Wednesday, June 15, 2016

"Homegrown" For Dummies.

I'll try to keep this simple, so all the so-called Patriots can follow along.

Analogy, if you want Lavender to grow in Florida, you plant it there.

If you want it to grow in Minnesota, yep hopefully you guessed it, you plant it there.

Same applies to Radical Islam, for all you so-called educated Patriots who understand everything the left wing rags tell you. I will give a brief World History lesson.

Divide and Conquer, Military leaders throughout history have practiced this tactic, Sometimes it's works. sometimes ( Just ask General Custard) Elmer Fudd laugh... it doesn't .

This means you split you forces, right flank , left flank, box your enemy in the middle with no where left to run.

Now pay close attention Patriots, Islam's Mantra, their one true goal is to make the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD ISLAM...UNDERSTAND ANY OF THIS?

Now for centuries they have practiced Divide and Conquer with the skills of a master. They are very good at these tactics because from birth this is what they are taught ,that the entire world should be Islam.. Generation after generation.

Making the world Islam is a slow and tedious process, But those darn Christians and Jews just keep breeding.

How does this pertain to the United States? We were born a Christian nation.

We grew hard and fast, became a world leader at a very young age.

So how does Divide and Conquer work here? Very slowly. You start planting, remember the Lavender analogy.

You divide your forces, you send the very Passive and Loyal to make claim.

Patriots, pay very close attention to the next couple of sentences, You open businesses, have kids and learn our laws and how to use them to full advantage.

You then start passively complaining about Christmas, Easter, Pledge of Allegiance in the school systems.

Removing Jesus and God as we believe is paramount. Cry Hate and discrimination to get what you want.

Even though we believe in Democracy, that majority rules, because of the crying, 1 kid over-rules the other 10,000 kids. Hence you destroy a belief system.

Now for Anchor babies, for some reason people only apply this to Mexicans, sooooooooo not true.

Growing up in Michigan, the largest Muslim population in the States, I can tell you on first hand knowledge, That Middle Eastern women have been coming here for years to give birth, they don't live here and have no intentions of staying, they give birth to their new American baby and Leave, this has been going on for close to 40 years in large quantities. There are millions of Anchor babies.

Patriots, are you understanding how his new Homegrown Terror has evolved?

Take a look at who would love to disarm us? Look at who is spending the money and supporting candidates who would help this cause.


At 9:31 AM, jarasan said...

Factual, true, Thank You Sully. Wake up America. Look at Europe, they are starting to wake up.

At 9:54 AM, CARBOB said...

I have been saying this all along. MUSLIMS DON'T BELONG IN THIS COUNTRY, THEIR RELIGION IS DIFFERENT THAN WHAT WE BELEIVE IN. THEY DO NOT WORSHIP GOD!!!! The elected officials need to wake up.

At 10:28 AM, sully16 said...

Carbob, I know many Muslims, most just want to raise their kids and live without poverty, war, lack of general freedom that their home country does not allow.
Their kids wear jeans and tee's and compete in sports. They go to concerts and celebrate most of our Holidays, They love Thanksgiving.
Many however, I can feel the hate and disdain dripping off them like water after a thunderstorm.
It has taken me a lifetime of living with these people to see which side their bread is buttered on.
Many Middle Eastern people here are Christians and they proudly wear the Cross. They are here for a better life.
I believe everyone should worship their way, I do have a problem with those who do not want to extend me the same curtesy.

At 11:37 AM, MADDOG10 said...

Homegrown, does NOT mean just because they were born here it makes them a naturalized citizen who shares the American laws and values. What it means is that they were dropped here or delivered whatever. Their ideological make up is from their Heritage. If you were brought up worshiping the sword, you will surely DIE doing the same. If your brought up with Respect of other cultures, things like what happened in Orlando would have never happened by a terrorist..
    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who's who in the world of Islam and what their Goal is. Yes they're Homegrown from their ideals, not from being in America. Well, not until the mule in the white house came on the scene.               Thanks for the post Sully.....

