Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Hunter Biden Guilty On All Counts

* No one is above the law. Hunter rolled the dice & came up short. At least he took responsibility for his actions.
Hunter rolled snake eyes.
At least he's not crying like a baby saying he's not quality. Like someone we know!
We will have to wait and see.  So far he's taking it like a man unlike the crybaby trump!
* Hunter manned up-while on the opposite side of the law, the Orangutan says " his ready to go to jail" but doesn't want to be sentenced to jail. He attacks the judge, the entire judicial process, but hey " l will gladly go to prison for what l believe is unfair treatment."
Yeah kinda funny how that laptop swung Hunter a guilty verdict, but wasn't good enough to swing an election huh? You f'ing GD leftist caulk suckers can piss off, junior knows he isn't going to jail, fawking sh1t is corrupt as hell.

Those traitorous 51 a$$wipes that said Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation should be in prison max for 25+ years all of them, and anyone else that pushed that lie.
* Hey educated one. The laptop was picked up during the Trump administration. Why did they not act on it back then? Wanna know why? Glad you asked: Cause in 2018, Trump was looking forward to another term, but when cracks appeared during the Pandemic & Joe was close to clinching the nomination- oh boy, let's get back to that laptop & see what we can throw in Joe's way & upset the cart.

* Don't blame Joe & others for bad planning on 45's part & his administration. Got your a** in a corner haven't l Martz?
* Remember that claim of there being a two tiered justice system. Why then are you complaining we when the DOJ that nailed Trump, also nailed Hunter. In a word you can understand: STFU.
*sparkle-farts* get off the meth, bad combo with that TDS. I�m in your head not in a corner, sober up, detox for God�s sake.
* Agitated huh? Understandable.You had no idea that Hunter's laptop was in the custody of the Trump administration, Understandable once again, cause you incapable of thinking clearly.
* Go do your laundry, if that's done: Clean your room.
Funny thing about this conviction....Let's see if he does any time for a federal Felony....Don't hold your breath on it....Now...Us regular folks, we would be doing at least a year.....Still have the tax evasion pending.....tick tock
* Monday quarterbacking once again. The Maga minions were complaining about a two tier justice system, well guess what- Hunter was found guilty & so was 45. There is absolutely no justification to somehow say "
let's see if he does time." The same could be
said of 45- will he be sentenced to doing time in prison. Just stop moving the goalposts and
admit " justice was served in both cases."

* At least we see the difference between both cases: Not a negative word from Hunter or Joe, whereas the Toddler can't help himself from blaming everyone,  from the judge to the system but never once looking in the mirror and saying, we messed up. The fool never admits mistakes of any kind & people say F that.
*The laptop was picked up during the Trump administration. Why did they not act on it back then?
No. Hunter dropped it off at the repair shop and never went back to pick it up. The shop owner notified HB and kept it for 90 days. After that it was considered abandoned property same as it would at any other repair shop for any item. They shop owner then saw what was on it and gave it to the FBI. 
When word got out about what was on it, the msm and FBI first tried to say it didn't exist and then later on the msm claimed that 51 current and ex CIA officials said the laptop was Russian disinformation put out by Trump which was a lie. They were doing it to protect the Biden's.
But then all of a sudden they were admitting it was real during Hunter's gun trial. They had to. It had gone public and too many people had seen it and they couldn't deny it's existence any longer. Reading the Background will explain in more detail how the FBI got it.
If you want to see the entire contents of what was on it go here.
Here is video of what the msm were saying about the laptop.
*sparkle-farts* is a sh1tposter with TDS. A class A idiot with little purpose in life other than sh1tposting.

A second red letter post #11, no lying about Trump.

GR you are 100% correct it was part of the coup, the fbi was denying and hiding it from the voting public. The FBI is corrupt as h3ll.
* Who F cares about the laptop at this point. Hunter was found guilty and will be sentenced.

*Just stop trying to equate Hunter's guilt with
Trump's. One was an addict, the other the Potus. Are you guys pretending to be dumb in forums or is this your behavior 24-7? One can see why 45 said " l love the unedited. "
" l love the uneducated. "
You  right hose gate .  They say hunter may not do time don't hold your breadth. How many felonies does trump still have and will he do time. Don't yold your breath.  The Maga morons are hypocrites!
* It's because these F idiots are in a cult. They tried getting Joe with the " Buden Crime family " BS, and after who knows how many hearings- they came up with nothing. Then they turned their attention to Hunter since they couldn't get Joe.

* When Trump was convicted, they suddenly turned to the gun & who knows what. OK, Hunter was found G. So leave it there A holes. No,instead it's the " fix is in." Who F cares,  he was found guilty. They won't rest until either Joe or Hunter is behind bars. These vile creatures will do anything to preserve the cult leader & his goofy policies.

* He told his supporters to their faces that he didn't care about them & they still stick around- then they wonder why people say they brain washed.
Biden saying he won't pardon Hunter. He's full of it.

Is it just me, or does Biden look like Jeff Dunham's Walter with hair?
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