Hi there


Name: Pick3master3838

Monday, July 26, 2021

The orange Ogre is a MORON! And you worship this guy?? WTF??

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Covid variant hits Florida and concerns over lockdowns

Leave it to another red state for denying science, especially to the governor who is clueless in my state. Thank goodness I'm moving back to California in less than a month. You people are nuts. Fake news my butt! I'm so tired of the naysayers who pretend to be professionals giving advice based on what a deranged orange monster from hell was indoctrinating them with, false narratives, never ending lies, and only caring about his reputation, he doesn't give a flying eff about you, the cult members...So effing sad this beautiful country that I served, has to turned into this mess. . It's just like all the religions, remember, we're ALL born atheists, until someone lies to us. 

Good riddance FloriDUH!

Ron DeSantis sounds like a cheap wine. 



Monday, July 12, 2021

Mental Breakdown

Thursday, July 1, 2021

OGRE tRump tower