At 11:50 AM, sully16 said...

Right on Maddog, they were a Silver Sword necklace and have special tats.

At 2:44 PM, emilyg said...

Thank you sully.

At 3:40 PM, Lildarryl said...

Another racist blog post. One day you'll need help. And a Muslim or Mexican or black won't help your ass

At 5:18 PM, lakerben said...

So if hillary is president will she be to blame?
Or if heaven forbid trump gets elected will he be at fault? The easy access to high powered guns is the problem. Also, we went over to the middle east and agitated them and now they are here. .

At 8:26 PM, sully16 said...

Lil-lenny, Laker-lenny.
There is nothing racist in this blog, I myself am a minority.
My Red Azz is suggesting you do some homework, Starting with World History.

At 9:58 PM, MADDOG10 said...

Dang Lakerben, what an asinine thing to say. Do you say the same thing about a Driver who gets behind the wheel DRUNK and kills other families because they had easy access? Banning the object is not the solution. Even banning Individuals after background checks is not the solution. If a person is hell bent on getting a weapon, they WILL GET IT legally or Illegally. But by taking citizens rights away because of a deranged Individual will never be the solution, no matter how many times you want to slice it...!

At 10:24 PM, sully16 said...

Maddog, this tragic week has brought out another round of yappers, I have heard a lot of . "Why does anyone need a semi-automatic weapon"
First, it's nobodies business why I should want or need anything. This includes, food, drink, car etc.
Why do I need my Ruger .22 semi-automatic rifle, it's short, heavy and has a 15 round clip, just perfect for mama bear.
If anyone enters my home and I believe they mean me harm, well....
I got 15 chances to stop them, hopefully they just run out the door.
I practice, head heart and groin shots, yep, you come into my house, you may get shot and live, but your going to remember what ya did every time you empty your urine collection bag.

At 10:29 PM, MADDOG10 said...

By the way Lakerben, Here's a little myth buster about George W, and the price of Gas. It wasn't George who holds that distinction it's none other than your Idol from 2012 to2014.

From excerpts of Gov stats:
When adjusted for inflation, the average annual price of gasoline has fluctuated greatly, and has recently experienced sharp increases and decreases. The effect of the U.S. embargo of oil from Iran can be seen in the early 1980's with the price of gasoline peaking in 1982. From 2002 to 2008 the price of gasoline rose substantially, but then fell sharply in 2009 during the economic recession. In 2012, prices reached the highest level in the eighty-year series in both current and constant dollars.

"WOW" old George wasn't at the helm was he????

At 10:37 PM, MADDOG10 said...

@ SULLY16;

You go lady, I love your tactical style....!

At 7:22 AM, CARBOB said...

@Sully, I understand your feelings about women and children, but in the end as MD stated, their Religion is the big drawback. Christians vs Muslims.

At 10:07 AM, lakerben said...

Wow!   Get er done! Like I said I've lived and worked all over the country and never have owned a gun. And, I probably never will. So there is no solution since MD said the guns can be legal or illegal. Wow! What has this country turned into a bunch of gun packing paranoid people? I remember a guy at a local college here in town that raised hell about a Muslim in our class . He went on and on until one of the classmates turned around and told him that he's not Muslim you idiot he's mexican! Lol!
I'm 100 % correct and that's the rest of the story.

At 10:07 AM, lakerben said...

Wow!   Get er done! Like I said I've lived and worked all over the country and never have owned a gun. And, I probably never will. So there is no solution since MD said the guns can be legal or illegal. Wow! What has this country turned into a bunch of gun packing paranoid people? I remember a guy at a local college here in town that raised hell about a Muslim in our class . He went on and on until one of the classmates turned around and told him that he's not Muslim you idiot he's mexican! Lol!
I'm 100 % correct and that's the rest of the story.

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