Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Friday, May 31, 2024


Biden Praises Justice System After Trump Convicted

Dear pos leader is pleased. FJB
* This ain't the wild West jar jar Martz. We have rules in place to keep lawlessness out you fool. The country sees through your Maga  BS. You guys want a country that would have a President who can do whatever the H he pleases. Make the Ival Office the seat of criminality. Well the country says F that.

* How the F are these politicians who ran to 45's side & condemned the justice system going to face their voters & lie through their teeth about unfairness? That system went after Nixon, after Clinton, after Menendez & somehow you fools are saying " Yeah, go after them but leave 45 alone."

* Who in their right mind salutes a convicted felon? Who puts a known pedophile in charge of an all girls school, cause that's the equivalent here. I did not see a single Republican stand with the verdict, it's as though they had tanked up with kool- aid all night into the early morning hours & were ready to go all out in raging against the justice system.

* l see Gym Jordan & company are asking Bragg & the Manhattan prosecutor to come to Congress & explain themselves- hello you stupid F's, the trial has been going on for 4-5 weeks. What the F do you need those 2 to show & tell you guys that is not already out there? It's the same BS they pulled in Wanting to go over the taped testimony of Biden by Hur. These Fools got the transcripts,  but no- they wanted to get the tapes & add their only extended version to events. What a bunch of A holes you guys keep sending to the hill.
* By the way fool: Biden is your President, so stop pretending he is not. He was sworn in & has been in the Oval office these past few years. If America was under attack- citizens are not going to be looking for Trump to answer the call, they know the fool is out of office, so l hope that clears your confused minds.

* This F Joe B is juvenile talk. Grow the F up.
He says, No one is above the law. Bull sh*t.  How come he wasn't charged with stealing classified documents like Trump was? He had them for10 years.  Robert Hur said, he didn't remember it. Yeah, right. So how come no other criminal gets away with their crime by using that excuse? Next time I get a speeding ticket maybe I'll try that excuse. Wish me luck!!

Maybe Hunter will say he doesn't remember smoking crack when his trial starts Monday? But if he was that high it may be the truth. lol  Will Joe say no one is above the law if Hunter gets convicted?  I say "IF" not when, because I'm wondering if any of the photos from his laptop of him smoking crack and weighting crack while he's holding his handgun that everyone has seen will even be allowed as evidence. If he doesn't get convicted then we can definitely say the Biden's are above the law.
From this AP report it sounds like the fix is already in. By The Associated Press and CLAUDIA LAUER and LINDSAY WHITEHURST
Published: May. 24, 2024 at 7:42 AM EDT|Updated: May. 24, 2024 at 5:03 PM EDT
WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) � The judge overseeing Hunter Biden�s federal firearms charges trial agreed Friday to block prosecutors from telling jurors about some other unflattering episodes from his personal life, but left the door open to allowing them in if the president�s son testifies.
Block prosecutors from telling jurors? Isn't that sort of withholding evidence? They didn't block unflattering evidence during Trump's trial. Stormy Daniels got pretty graphic right?

What do you mean HB's trial starts Monday gr? You didn't know? Did you forget?  Maybe it's because the media isn't reminding us by talking about his upcoming trial 24/7 like they did with Trump? You know if it was Don Jr. or Eric they would be. You think there is a double standard? Do you see it yet? Do you think they're using Trump's conviction as a distraction? Sure seems like it.
How much you want to bet HB barely gets a quick mention from cnn or msnbc the next couple of weeks?
Hunter Biden isn�t the president Mo Ron, why do you people think his trial has anything to do with Joe Biden? Trump is a criminal, we�ve been telling you this for years, but you didn�t want to hear orange Julius s**tzhispants is a con man! 34 felonies and you still want to gaslight� 3 more trials to go. Trump was right about 1 thing Dems are going to get tired of winning!
Gwqurston give it up . He's guilty as charged with more trials to go.  Lock him up!
Incredible job!  He needs to man up and go to prison for All his crimes!!!
The Mole would praise the soil for the flea that is on a dog's testicles as well.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
* The title of this piece is " Biden praises the justice system " as he should. If Hunter is sent to prison, Joe would abide by the decision, why?

* Cause we would be dealing with events from his past. Hunter openly confessed to dealing with drugs & making bad decisions. Ever heard your leader confess to anything? Confession HEALS a person & a nation & America has a big heart. Clinton confessed to the nation & rode out of the WH with huge approval numbers. It's this " l did nothing wrong " attitude that gets one into trouble each & everytime, especially when one has a track record of carnage.

* l will be a Dictator on " Day One" only. That's supposed to be a message that Americans will love? Really? You plot a coup and demand a 2nd term, just where did these ideas spring from, certainly not sane individuals.

* Here's something to think about: When the judge said that the jury had not arrived at a decision & said in 15 mins we will close up shop & convene in the morning: Trump & his attorneys were in an upbeat mood thinking the longer the jury takes, the more 45 is out of the weeds. Someone said 45's attorneys was laughing so much that he doubled up and almost hit his head on the table...THEN the judge said the jury had a verdict. That's when the blood drained from 45's team's faces.

* Lesson One: Don't take savvy Americans for fools, thinking that you can get away with stuff you generally do. They pulled the trigger on you in 2020 & they not shy to do it again. So blame whoever you want,  the judge, the system, the Dems, Biden- but the real culprit is the guy looking back at you in the mirror 🪞.
You make up more bs than anyone I have ever seen.
The Republicans should just recruit future candidates from local prisons to keep up their image!
* G, l take that as a compliment because you to much of a Dic**** to say l boxed you in with common sense. Perhaps you should reread post #12 again.
* Talking about bs- try : l did nothing wrong. I am being persecuted. I am the greatest President this country has ever had. All of America loves me, that is why l could not have lost the election.
*.Hey G, on Fox a commentator predicted that the stock market would lose 2% of it's value if Trump was convicted. Turns out the market surged to it's best day in 2024.

* How about that BS huh?
The market had a good day. SFW.
Noise gate why bother the Maga trumpies dont the realize that  are backing a loser.  The rich only back him for a tax break. He was a terrible president.
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