Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Saturday, April 27, 2024


Every One Of Biden's Policies Being Carried On By Biden

of course barry is running things, he even joked about it.
* All these claims of Joe not being in control is just oatmeal. Biden was in politics long before Obama was even elected to office as a Senator, in other words,  his his own man.

* Funny how the Maga folks think that 45 git into office " knowing all things about how the government operated" a political newbie, perhaps that is why the voters bounced him from office. That's a revelation for you closed minded minions.
* This Keith Self character is an empty soul. He said that if people prayed regularly- there would be shooting of people & ran on " stopping drag queen races" in his district. A regular Maga toadie.
" would be NO shootings of people." Yikes!
We all want the guy who makes an announcement at a press conference then says, I better not take any questions, I don't want to get in trouble.

What kind of president says that?
* The voters would rather get a sane answer from the Commander in Chief than some BS suggestion like " inject disinfectant into the body." Biden can call the shots instead of hearing some" gotcha questions" from opponents of Democracy. The Unions don't want anything to do with the guy in the red tie, why? Cause he promises and doesn't deliver. The guy is an enemy of the people.

* When have ever heard  reporters ask your leader " why did you want to overturn Democracy in the 2020 election?" He probably would change the topic because he has no answer. Like when reporters asked him " Mr President,  what's your 2nd term agenda?" His response was " Make America Great Again " that's when the voters realized he was an empty suit.
* Plainly put: Trump ran for himself,  he loves being in the seat of power but had no respect for anything else. It pains me to tell you that this guy you root for: Did not like visiting sites of the American dead that fought & lost their lives. He even asked his Chief of State why wounded soldiers were asked to sing the national anthem or were seen in his presence. After all he thought John McCain being captured & tortured was a fault of his own.

* The most disrespectful F-r to ever occupy the White house in over 200 years. I am surprised he doesn't go after Gov Abbott who is in a wheelchair. A totally corrupt individual who knows how to use people & then discard them like toilet paper. Just look at his treatment of Rudi, Mike Pillow & others- financially bankrupt because of aligning themselves with this fool.
Sane presidents wouldn't tell stories about his uncle being eaten by cannibals. Talk about an AYFKM moment. But this is the guy you want as president. You gotta be crazy.

There isn't a Union worker any where that would vote for a guy that tells a member  "You're full of sh*t" like Biden did to this auto Union worker.

Or when he called this guy a dam liar.

Imagine, the guy running for president getting mad and telling you that. If he loses his cool talking to a regular guy that questions him, how is he going to handle himself in high pressure situations with world leaders where doing that could be a sure sign of weakness.
Some how I could never imagine Trump cursing out and arguing with the public.
* The voters would rather get a sane answer from the Commander in Chief
Yeah, this is a real sane answer to a question from reporters. 
"I better not take any questions, I don't want to get in trouble".
In trouble from who? Your babysitter Dr Jill? Dude you're the president...
No wonder he avoids the press like the plague. His handlers are afraid of what he will say next.
Ask yourselves this: If this sitting Moron is so good, well, then why won't he debate President Trump. Talk about an empty suit? babbles is the one!
* You guy ought to spew out that bile that has been swirling around in your months for years, actually since November 2020. The minute you guys got the results that your guy lost- that gunk surfaced in your mouths & remain there to this day- it's jealousy. Get over it, if Joe is defeated- it will mean that the voters lost confidence in him " just as they lost confidence in Trump."

* You guys are dumb enough to think that Presidents are in office for life, grow the F up, they come, they go, they live, they die- we all do.  You guys have 3rd world thinking, thinking that your President lasts forever.

* As for debating Joe, why didn't 45 defeat the other Republican nominees when asked to? He avoided getting on the stage & getting ripped by Christie, Haley & others yet his up to the task to go at it with Joe? Your boy is chicken.

* By the way: Trump doesn't debate: He talks over his opponent, remember when they tried to push Wallace out of the conversation, he has no class.btw: What's he going to talk about, inflation? Oil prices? Can't talk about the border, he killed the bill that was in place, he thinks shouting is Presidential & When the moderator talks about his crimes of racketeering his going to say " no comment because it's an ongoing investigation?" He may run but he can't hide?

* His under the impression that a debate with Joe is like attending one of his rallies, where he takes no questions, he just delivers his usual rhetoric & his supporters lap it up, in fact " facts" will sink him. What's the old saying " careful what you wish for.."
" There isn't a union worker that would vote for Joe because he called the guy a name?" Hmm, but they will vote for a guy that promised them the world & did nothing? Right, okay.

* Look, the bottom line is we geared up for

the usual excuse to follow: If Trump loses,

they rigged it, if he wins, it was a fair election.

Okay, we get it,  thanks.
My brother was a IBEW electrician for 41 years.  There is no way in hell he would vote for trump!!
If Biden called him a p.o.s. or a dam liar would he still vote for Biden?
Would you?
MD, They would have to inject Joe with a case of Red Bull first just like they did for the SOTU speech.
I hear you grwuston, Haha, the rest of these fools are just like him!
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