research before pointing fingers. Then again l forget you don't know what that means.  You can call Joe " illegitimate " all you want, l don't think it bothers him one bit.

* Who said he would be banging Ivanka if she were not his daughter? Take a guess! That's the guy you say won. A real walking sicko.
sparkle-farts you need a stress test.  Did you type that excuse with your hand on your hip? The people managing the bank's assets are responsible, a stress test only shows a problem after it is too late. The management is garbage, poisoned by ESG, woke crap in university. Instead of learning real accounting, finance, and economics, they came out and lost $200 billion dollars for their account holders.

joepedo clown world new regulation today....people with good credit are going to get higher interest rates to subsidize people with poor credit that will get lower rates. And you think these morons in charge now would have caught any of these failures before they happened? The fed is bailing the losers and punishing the winners. We live in a sparkle-farts clown world with these imbeciles running the show.

Now splain to us why the evacuated embassies are the true President Donald J. Trump's fault.

C'mon man, nose picker tell us!!
* You insane. You obsessed & jealous of Biden being President, why? Cause you can't accept reality that Joe sent your Toddler to the canvas. Light your own candle 🕯.
* Btw: You keep saying Donald is the legitimate President of the United States- why then is he " Not sitting in the WH? Why is Joe giving the " State of the Union Speeches?"
* Tell you what, why not reach out to your family & friends and March on Washington to Protest the Occupier of the White House. Let the authorities know you very upset, then perhaps you could undergo mental evaluation & they could determine whether you should be returned to society or be straitjacket-Ed. We need your kind off the streets.
sparkle-farts blew glitter out the sparkle opening and changed the subject once professor jarasan explained the real world (aka reality) to sparkle farts. Posting some convenient leftist talking point and not understanding the subject matter at hand is a lazy student's worst enemy. Class is closed.
BTW joepedo is still illegitimate and is ruining the United States of America as we know it, MAGA!!!

* 1st off: The election is over and done with, 2 years ago my young apprentice as Palpatine would say. Your constant rant about illegitimate this or that shows US that you have had a hard time accepting Reality. Even those " Proud Boys" who were rounded up have blamed your Donald lost & they have come to terms with the fact that your Donald " no longer holds power." So much for changing the topic.

* 2nd: You say Maga, we all saw how the Maga candidates that Donny trotted out in the midterms were destroyed at the polling booths, they fell just as your leader did. When will you guys learn.

3rd: Why is your fallen leader scared of Ronnie,a guy who has not thrown his hat into the Presidential campaign? What's he afraid of?
* Who said he would be banging Ivanka if she were not his daughter? Take a guess! That's the guy you say won. A real walking sicko.
The real walking sicko is Biden. What man takes showers with his daughter?
The banks failing are by design, they want their "Fed Pay" and CBDC, to control all our money is the main goal.
I am still waiting for why we have evacuated 4 embassies.

@Sully they have announced the Uni coin like to weeks ago. We must reject as in "stop commerce" if they  try this digital currency move.

@GR joepedo is an illegitimate WH occupier that showered with his young daughter enough to traumatize her for life.
* It's no wonder you Maga folks are insane: Taking a shower with a kid is worse than banging her. Okay, now l see how your brains think. I rest my case.
" see how your brains guys can't think. "
Dumbo strikes again, 45 did not sleep with his daughter, did not say he would, your gaslighting is old.
Pedojoe, did shower with his young daughter.she said so.
I typed it slow so you could understand better. go get your brain checked.
* l don't take it lightly when l call persons " Insane" but you guys truly are. You believe the weirdest crap out there while the rest of normal society take life in its stride.

*Trump said on LIVE television,  in speaking about Ivanka " If she wasn't my daughter, l would be DATING her." Knowing his pattern & Knowing he meant that he would eventually be nailing her, it's clueless fools like yourself who think he meant something different than his true meaning.

* Hopefully that statement can penetrate your cranium. He was caught on tape saying you need to grab females by their.. so take your excuse & ...
* Grow the heck up, the election is over, over, over & hoping this fool gets back into the WH is a pipedream at present. What exactly did he DO that made America Great again? Building a wall? His tariffs screwed us over, he wanted the US out of NATO, wanted to rid us of the CDC, the idiot did more harm than good. Your responses are kindergarten arguments.
Okay so tell what makes Biden so much better? WTH has he done for America?
* No need to ask me, why? cause it goes in one ear and out the other. Just do a Google search & read it for yourself. You ask me to educate you,  and when l do, you poo poo the message. Biden still has 2 years to go before the voters can determine whether they want him around for another 4 more years or not- that's how the citizens of a country.

* l know you won't agree with this: but in 2020, the voters decided that they had had enough of 45 & pulled the trigger on him. However defeat was something he found & still finds hard to accept.

*That's what pisses millions off about the guy. Bush Snr as an example was riding an approval rating in the 70's after the Gulf War & suffered defeat by Clinton, he graciously accepted the results and was respected for it, your guy on the other hand refuses to accept the " will of the people" and took it upon himself with the help of others to " overstay his welcome." Now l read where he thinks it beneath himself to have any kind of debate with Haley & others because " his to far ahead in the polls." So the Republican party according to Donal should simple discourage any conservative to jump into the ring and challenge him, they should simple hand him the nomination right now & tell the others to go home. Sounds familiar?

* On election night, Trump waltzed up to the microphone and said " We so far ahead in the polling in other States,  they should stop the COUNT. Your guy has got to be the most arrogant A hole in existence, probably a bully from birth.
sparkle-farts fits one of the classic definitions of insanity to a tee...."a sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome." sparkle-farts you are the insane one here. The normal people you try and gaslight with the same crap every post, unlike you, have conviction in our beliefs because we are pragmatic, logical, knowledgeable, and love our Republic. sparkle farts you haven't changed a single mind here, ever. So just go the fuque away sparkle farts, stop the insanity, and start your very own leftie blog and create the sparkly-glitter-gas-light blog, you are wasting time repeating yourself over and over and over.
* Aah, the infant has arrived, the potty  mouth returns and wastes no time in name calling. Hello�

* l am not the one who believes 45 won, why- cause evidence points to Joe as the NEW Commander in Chief, despite what you may think or feel. I am not the one that is still crying in my 🍺 because l am not grown up enough to know when my team has lost.

* You guys must have lost some serious cash on bets that Trump would retain the WH. Why else would you guys be lamenting over an occasion 2 years old? As for you jar jar, you come across as a stalker- constantly going after a lost cause, but seeing some value in sticking to your guns. You poor soul. Do you know what year this is? Your hopeless, helplessness is front & center. You remind me of those weak souls that still have pictures of Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Jim Morrison on their walls, despite them passing away decades ago. I can see you building a shrine in your backyard when 45 is in a casket-praying alone,  you so predictable.
I don't want to read what google says. I want to know from an actual Biden supporter, which is you. Why makes Biden so much better? What has he done for America? Don't talk about Trump, brag on Biden. Go.
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