Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Ohio Prepares To Leave Biden-Harris Off Presidential Ballot

* Trump carried Ohio in 2016 & 2020, so there is no hurrah.

* Besides, that action by these brain dead Conservatives is unethical. This is America ffs, you don�t decide to keep folks off the ballot that you don�t like & tell folks who don�t like your candidate to accept it regardless.

* These Conservatives are telling Ohioans to accept a rapist, liar and theft as the only alternative- give me a break.
It's obvious that some one is making stupid comments without having actually read the article.
Here is part of what you DIDN'T read.  It's all on the dems.
The Democratic National Convention will not confirm Biden as the nominee until Aug. 19, conflicting with an Ohio law requiring presidential candidates to certify their nomination to the secretary of state�s office 90 days before the election. 

Then he says this,
*This is America ffs, you don�t decide to keep folks off the ballot that you don�t like & tell folks who don�t like your candidate to accept it regardless.
Strange how he never said that when the dems were doing that exact same thing to Trump.

Tracking Efforts to Remove Trump From the 2024 Ballot
By Lazaro Gamio, Mitch Smith and Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs Updated March 4, 2024

Formal challenges to Donald J. Trump�s presidential candidacy have been filed in at least 36 states, according to a New York Times review of court records and other documents.

Mr. Trump has been disqualified from the primary ballots in Colorado, Illinois and Maine, and has appealed those decisions. Because of those appeals, he is still likely to appear on primary ballots in those states, at least for now. The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Colorado appeal on Feb. 8 in a case that could determine Mr. Trump's eligibility for the ballot nationally.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on March 4 that former President Donald J. Trump must remain on Colorado�s primary ballot, saying states have no power to exclude candidates for federal office based on Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.
* Trump's disqualification has or has everything to do with him not accepting the results of the election- and the attempting to overturn Democracy. He violated his oath of office when he decided that he ought to stay another 4 years despite the voters telling him " No!"

* The guy is to dumb & stupid to realize that there have been persons who have clinched the nomination but failed to get into the WH, there have also been Presidents that have lost after serving one term.

*.By the way- Ohio's Governor must have read my earlier post & decided to take matters into his own hands & get the Biden thingies rolling. Where on earth do these Maga idiots get the idea that you can deny a sitting President getting on the ballot. So All of Ohio's citizens were supposed to cast their votes for 45? That happens on Earth2, the place you guys reside.
Don't you ever do any research before you post something?
The Ohio law about requiring presidential candidates to certify their nomination to the secretary of state�s office 90 days before the election has been in effect since Feb 5, 2014. That's over 20 years ago.
You mean to tell me the dems never knew this? That's hard to believe if they did it on time every election for the last 20 years. So it's DNC's own dam* fault for not certifying Biden's nomination sooner. But that is so typical of this admin. They always want to blame someone else for their screw ups.
Here's the law. 
The date it went into effect is right there. It took me 10 seconds to find it on google.
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