Name: Pick3master3838

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Republithugs will do themselves in 2022 and 2024 ha ha suckers!

You can thank your orange orangutan for your demise!

And let's not forget, a lot of the Republicans said they will never vote again because they think it's rigged, hahaha please stay home please. Less morons voting, the better.


rdgrnr said...

Nobody really cares what RINO's think or say about anything.
They WANTED Trump to lose.
Those are the country club republicans, you know, the schmucks.
That's the Romney, Murkowski, Collins, Cheney, Bushie bunch.
They can take a flying fk on a rat's ass, nobody cares, go vote for Pence if you want.

1:16 PM
Pick3master3838 said...

So if Trump turned into a a rino, all of a sudden you would hate him also? Excuses for everything LOL

So anybody who is a Republican and stops being a right-wing Nut Job, all of a sudden they become a rhino LMAO

2:51 PM
rdgrnr said...

No, not at all.
A jerk is a jerk. A lot of them can hide it very well but a leopard can't change his spots. Eventually you see him for what he is and get rid of him
If you have a friend who stabs you in the back, are you still gonna be friends with him?
It sounds like you would.
And that's weird.

4:00 PM
Pick3master3838 said...

So you wouldn't hate Trump if he became a rhino? Why is he an exception to the rule?

4:08 PM
rdgrnr said...

Trump is a known commodity. You know where he stands.
When you have weasels like Mittens Romney who never takes a strong position on anything that you consider very important, you know you're gonna have problems.
Or outright liars like John McCain who pretended to be Conservative every election but then sided with the Democrats on half of the stuff they wanted.
Useless pukes.

4:26 PM
jarasan said...

Joker stop drinking, your attempt at rhetorical debate is pathetic. Trump was a democrat before the democrat party turned its back on American values and turned into the pile of commie dog sh1t it is now.

6:15 PM
Pick3master3838 said...

Jaracrap.... your orange blob is a racist, xenophobic, bigoted liar. He systematically ruined democracy forever.

But at the end, the Republican party will implode for 2022 and 2024 by constantly screaming the election was rigged LMAO I'm not saying this, it's government officials in Florida saying did it to yourselves, don't blame anybody else.

6:59 PM
rdgrnr said...

Those government officials in Florida speak only for themselves and their country club cohorts. They are the tattered remains of the "Jeb Bush is Invincible" crowd before they folded before Donaldus Maximus Trump like a cheap lawn chair under Hillary's fat ass. Nobody is the least bit concerned about them. And you never take advice from losers.

11:58 PM
grwurston said...

your orange blob is a racist, xenophobic, bigoted liar. He systematically ruined democracy forever.

So what is biden?

1:43 AM
rdgrnr said...

Biden is a potted plant, for all practical purposes.

9:50 AM

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