Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Saturday, June 15, 2024


Nancy Pelosi Calls On Donald Trump's Family To Stage An Intervention

LMAO!! If anyone needs an intervention it's her.
Says the multi millionaire botox vodka fiend who's been wrecking America for the past 25 years. Ugh.
She's 100% correct!
* Nancy is correct.  She was speaker of the house longer than 45 was President & she " moved legislation " under her leadersip- think me wrong? Do research & see the things she got passed with a Presidential signature.

* Trump is UNWELL- think me crazy again? Just look at the crap he spouts at his rallies. If he is not talking about " snakes, sharks & electrocution" his going on about a rigged election, even business leader he met with on the hill said he talked gibberish & moved the topic in all directions that clearly showed he had lost some major steps from years ago wh where he was barely hanging on.
* Funy how telling the truth to the Maga folks is constantly met with skepticism and ridicule. Just think on this: Trump sat for weeks in a Manhattan court,  he was involved in picking the jury, now had he been found " not guilty " by THAT jury, both him & his supporters would have said" Look, it was a waste of taxpayers money " but instead- the opposite occurred & then we got " election interference,  witch hunt" BS, because the results they wanted,  did not come to fruition.

* On election night 4 years ago: The fool was leading in the count & declared victory before the night was over, when he started losing: It was rigged.  American voters are fed up with putting Toddler's  in disguise as powerful leaders in the WH. Now the fool is asking the voters to give him a 2nd chance. He never talks about the economy bottoming out under his watch, it's always " inflation & gas prices."
* Imagine a convicted FELON running the country? It doesn't compute with the Maga minions because when you a cult, the leader can do no wrong. Think l am wrong?

* David Koresh the Cukt leader that died in Waco was literally " sleeping with the wives" of the cult members & passing himself of as the Messiah & told the group that having his offspring was a blessing. That insane F thinking, minus Maga women sleeping with the Orangutan is the mindset of this clueless morons called supporters.
They have a vaccine for TDS you knoowww
That's the only one they'll never take, JAP.
Joepedo needs an intervention by social services to save him from Jilly's elder abuse, her lust for power is killing joey and the country.
Eat your hearts out TDS sufferers......
Trump had a roundtable discussion today at a black church in Detroit. People there said neither Obama nor Biden would ever come to the hood.
Here's the clip.
Trump is  an idiot. He just wants to tax the middle class and give tax breaks to the rich.   Four years of him and the economy tanks!
lakerdummy just jumped the shark and exposed itself as a troll trying to get a rise out of people. #13 is actually pretty funny. Good one! 🤣🤣
Put the pipe away jarsan. I'm 100% correct!
* Know who has TDS as you You guys,why- cause you can't break lose of the convicted felon, he occupies your very existence.

* He demands attention,  so this TDS is all on you guys. He holds a rally, and his supporters come from far & wide. The fools stand in over 110% heat waiting for the felon to arrive- then emergency units need to be called to render assistance. For  F sake, can't you guys see that you are being played?

* If there have a vaccine for TDS, they ought to start with his duped supporters, they could really use a jab.

* l am repeating myself here just in case you missed my previous posts: NO ONE would be talking about Trup if he had left the political scene for goof. Just as no one talks about W Bush, Obama or Clinton- he would have faded into history,  into the background,  but..

* The fool refuses to grow up & realize that he had his time. So, if anyone is suffering from TDS, it's the guys who refuse to believe that he lost, that he is now a ranting idiot who's promises are hollow.Just watch how he performs at the debates. All that bluster he gives off at his rallies will be exposed. There will be no teleprompter for either side & if he goes off talking about " snakes, sharks & shxt" his camp might as well throw in the towel.
* What Maga minions refuse to accept is that their nominee for President of the United States is a convicted FELON. It's pretty hard to wrap one's mind around the fact that the guy you rooting for was found " Guilty of a crime." Whether it's a State crime or not- the fool was convicted by not Bragg or a prosecutor- but a jury of his peers, by people he selected.

* The reason why sane voters know that the Maga bunch are insane is the fact that in their minds, the following did NOT happen..

* Trump did not lose the 2020 election, he did not have sex with Stormy, he did not try to remain in office despite the voters telling him his services were no longer required, he did not steal classified documents, nor did he have his people move the boxes around, he did go along with the fake elector scheme, he did not ask.the Secretary of State for 11,000 votes.

* In fact, because Trump is a Christian & a deeply devout person, it would be against his religion to do any of the above. After all, he knows how to carry & lift up a Bible as a photo
op in front of a church when his WH was under siege from the protestors.
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