Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Christians have no right to refuse to work on Sundays, rules judge

How about 7th Day Adventist
Muslims are allowed to break from work 4 times daily for prayer.
Why take a job that may require you to work on Sunday? This question should have been asked during the interview. And if any business is opened 7-days a week you can expect to be asked from time to time to work on a Sunday. If you can't, then you will be replaced with someone that will. Then you will be free to look for another job.
The First Amendment contains two clauses about the Freedom of Religion. The first part is known as the Establishment Clause, and the second as the Free Exercise Clause.

The Establishment Clause prohibits the government from passing laws that will establish an official religion or preferring one religion over another. The courts have interpreted the establishment clause to accomplish the separation of church and state.

The Free Exercise Clause prohibits the government from interfering with a person’s practice of his or her religion. However, religious actions and rituals can be limited by civil and federal laws.

Religious freedom is an absolute right, and includes the right to practice any religion of one’s choice, or no religion at all, and to do this without government control.

Your rights to Freedom of Religion and the free exercise thereof means:
•The Freedom of Religion is an inalienable right.
•The First Amendment provides for the Freedom of Religion for all Americans.
•The Free Exercise Clause provides that government will neither control nor prohibit the free exercise of one’s religion.
•The government will remain neutral.

If you are jobless, you will have all the time in the world to exercise your rights.
Well the the Muslims can't go on Hajj , pray for times a day , MUST eat Pork , Let their wive go with out the veil , no more marring minors and many more religions must do away with their beliefs if they Live in the America .. Their can't be a double standard for anyone Religion !!!
You mean you hate Muslims too? What other religious do you HATE? Sad!
Correction---What other religions do you HATE? Sad!
The Person I despise is your Great Dicktator .... The guy can't even take the blame for his own Incompetence . He cant get his head out of George Soros and Bill Ayers asses . He trying to force laws on this Contry !!! If your an American Citizen Speedy you need to be deported and exiled to Kenya with Barry and eat dog with him daily . If your not Citizen you need to be deported for TREASON !!

Poor baby! You are just one sad old miserable BIGOT! I fought for this country and you and nobody else can make me leave this country. That right, I fought for people like you too.
Yeah , Sure you fought !!! Then if you fought for this country you would research the TRUTH about your Neo-Dicktator .You need to wake from your SLEEP of the Forked Tongue Snake that Binds you .. You could not have been a desent soldier then . If you are ex-military then you would remeber you Swearing in Oath :
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)

Barry is a domestic enemy of the Constituion of the United States of America .It has been proven time and time again by his Actions.

You never fought anybody or anything, lilspanky.
And you never served anything but burgers and fries.
You're just a midget blowhard who likes to run his yapper where no one can shut it for ya.
I could care less what you two amoebas think of me. Both of you are cowards and would run before you would defend this country. You are all mouth and no action. Neither one of you could survive what I went through so both of you STFUDAMF.
lil $hitty poops again. You lil $h1tty punk a$$.
Lil Spud ,
              You don't know $h1tt from shinola. Much lease any of US !! You dont know who has seved or not !! The only military you may have played with is Betty palmer and her Five Step Sisters , Spud !     Barry likes people like you SPUD for a little oral support .
Talk is cheap and that's about all you two jar heads can do. You have no class and both of you are in-bred slime.
LilSpud ,
    At least we are not a Traitor to our own Country !!!!

Here is a more complete list of the crimes committed by the enemy against America. We start with the crimes of the current Government, i.e., the Obama Administration, the leftist


(1) Obama campaign crimes.


(2) Obama secrecy about all his records prior to his campaign.


(3) Obama‘s dream to “fundamentally transform” America including his deep resentment and disrespect for the U.S. Constitution.


(4) ACCORN and other criminal organizations established and sponsored by George Soros with an open declaration of taking over and destroying American government and capitalist system.


(5) Obama Judiciary and their crimes.


(6) Congress and Obama agenda of Health Care Reform, a euphemism for seizing control of one sixth of US economy, enslaving the population, and destroying the Insurance industry.


(7) Congress and Obama agenda of Cap and Trade Bill, designed to destroy the Energy industry, and which will affect every single aspect of American life and destroy the American Industry. This is done under the pretense of immediate need to scale back our standard of living in order to Save the planet from the nonexistent global warming.


(8) Obama Adminstration cabinet and other administrative appointees who constitute the ‘who is who‘ roaster of the extreme American Left. Each one of these harbor a deep resentment and hatred for everything that is good about America. A lot of these appointees are ‘czars‘ who are appointed without any Congressional oversight and approval required by the Constitution.


