Name: Pick3master3838

Monday, July 26, 2021

The orange Ogre is a MORON! And you worship this guy?? WTF??


Stack47 said...

Orange45 must be having a contest to see which version of himself can say the dumbest things. The latest was suggesting LeBron James should get a sex-change so he could play women's basketball.

But he'll continue saying idiotic things as long as the tin foil MAGA hat wearing Kool-Aid drinking supporters cheer for him. Bet he really says some really weird and dumb stuff when looking at himself in the mirror.

6:05 PM
Pick3master3838 said...

tRump and Bush Jr. are one of the dumbest people on the mills cause

6:35 PM
Pick3master3838 said...

Once and now there Rinos, but even after 4 judges appointed by Trump himself turned dow the trial because of lack of standing, it still didn't work. It's like supporters don't want to hear the truth, only lies that set their way.

9:09 PM
noise-gate said...

* Trump is worshipped. Just look at what Kevin had to say about the Jan 6th insurrection. He past the blame to Pelosi, saying she failed in her duty to secure the Capitol.

* Hello, was Pelosi the Commander in chief? No- does Pelosi have the authority to tell the Armed forces what to do? - No!

* Yet not a word on the insurrection or putting the blame where it should be put, on Trump. Trump is the modern day Jim Jones, a charlatan & still loved by his adoring fans.

* Trump is their god.

6:42 PM
Stack47 said...

I'm waiting for them to hear the testimony from whomever told the Capital police to leave their firearms at home. And the military police were told to wait.

Regardless of what the testimony proves, the tin foil MAGA hat wearing Kool-Aid drinkers will continue with saying the same lie they told thousands of time. They will say it until their lie is pulled from their "cold dead tongues".

11:45 PM

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