Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


UPDATE: Supreme Court Allows Texas To Arrest Illegal Immigrants Who Cross Border

* Arrest & deport them, but rest assured- they will return, because they fleeing violence & want a better life for their children. Long after Abbot& the entire Congress men & women are ashes, they will still be coming to our borders, Texas can't stop this.
the police ought to be able to hunt illegals for sport !!
no limits!!
Then they should here the right way, they are not fleeing, they have been promised freebies by the people George sent to help bring them here, you really think these fatso's walked from El Salvadore?
New clothes, cell phones, . They are not here to pick crops, those migrant workers usually go home, they used too anyways.
Joepedos hands are bathed in a bloodbath, he is facilitating a foreign invasion. Good on Texas, there will be another 9-11 soon.
Amen sull y- No illegal immigrants didn't build America, Biden added "the reason our economy is growing."
Current status:
For example Gasoline used to be $2,50, now it is $4, a gallon after Joe Biden pushed it to $5 and then to $8. Inflation is out of control , Biden abd then yes , there  is illegal immigration  crisis,
Biden opened wide the border  door , then lured millions of foreigners to take our jobs, overwhelm our schools, take thousands in perks an d almost bankrupt  our exhausted welfare system. 
Hisory explains THAT great societies & civilizations rarely destroyed by external force but rather by internal chaos and corruption.

May our generous Creator note:
Quo Vadis?
* I love how millions will say " things were better in the Trump years" well yeah- he inherited the bounty from the Obama coattails. When Covid hit, where did his economy go? Wanna know,  down the toilet.

* The reason we have inflation is because when things got back to somewhat normal after the pandemic, demand skyrocketed because " supply was low." Besides,  looking at life in the rear view mirror does no society any good.

* Shxt, who wouldn't want the calm & serenity of the 50's when folks could sleep with windows open & sometimes door unlocked, but those days are gone- forever. To suggest that with 45 back in power, this country is going to see gas prices & almost zero inflation again? You'd better quit drinking that shxt, beginning right now.
* I recall Eric Trump saying his Dad " Built the New York" skyline. I guess you believe that as well. It's silly thinking at it's worst.

You think the most powerful country can't control our borders because the czar is on paid vacation ?
We can anD do control other countries borders-




Dam right things were better under Trump. Four years gas never hit $3.00. Under Biden the last time gas prices were under $3.00 was 5/3/21. Current weekly price is $3.56. Gas was $2.46 1/18/21 the week he took office.  Here's proof. Click on weekly.

Current inflation is still over double what it was when Biden took office. 1.4 vs 3.2  Highest inflation under Trump was 2.9% July of 2018.  Biden hasn't been under that since Mar 2021 only 2 months into his term. Biden hit 9.1% June 2022  Here's your proof.

All facts, not MSM BS.
* Those numbers were from the first 2 years of the coattails of Obama- how about posting the years of the Trump administration when our economy bottomed out? Come on, don't be shy!
* We had, and l quote, the WORST crash & economy since the Great Depression. That was under 45. Why did he not rescue America?
* Post Fact of those years G. Come on or eat crow.
* Gas Prices? Since when is a President in CHARGE of controlling gas prices? Are you awake? Next you going to say the President is in charge of car prices, how about the price of bread, pastries, price of cereal? You ought to listen to yourself- you coming off weird G.
Policies effect gas prices. You've heard of drill baby drill?  Trump. Gas prices went down.
How about, I'm going to do away with the fossil fuel industry. Biden. Gas prices went up.
Whose policies do you think effect the fuel economy standards? Or emission standards?
Whose policies are pushing EV's?
Whose policies do you think are pushing not being able to buy new cars with ICE's after 2035 in some states?

You want the years? Are you freaking kidding me!! Don't you know how to copy and paste a link?  Has your TDS affected you that much to render you so brain dead you can't even figure out how to do that?
The gas prices are weekly going back to 1993. The inflation chart is monthly from 1914-2024.

That's the difference between you and me. I post factual proof with sources that anyone can research, including you. You post nothing but fake news propaganda. aka Lies & BS.
Enjoy your crow.
* l asked you to post the economic situation under 45 when his economy sent the US into numbers not seen since the Great Depression & you return with this?

* Then you get into tds- nice. By the way, the US is now producing more oil than Saudi Arabia, with Joe in charge. Trump was handed the ball from a growing economy & tanked it. You still have crow on your plate.
NG, just look at all the roaches here who don't know how things work. I feel sorry for you blithering idiots.

Get your napkins out in 2024, all your whining and bitching won't stop Joe Biden, a real president from winning. You can thank the orange sewer rat for this.
* These cult members never talk about the US economy under Trump when it went into the Abyss towards the end of his term. The idiot goes on his rallies & constantly talks about " no inflation etc etc" under his watch- really. He & his suporters seem to forget the mess he found himself in towards the end of his term, how convenient. Why not talk about the BAD decisions as well. Then these cult members want to point to Joe as though he is doing such a " bad job" that he needs to be replaced,  by ...Trump. Give me a F break.

* There's a reason he lost: Try  his mishandling of the Covid-19 crisis. Worse still is that the Orangutan " Concealed the danger" of the pandemic from the US citizens. Then he thinks he should get re elected, for what? Incompetence?

* He ran on replacing Obamacare,  how that go? Ran on infrastructure- huh? Then he wanted another 4 years for what exactly again?

* I ask this again: Which country in the world
has a convicted rapist,  thief & liar attempting
to be elected President of that country? Psst, it's not some African nation or South Pacific country, take an educated guess!
Well, inflation is usually a pretty good indicator of the economy and 9.1% isn't too good.
Do we really have to rehash covid AGAIN?
Why do you keep spouting the lie Trump is a convicted rapist? He's not.  Here's your proof. The jury verdict form. Like I  said, all you post is fake news propaganda. Lies and BS.

What the heck has Biden done to help the country? When is he going to start building back better? We're still waiting. Now go ahead and brag on your fake leader. Show us proof.
Then there's this.
* One: The US economy is better than many nations out there at present. Remember when we were told that a recession was heading our way � last year?� Well guess what- it did not show up & we chugging along. People are WORKING- something 45 could not say the last year & a half of his Presidency. Go check, l will wait.

* Two: Despite what you think & say- according the the Washington Post July 19th 2923, entitled ..
� Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll.�

* This was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along and the jury rejected that- made other finding said Joe Tacopina ( Trump lawyer�
* A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real- world difference. He said that what the jury found Trump did was in fact RAPE, as commonly understood.

* Don�t agree? Take that up with the judge. I don�t make stuff up to make 45 look bad, he does that all on his own. Any further questions?
* Psst- none of the sources l claim to get information from have been SUED.

*However: Fox, Newsmax, Gatewaypundit have been sued. So if you going to quote any of those outfits, you losing before you start.
* By the way: One of your cult members claimed l take uppers or whatever. I am true to myself, never taken drugs, not even smoked in my life. I just happen to have a healthy brain, for now & a good memory. Which reminds me: What medications is Trump on, cause he recently said that Biden BEAT Obama, that right there is signs of dementia or mental decline when you can�t tell the difference between living persons.
There you go again with the fake news propaganda. I posted a link showing the jury form. Go look at it.

Per the form, Did Ms Carrol prove, by a preponderance of evidence, that Mr Trump raped Ms Carrol?    Yes or No. The jury checked No.

Unemployment was 3.4% just before the pandemic. It went up one month then started right back down. Biden has never been lower than 3.4  Unemployment is now 3.9%  Once again, here's your proof.
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