(9) Take over of American Automobile industry and giving its control to Obama‘s closest allies—the Unions. Both GM and Chrysler were literally robbed from its shareholders at pennies on the dollar and summarily transferred to the Unions.


(10) Take over the Financial sector, Wall Street


(11) A nearly trillion dollars of taxpayer‘s money spent in pork bill called The Stimulus Package. Most of the money spent under this bill has gone towards pay-backs to Obama‘s and Democratic Party‘s supporters and donors. As a very welcome side-effect, they reap the benefit of further bleeding the American economy and spreading misery and mayhem. (Upate: They are already in hot pursuit of the THIRD Stimulus Package)


(12) The next big item on Obama‘s agenda is Amnesty for illegal immigrants. This they are posed to make into law in first couple of months of 2010, so that they can exploit a ready-made block of 20 million new voters who will vote for Democrats.


(13) The FCC is busy promulgating rules under the deceptive heading of Net Neutrality Rules, which will put the Internet under direct control of FCC and federal government. Besides that, the congress is working on legislation which would allow Obama to arbitrarily takeover and control the whole flow of information on the Internet in case of ‘National Emergency‘.


(14) Guess what, folks? He already has declared a national emergency under the phony disaster of Swine Flu Epidemic.


(15) Obama is poised to commit America, by way of international treaties, to blatantly Unconstitutional ‘international laws‘ limiting ‘carbon emmissions’, reparations to underdeveloped countries just because we are developed, banning citizen‘s right to bear arms, and curtailing the First Amendment which gives American the freedom of speech, thus surrendering American sovereignty to United Nations and International Courts and other such criminal organizations. With constitutional requirement that senate should ratify such treaties, it will be somewhat difficult to carry through, but he is already preparing the groundwork for these.


(16) Obama administration and the Leftist majority in the Congress are adamantly denying the significance of recently released smoking-gun evidence of mass-scale manipulation of climate data by ‘Scientists‘ whose reports were used by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Control) in crafting the abomination Kyoto Protocol for redistributing the wealth of the Western Civilization to ragtag beggar nations of the world, and subjugating American Sovereignty to international thugs. In effect, the Obama response to this biggest hoax in the history of mankind, is, SO WHAT!? Consequently, while previously Obama was not intending to attend the Copenhagen Conference, where the next ‘Kyoto Protocols‘ are to be hammered out, immediately after the ‘Climate-gate‘ hit the fan, Obama obstinately declared that he WILL attend the conference and commit the U.S.A. to draconian redistributional and global government type scams. The incredible hubris and arrogance in the face of their own duplicity and treachery is mind-boggling. Furthermore, recently yet another hoax has come to the foreground. It is called NASA’s Climategate.


(17) Total inaction towards the rapidly growing threat of a nuclear Iran and its implications to our only real ally in the world— Israel.


(18) Suspending the use of the phrase, ‘War on Terror’ and replacing it with ‘Overseas Contingency Operations’. In general Obama‘s attitude towards the greatest threat to America and the world since the Soviet Union has been that of total appeasement and inaction. One can‘t help but wonder whose side is he on. It is rather obvious that he is not at all interested in defending America against this international threat of Islamic Jihadists, who have formally declared a war against America.


(19) Unilateral, unconditional shelving of the Missile Shield for Eastern Europe. Who is he helping by that? You got it. Putin’s ‘back to communism’ Russia.


(20) Dithering about, and gross neglect of, the Afghan war for nine months, and ultimately adopting half-hearted half-measures in an attempt of political act of eating ones cake and having it, too.


(21) His desire to establish “a civilian security force” of might comparable to that of our Military. Does it remind you of Hitler’s Brown Shirts? It should.This dude is preparing for the inevitable —anti-Left revolution.


(22) Reducing controls over transfer of missile technology to China

(23) Most readily, frequently, hamelessly lying president in the history of the nation. (And yes, Joe Wilson should’ve recieved the Nobel Peace Prize for having courage to call a liar a liar on his face.)

You were ranting before the 2012 election and no one paid you any attention...and you are still ranting to your secret society friends..guess what! no one is listening to the propaganda you are cutting and pasting from the INTERNET because they know in-breds lack intelligence. DAMF
The above is in response to JARHEAD and CAJUNWING.
STFU you miserable little runt.
Ramone, It's punks like you that run they mouth, but inwardly you are a yellow belly inbred snagger tooth coward. DAMFB
Also Ramone, no one is paying attention to your ranting big tub of need to go on a diet you fat head moron. You are so fat until you sweat grease you big smelly muskrat.
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