Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Ex-WH Doctor Raises Alarms About Biden's Mental Health

What about Trump?  What about his mental health??? Really!!!
* Ronny Jackson was the guy that said he had never seen a � fitter President than Trump.� Right- a guy who feasts on fast food & everything with cheese. Plus Ronny was a celebrated Drunk abroad Airforce One- go check. He was also checked for fondling women while being the WH Doctor.

* Anytime you fit the word � fit & Trump� together, you know the guy is lying, like 45 posts his weight as 215. His midsection is at least 150lbs alone.
* Ronny is now a Congressman from TX, after getting out of the WH as a Dr, he turned his sights to making sure he keeps getting paid by the taxpayers of this country. If he was that good a Dr, why not open your own practice? Makes one wonder huh?
you two idiots are not worth responding to, pathetic circle jerkers.
* lt�s easy to call someone a idiot when you as an individual has the thinking process of an 8 year old. No sane adult l know still claims that the election was � rigged� or as your religious leader likes to claim was stolen from him. Evidence means nothing to you sycophants. You constantly looking for � other truths� so to speak.
* l repeat as l have so many times before: When Trump complained about the votes in those 5 States being rigged, those States granted him RECOUNTS- and every single one of those States that 45 lost, did not end up in the � win column � for him. The courts came to the same conclusion, why on earth have you Maga nuts not folded & whispered, we lost but we will be back. Not you guys- which is why when you mentioned � idiots� l literally rolled my eyes.
* Go do research on Ronny Jackson, he loves to go on Fox and chime on about his credentials. Sure he was the WH Doctor, but being a Maga nut, one could hardly expect him to say that 45 was unhealthy, if he did- he�d be out of a job. Which is why l said he needed to be gainfully employed so he switched from Doctor to politician. Can you name a piece of legislation he has produced, how about Ms Greene, Boebert? These
Folk love to talk & are empty vessels, much like thee.
No kidding he's slipping. You don't need a doctor to tell you that. Anyone that's ever had a family member with dementia could tell you it's been obvious for months.
So the concensus is one candidate has dementia and the other one is nuts!
* As we get older, we all slip,and it shows with Mitch, Grassley, Biden & especially Trump. The guy glitches at his rallies and talks trash because he goes off his teleprompter & wants to show the world that he is his own man.
When on Truth Social- he reads directly off the script, has his editing crew clean up the glitches & comes off as in total control, but pit the fool in front of a live audience & his brain turns to spaghetti sauce. You know it, and so does your brethren- but shh, not a word.
* They still can't explain how a person they say has dementia & is senile could defeat him at the polls. Pointless  saying it was rigged- he had no problem claiming no rigging in the States he won, why is that? Oh, l know, let's come up with...

* If we lose, they cheated,  if we win, it was fair!"
Anyone that suggests to use disinfectant to cure covid needs a check between the ears!!!!!
* lf any American President said " l will be a Dictator on day One." The nation collectively would be shocked- but guess what, the Maga morons cheered him on. Do these fools even know what Dictatorship looks like, much less experienced it? Folks have fled countries like Cuba & North Korea to experience Freedom, and these kool-aid drinkers think it's fun?

* Perhaps they experienced Jan 6th, were probably at the scene and found it thrilling & exhilarating, why- cause it was mob mentality & they got a rush thinking " we in charge" and no one can stop us.Yeah, try telling that to the proud boys & others who are serving time. The United States is not a 3rd world country, we look up rapist, robbers, murderers, those who break the laws in finance & politics as well. We  do not accommodate BS here.
i will write-in vote for the worm in kennedy's brain.
*When on Truth Social- he reads directly off the script, has his editing crew clean up the glitches & comes off as in total control

So you hate him so much you joined his site. That's funny, HAHAHAHA
* From a report fella. The only lies l entertain is from you guys, why? Cause l can respond to it with glee.
* Why haven�t you defended Ronny Jackson since this report is about him? You probably did your research & said � nope, not touching it.� The fool was also demoted- any comment on that?
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