Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


BREAKING NEWS: Trump To Be Indicted Wednesday Will Ne Asked To Surrender For Arraignment Next Week

They will Martyr him now.
*Let them build a bridge or name a street in Russia & North Korea after him.
I am so happy i'm off tomorrow, I will throw the biggest party in my life lol!
When will the MAGA Kool-Drinkers finally figure out Trump has very dirty hands. His New York problems are just the tip of the ice berg; there is still those pesky classified documents his lawyers lied when they said "everything was turned over to the FBI", his phone calls to Georgia's Secretary of State and of course trying to get a few hundred morons to "hang Mike Pense".
The dems are starting a precedent. What they do to the other side will eventually be done to their side. So don't cry when it happens.
Y�all libtards like your premature circle jerks.
He qrwurston:  trump cooked his own goose.  Is he supposed to get away with everything?
So the Republicans are saying you can break laws and get away with it because you are rich.  He probably  will appeal it for a year.
He can sell everything now to pay his lawyers.  If and when he is locked up the streets across the country will be celebrating.
* When Nixon was caught with his hand in the cookie jar- he did the only best thing for both the country and himself: He resigned. Decades later we have 45 doing everything and worse and somehow thinks " he did nothing wrong" while in office, and has the temerity to decide that he ought to run for the highest office in the land once more.
* The guy thinks about no one else but himself. Even Clinton apologized to the nation- Trump, never will cause he thinks his actions are always pure. A true narcissist!
It's a case that federal prosecutors wouldn't even prosecute. Now Bragg is trying to make it a federal case. lol  It's not going any where just like all the other bs they've been trying to get him for the last 7 years.  Unlike all the the other politicians Trump had money before he ran while most others got rich after getting in office. How do you become wealthy at a job you took to serve the people? The same people that never had a normal job in their life are worth tens of millions of dollars. How does that happen? Lots of payoffs.
Meaning Trump can't be bought off, controlled, corrupted, or compromised like a lot of others. They know it, he knows it, and he's going to tell all on them, and that scares the crap out of them and that's why they hate him. They don't want their secrets exposed.
Now if the dems want to say it's okay to start indicting ex-presidents, that could be a can of worms they might very well regret opening.
Clintons are worth 120M, Obamas are worth 70M.  In 2017 and 2018 the Bidens made 15.6M.
* l read that to. Instead of you climbing the walls, let's see what Bragg brings to the table, if it makes " sense " accept the results. Bragg is not talking about " Retribution " here, he says he is following the law. So why not shut up and wait!
* " Trump can't be controlled or corrupted" Really?

* He took Putin's word over US intelligence at their 1st face to face meeting. Please don't get me started...
But no complaints about how laren boebert's salary of 175k a year turned into $41,000,000.
He has other charges pending but he can't b e corrupted????   Is it the water or what explains this stupidity.
FYI for t h e republicans: if trump  didn't have money he would have been locked up a long time ago.    That's a fact and don't say any t hing different.
If it was anyone else none of this would even be going on. FACT!!
*Hey G, Senator Scott, Mr � SS Sunset� is worth over $200mil, and was in charge of the senate finances, which have evaporated under his watch. Mr Sunset also ran operations that were found to defraud Medicare, that�s your guy.

*As for The Clinton�s & Obama�s & now the Biden�s having millions- what�s that got to do with anything? Name me poor Ex American Presidents, name one? They all command large � talking fees� because it�s legit. You talk about 45 having money before he ran, ok, yeah.

* So if he had money, why is he constantly grifting? His bedtime story book ran at $90.00- his � love letters �book coming out soon is going to set you back $300. Then he sells his fake coins with his mug going for $100.00

* He screwed you guys over by asking for more money to � fight election fraud � and you guys sent him $250mil, not thousand. Don Jnr was asked where the money went since they could only account for $10mil & his response was � l don�t know.� Btw- his organization is being sued for $250mil in NY, perhaps that�s what your Toddler has the missing money stashed away for.
* Btw: When l mentioned that Trump took Putin�s word over our intelligence- Republicans were livid. Trump said that he looked into Vlad�s eyes and asked him point blank� Did you interfere in our 2016 election?- and Putin said No!�

* Then your Toddler blamed � bad intel� on the US. What a F embarrassment for the country. That�s when Putin KNEW he had Trump on a leash. So much so that even out of office- Trump called Putin a genius for invading Ukraine. Then he wants to say � Putin didn�t invade because of me.� Why would he when Vlad knew he had a stooge in the Oval Office. Putin couldn�t try his mind tricks on Biden because Joe is not stupid enough to call Vlad a genius.
tRump= the most broke billionaire ever to live. The movie IDIOCRASY predicted our future with accuracy.

When an ex president believes we had airports in 1775, that's when you know this country is effed  when millions of maga still support this idiot even though they heard him make that comment.
Looks like no party for you today. You must be bummed. lol
Oh please. Like Biden doesn't say anything stupid.
Do you remember when Biden said he was at the Port of Litnose? 
Hint. It's in Los Angeles. You didn't know that did you?
Pick3 master you are 100% correct.  No matter how many crimes he commits they still love him.  It's like watching the  twilight zone.
I am still waiting for the arrest. Maybe they will send in a swat team at the stroke of midnight.
The coward who has blocked me is preaching to me about not having a party. Well let me tell you smart ass, there will be a day very soon When I will have a huge party. It's just a matter of time.

And as far as joe saying dumb s**t, The amount of time your dictator screwed up, is no way a comparison to joe. The orange menace wins the top prize for being a total moron.
joepedo is the only toddler, he wears diapers and sh1ts in the vatican with the il papa the pope.
No party for you!! You know why? Trump didn't do nothing wrong. He knows it, Bragg knows it, the dems know it. They can try but they will LOSE!!  MAGA 2024!!!!!
Now when Biden gets arrested that's gonna be a party!!  I'll send you an invite. Maybe.
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