Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Saturday, June 15, 2024


DOJ Declines To Prosecute Merrick Garland After House Holds Him In Contempt of Congress

No surprise there.
* Prosecute Garland for what exactly? The Republican house received the Transcript of the interview with Joe & Her. What more did they need? Wanna know, l am glad to tell you.

* The cult wants to listen to Joe & then say " he paused for a good 10 secs before answering, etc etc." Then take those taking points to Fox & friends & paint a totally different picture saying " Hur was correct " and the President is showing his age & is unfit for office.

* Well hello, 45 is 78 and clearly is unfit for office , mentally. No candidate for High office who doesn't sleep, but rants &  raves, attacks any institution that doesn't align with himor does his bidding is worth anything. Go clean up your organization & leave governmental duties to professional. What a useless &
empty suit this guy was & is to begin with.
* Crickets *
* Wanna know how F up the Conservative & Maga supporters are: Wait for it.

* These F'r actually toke the dress from Monica lewinsky & tested the semen stain for DNA to nail Clinton for having sex with a grown woman. They ghouls, all of them.  Always looking to a way to create chaos. So excuse me when l read that These F-r's are doing things in the public interest.
What in the world does Monica and Clinton have to do with the DOJ not prosecuting Garland?  And you wonder why people don't respond to you so much anymore. Here's a hint. Try sticking to the topic instead of always going off on a tangent that has nothing to do with anything.
Just trying to help.
* People don't respond to me because they have literally nothing to say. You to dense to connect simple dots G. On post #2  l spelt out the reason your brethren on the Hill wants the audio. They not satisfied with the print out. The connection with Monica & Bill & simple.

* Instead of staying on the topic of Bill having an affair & leaving it at that, those F'r wanted to test the dress for DNA, much like not " taking the DOJ's" word on the transcript- they want the " original item" like the audio, much like those conservatives wanting the blue dress.

* Are you this incompetent in real-life or do
you play silly when you enter the forum? Which one is real? I find it particularly hard to imagine how the Maga folk function on a daily basis, l would go crazy. Looking back, the folks who survived the Waco shootout had much to say, those who lived to tell just couldn't break free from the grip that Koresh had on them
It's true in the case of the Maga- trump worshippers as well.

* I have yet to read of any Anti Trump Conservative Congressman that still holds a position on the Hill: Just about all on those Republicans that survived Jan 6th had nasty words or thoughts on 45's actions that day. Yet everyone of those fools is now in his camp, what went wrong? How do they reconcile their conscience by embracing a convicted felon?

* Saying it was a witch hunt won't fly. He was tried & convicted. What would happen if Trump lost & next year faced the racketeering charge in Georgia? If convicted, are the Maga folks going to claim " witch hunt" or worse? It's time to wake ?? up.
* Finally- Biden pulled executive privilege on the audio tapes. End of story. Garland doesn't have to give Comer & Jordan Shxt. Both those A holes ran on exposing the Biden Crime family for over  F year & came up with ziltch. Now they looking to carefully go over the audio & " find something" to feed to.tje public on how Joe " is unfit to lead." Sorry, you.had your 365 days plus to dig up dirt on the President & you failed.  No Hail Mary this time around.
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