Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Thursday, February 2, 2023


Donald Trump: We Must End This Ridiculous War Before It Goes Nuclear

* The fool couldn't even handle the pandemic in the US & talks about " ending this ridiculous war." He had 4 years to get lil Kim to stop all nuclear testing & developing bombs & failed.
It's once again that old song : Only he can do it. " Just go away, you had your turn & screwed it up royally. Plus your incessant ranting is naesauting.
You got that right.
That moron piece of s*** loser should just shut the f****** already. Go the f*** away! You belong in prison you piece of s*** m************ moron.
So you guys like having the war. Got it.
* What war did the Orangutan prevent? He was the one that said � Putin was smart� for invading Ukraine or have you conveniently forgotten? He is all mouth & nothing else- spoke about infrastructure from day One & did nothing.

* The idiot bragged about getting � love letters� from Lil Kim & injecting disinfectant into the human body to fight Covid. This fool was the leader of the free World yet you guys had no problem listening to him spouting BS. Get your heads out your A*** because he proves time after time why he no longer resides at the WH.
"The refusal to take sides on great moral issues is itself a decision. It is a silent acquiescence to evil. The Tragedy of our time is that those who still believe in honesty lack fire and conviction, while those who believe in dishonesty are full of passionate conviction."
~ Fulton J. Sheen
Psychotic left-wing commie retards love them some Joe-Bidumbs, LOL!
Fact: Russia didn't invade anyone while Trump was in office. Putin invaded Crimea during Obama and now Ukraine under Biden. 

So how many missiles has North Korea fired? Almost 100 in 2021/22 alone. Which is more under Biden then anyone else, and that's only in 2 years. Korea didn't shoot that many in 8 years under Obama. And say what you want about Trump and Kim, but Kim shot less than half that in 4 years under Trump.  So why is he shooting so many now under Biden?
And why didn't Biden shoot down the Chinese balloon that's been flying over the US today?
Go on the link for the totals.
* We can go back and forth on Trump & Biden but the loser is Trump in every respect. The non politician was given the brass ring & attempted to establish himself as. Dictator because for once in his life, he had the power to dictate the course of the country, order aircraft carriers to change course, speak with world heads of State, but the fool didn�t know how govt functioned. He wanted to cozy up to dictators like Putin & Kim & when the country sent him packing- he couldn�t believe it.
* Trump is delusional to somehow suggest that him being President keeps America Safe. Was America not safe before he won the Presidency? Was Bush Snr & W not resolute in taking on Saddam & Other dictators. You guys are living in a dream world to buy into the crap that Mr �  Only l  can do it� is the answer to world Peace etc. Thank goodness the voters in this country woke up in time to send the idiot packing.  You forget his actions in cutting and running in Syria & leaving the US allies to fend for themselves. Where was his infrastructure deal in 4 years? Biden has been in office 2 plus year and has achieved more in that time than many Presidents put together.
You a sore loser like the Orangutan.
* Russia didn�t invade anyone because Putin had help from Trump. The idiot of a President took Putin�s word over our on intelligence. At the very 1st meeting between them this Clown of US President tells the press corp that � Putin told me he had nothing to do with getting involved in our election � and l believe him. Our intelligence said Russia as involved & the idiot calls into question our own people?
* His behavior ever since being out of office is nothing short of disgraceful- at Diamond�s eulogy- this fool goes off on talking about his election loss ffs. Then you talk about Joe being senile? Give me a �� break!
Shut up Noise-Fart. You're obviously an idiot, duh! Who'da ever guessed, LOL!
Noise-Fart be loving him some fake-POTUS/rigged election Bi-dumbs, LOL! What joke! MAGA 2024 Baby Boy! All you need to know!
* Kal, say something intelligent. The Maga candidates that your Leader chose and pushed all went down to defeat, so l have no idea what this � Maga 2024� means. 

*You have election deniers heading certain committees on the hill. Listen up, not a single legislation they put together will ever become LAW. Did you see that free for all where Matt wanted to have members pledge allegiance & was told � how can you pledge when you are an election denier?� Those committees are a F joke. That goes for your comrades in the discussion boards who are sensitive A holes and love reporting people because that how they live their lives.
Maybe if Biden "cozied up" to Putin a bit, we wouldn't be spending 90+ billion dollars and billions more to come on what looks like is going to be another long endless war. And the longer it goes on the greater chance that our military people will end up dyeing over there. If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to go talk to them, otherwise you'll be fighting forever. Biden and Zelenskyy have no intention of doing that anytime soon, which should be quite obvious to anyone.
So what has Biden achieved? The economy still sucks, inflation is still high, the Fed just raised the  interest rate another 25 basis points, crime is crazy, the border is wide open, I'm still paying $1.35  a gallon more for gas then the day you clowns elected Biden, and eggs are $7.00 for a dozen and a half.
And now he says he isn't responsible for inflation because it was high when he got here.  Well it was 1.4% when he took office. Now it's 8.5%. There he goes again blaming everyone else for his screw ups. I'm surprised he didn't blame Putin for it. lol
* Let's start with the " over there" statement. Trump copied up to Putin because he wanted recognition- as one would assume from the narcissistic F. He got it for 4 years & then the cord was cut, that is why he is still pissed, he doesn't get to call the shots anymore. Ukraine wants their freedom, they are an independent country & according to you- they should surrender to Russia  huh? You have fluid leaking from your ears?

* Trump loves saying he would end this or that, fact of the matter , he would have done the same darn thing he did in Syria, say it's a regional skirmish and the US should stay out of it. He attempted to weaken NATO so that Putin became the 400 lb Gorilla & you bet he would have chastised our Allies because his brain operates that way- silly thinking & stupid ideas. The guy hates a fight of any kind, he never served, hates guns which is why he would have stepped out of the way for Vlad to attack even more.

* Your boy was the one that said that " we, should send our nuclear subs to patrol the Russian coastline." Wouldn't that be seen as an act of war? Yet you wonder why no one takes his Robert rattling seriously. The guy is bonkers, crazy, senile & thw most inept President we have had in our lifetime. He knows very little about foreign policy & wings it all the f time with " this would never have happened " had he been President, it's his only comeback because he never discusses policy, he had & has none- an empty suit if ever there was. The guy is IRRELEVANT.

* The jobs report right now has employment at the highest since 1969. That the best in over 50 years. When Trump left office, our economy was in the toilet. So yeah, inflation is a concern, but 45 would soil himself if he had Joe's job numbers.
" takes his saber rattling seriously. "
Costco has eggs cheap.  Eat some beans they are good for you!
Maybe next week Trump will say he could end obesity and win the Masters. Oh, and speaking of nuts that don't fall far from the tree, Don Jr. suggested people in Montana to get out their guns and "shoot it down" a balloon 11 miles up. MTG agreed. Guess neither communicate with Congressman James Comer who was worried about the balloon being a bioweapon.
Biden didn't create any jobs. The level just went back to what it was pre-pandemic. It was well on it's way back when Joe took office. When companies were forced to close because of covid, unemployment went up. When they started reopening several months later, unemployment started going back down, but no brand new jobs were created. It was just the same people going back to the same jobs they did before the closures. The unemployment rate was 3.5% before covid, now it's 3.4%. So claiming Biden created record job growth is just false.

Him claiming  wages are up is also false.
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