Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Got another letter!

This time it's from our health insurance provider,  Insurance we almost lost due to the new unaffordable health care act, because my husbands employer got more people to sign up, and all were willing to pay a little more, we can keep it at least for another year, next year will be debatable.

That being said, let me give you some back ground info on me, I'm a former smoker, I smoked for almost 30 years, I escaped the long term damage, I do however need albuteral from time to time, as I work in a cooler, it's 33 degrees in there. My saving grace was probably good nutrition and exercise.

I still may develope problems, nobodies fault but my own!

My husband is a skin cancer survivor, it can reoccur at any time, both of his arms from wrist to shoulder were affected, he worked all during his treatment, didn't miss a single day.

He's worked for the same employer for 34 years, paid into this insurance company, BCBS the entire time,  other then giving birth and his skin cancer, well baby visits, etc, there were many years, we never used the insurance we had, didn't need to we were healthy.

Now, I am 52 years old, like I said, I work in the cooler, what do I do?

I unload the truck, I may get 3 or 4 pallets of product, we are talking almost 7000 poumds of , meat, milk, cheese, vegetables, any fresh food.

My job is to unpack these pallets and put the product into backstock, I can usually do my truck in about an hour and a half, thats a lot of weight I have to move, my job isn't finished there, if someone needs something sliced, I have to stop what I am doing and go slice, then clean the slicer.

I then have to weigh the meat and cheese and fill holes, stock milk, sour cream , salads, veggies etc.

So, thats what I do.

Now back in the fall a week before Thanksgiving, things got crazy at work, plus I was doing a lot of leaf raking and yard work, getting my house and yard ready for the winter and for the holidays.

Well, it took it's toll on my back especially my left shoulder, I was in pain, I woke up one morning ready to pull my hair out, motrin wasn't working.

So, I went to the chiropractor( not sure if thats spelled right) had my back and neck adjusted, paid for it out of my own pocket, no problem.

The pain got worse, I actually went to work like that, the next day, I called my doctor , I was afraid I ripped or did something really bad, at this point, I can't pinpoint any situation that actually caused the pain, it wasn't an accident, I just woke up in pain.

So the doctor tells me, it's a muscle spasm, no serious problem, told me to take a couple days off work, not more raking, he gave me a script for muscle relaxers and told me to alternate between hot and cold on that shoulder. After a couple days, I was good as new. Haven't had a proble since.


well, we just got a letter from BCBS, THEY ARE INVESTIGATING MY INJURY!


It has been brought to their attention, that I was recxently treated for an injury,( an accident injury), I never said it was an accident, I don't know what caused it. overuse would be my guess.

They want to know, was it an auto accident, motorcycle, injury at work, injury at home? a fall, at home or elsewhere, did someone do this to me?

Did I file a lawsuit?

Am I getting ready for disabilty? wth


My first thought was maybe the doctor overbilled, nope went back an looked at the claim, only charged me for the office visit and I paid my co-pay.

Second thought, Are they trying to pass the buck off onto, my employer, car insurance, someone elses car insurance, my home owners.

Third thought, are we going to go through this everytime we go to the doctors? Are they going to decide we are high risk and charge us more?

Fouth thought, I wonder how much overhead all this investigating will cost, cause it will be passed on to us!


This is the same company, who won't let me have my albuteral when I need it, I paid my last script out of pocket, beacuse I was 3 days early and the insurance wouldn't cover me until the day they say I can have it.

Fifth and final thought, when does their BS rationing cost someone thier life?


At 10:46 AM, luckyshoes said...

Yowsahh Sully     this is what its come to ?? Hope you ll feel better soon.

At 10:52 AM, sully16 said...

I am fine luckyshoes, I am fed up with insurance companies.

At 11:28 AM, dallascowboyfan said...

WOW!!!! Glad you feel better Sully. Sounds to me that they are trying to pass the buck. They don't want to pay so they are trying to find anyway they an get out of it(worker comp/auto accident). No where in your medical records does it state that you were in an auto accident or hurt on the job they are fishing. This happen to me a few years back but there was no investigation and my company has BCBS I tell you before the unaffordable care act they would have never question yor visit.

At 8:06 PM, GASMETERGUY said...

Dr. Obama said you should just take the little red pill. Does ObamaCare provide little red pills? And, yes, you will go thru a process like this every time you access your health care.

Glad to hear you are feeling better. I hope you recover fully. I know how awful shoulder pain can be. So hang in there. Better days are coming.

At 9:52 PM, sully16 said...

What really has me concerned, if we don't fill this form out, or fill it out the right way, they won't pay my Dr. , who will in return bill me, so we'll be paying for health insurance that does us no good, and we will be paying for our medical care to boot.

At 10:13 PM, emilyg said...

Hope you sent a "thank you" note to Obama.

At 10:41 PM, sully16 said...

I really don't think this is his doing, but I think a side effect is the insurance companies running amok now because the law is so screwed up.

At 11:20 PM, rdgrnr said...

Oh man, I don't envy you having to deal with the peckerheads at the insurance company nowadays sully. It's like a whole new ball game now. And the old ball game was bad enough as it was.
They're out to cut corners everywhere possible because of the uncertainty in the industry right now.

At 11:23 PM, sully16 said...

Went from bad to worse, you hit the nail on the head,

At 3:39 AM, yomibid1 said...

It's the insurance company, happen to me long before The Affordable Care Act.

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