Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Friday, May 24, 2024


Gov Hochul Calls Bronx Residents Who Show Up For Trump Rally 'Clowns'

She must be looking in the mirror because she wields a hideous clown face, no make up needed. But no, actually, she is a tyrant, New York deserves better.
Exactly, she must have looked in the mirror before spewing garbage out of her mouth, there are many, many clowns in NY and she is the ringleader!
How to not get re-elected, lol lol lol
* Frday Special: l cut and paste the comments above & guess who l am thinking about.

*  How not to get elected, spewing garbage,is a tyrant.

* Enough said.
Ya little weirdo get back to work.
* l am working- l come here to de-stress & correct BS that needs to be rectified. It's a question of balance, something you know very little about.
Hochul is the worst gov NY has ever had.
You are 100% right sully. Imagine how good his business could be if he spent as much time working as he does goofing off on LP.
Goofing off = work doesn't get done. Work not getting done/done on time = unhappy customers. Unhappy customers = less $$$. Less $$$ = stress.
Not goofing off = keeping busy. Keeping busy = work gets done/done on time. Work getting done/done on time = happy customers. Happy customers = less stress and more business. More business = more $$$/profits. More profits = more $$$ for employees. More $$$ for employees = happy workers. Happy workers = more work gets done. More working getting done = business can grow. Business grows = more $$$ for you. More money for you = early retirement. Early retirement = no more stress. No more stress = enjoying life.
Now stop wasting time reading this and get yerass back to work.
Proud boys x srand ready!   I'm innocent I never met her!!!
Proud boys stand ready. But what about those fake electors. Lock him up!!!
* One has to be brain dead to think that if 45 ever got back into office that he would do so call � great things.� Let�s not forget that the economy he inherited- allowed him to give massive tax cuts & when our economy bottomed out under his watch- he had no plan. W bush did the same thing- he inherited a surplus from Clinton & started cutting checks in his 1st term & it took Obama to right the ship so to speak.

* It�s nostalgia: These Maga minions are always looking back. Much like re uniting with your EX, one thinks of the � glory days � sweating in the backseat of the car, all curled up going all out & � thinking � it will all work out like before. The world does not stand still, neither does progress. I saw this piece where this fool is talking about � banning contraceptives� it�s always F control with these guys. Talking about control, they have the house & have done absolutely nothing for the American people since they took control. Then they wonder why they lose.
* I saw this piece where this fool is talking about � banning contraceptives�
Man you believe anything you hear on the fake news don't you?  HAHAHA
You goofing off again!?
Grwurston take notes you are being  schooled again!!!
No LB, NG is just repeating the same old same, same old he's said a hundred times. *Let�s not forget that the economy he inherited... Then he gives us a Penthouse Forum letter he wrote detailing how he hooked up with his ex GF. Of course he was at work when he wrote it. Goofing off again...
But no mention of how Biden ruined the economy. 1.4% inflation when he started and he took it up to 9.1% in June 2022 Then Biden wanted credit for lowering it when it went down to 4% Now he's claiming it was 9% when he took office. But you guys think he's doing a great job. Here's ya proof of the inflation numbers. Going back to 1914.  And it's still double what it was in Feb 2021, Biden's first full month.
* G- There is a Youtube piece where 45 is asked plainly- so you looking to prohibiting the same of contraceptives and your religious leader says something like " we looking into it, and we will make a decision pretty soon." Then your leader says " Different States will have different decisions to make." You believing in a con man.

* Remember when he went on TV to say that he got RoevWade overturned? That it stood for decades and no one thought it possible, but he got it done. He wanted it going to to States and then he said that the State will make a determination on what is what, well what is happening?

* He thinks people in general are idiots like the rest of his supporters- he thinks women in general will have to " make deals" on how to control their own bodies. Do Research- your Religious leader is trying to take America back to the Stone age.
* Hold on there G. Trump doesn't know anything on how to run a country or its economy. If he did, he wouldn't have a failed business record. Remember his casinos? Biden had no economy to " ruin." He inherited a mess from 45- go check. If the economy was great under 45 when Covid-19  hit, why did he get the boot from the voters? Its a simple question.

*Americans "DO NOT GET RID" of a President IF the economy is going full steam ahead. He got canned for being negligent and being useless. He expected the voters to keep him in the WH when our economy was that of the great Depression, who in their right mind wants to keep a loser around? i guess the Maga folks do, which is why they brain dead- Zombies in suits.
So what was the mess Biden inherited? If 1.4% inflation is a mess what do you call 9% inflation?
* He inherited a mess from 45- go check.
Why do I have to "go check"? 
I don't tell you to "go check" I prove it. I provide sources/links for my info. Now you prove it to me. What's your source for that?
Go ahead, I'll wait.
*sparkle-farts* talks out it�s a$$, just like in the video.
* The " mess" was that millions of Americans were Unemployed fool. Biden fixed that & with it came inflation. Trump talked " infrastructure " as though he would put pen to paper, but he never did- he then went after conservatives who signed off on that bill.

*He spent more time on Twitter than truly working for the American people.
* In language l hope you understand: When Covid hit under 45's administration- millions of Americans lost their jobs & 45 had no rescue plan. Wanna know why? Cause he walled into a growing economy & rode that train until it derailed & he had NO PLAN to fix it- he was that incompetent. So there...
Biden didn't fix anything. The Gov't, Fauci, Birx, et al put people out of  work by shutting down businesses. Then people went back to their same jobs 6 months later. That is not Biden creating jobs or lowering unemployment.
* You need a brain transplant.

*When you President, any President, you accept the good & the bad on your watch. When the economy was good for 45's term few years- you were all ears, when it went South in the 2nd half, you blame others.

* You guys had no problem blaming Joe for the Afghan pullout, but you won't accept the fact that Trump's policies or lack of sent the economy into the toilet. Remember when we were told Obama care was a nightmare & that 45 was going to get rid of it & replace it with something great? Never happened in 4 years. He should have told the nation that it would take 8 years to accomplish that feat.

* Sorry- go cry in your 🍺 beer G, you picked him. It shows your mental state of mind & your stupidity is on full display.
* You can't be clueless G- no economy Creates itself. It's as l previously mentioned on a number of occasions- 45 inherited a growing economy from Obama, he took it for granted that it would continue to grow- but he did not plan on a crisis happening on his watch.

* The folks he choice to lead his departments were certainly not top notch. Apart from his defense minister & others who were smart enough to cut loose when they witn essed incompetency- others stayed around & went down  with his ship. Think of these " smart " people he chose: Bannon, Rudy, Meadows, Clark, Eastman,Manafort & others who were " charged with crimes".. so yeah- only a fool knows how to pick fools.
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