Name: Pick3master3838

Thursday, July 1, 2021

OGRE tRump tower



Unluckyone said...

Stick to playing pick 3�s as you may actually get somewhere in life. Barking leftist propaganda will only earn you fecal points from your woke buttlickers.

9:21 AM
Pick3master3838 said...

The only buttlickers is you orange ogre criminal ass lickers. 4 years of ass kissing no matter what that criminal did. Seems like you're projecting. Biden, a REAL President has to clean up after the mess you supports allowed to happen because you are too dumb enough to believe his long list of lies. And since stupidity can't be fixed, we had overthrow your orangutan out of the stolen office. He wasn't even a president to me, just a bully who convinced millions of MORONS to believe in his dictatorship.

Don't go away mad. just go away, the American people spoke, and your kind are no longer relevant or tolerated.

Anyone who still supports this dictator after 4 years of tyranny needs their head examined. Unfortunately, the diagnosis will show there was no gray matter, just dust.

Maybe if you drink some disinfectant, it may clear your damaged brain cells, after all, your dictator said it was a good idea, go for it !

GEESH, the stupidity is everywhere!!!!

9:45 AM
Stack47 said...

Eight months after the election, seven months after the Electoral College cast their votes, and six months after the inauguration, the Kool-Aid drinking tin foil MAGA hat wearing uneducated and gullible Trump supporters still believe he be "reinstated as president".

Even after every allegation is proved and Trump's people are being escorted into prison cells, the MAGA people will still call it a "witch hunt".

9:03 PM

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