Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Saturday, February 24, 2024


6 names on Trump's vp shortlist

* l thought JFK's son was a lock for VP.
*sparkle-farts* your lack of education is shining brightly again. You should start using an English dictionary and doing historical fact checks before pounding the keyboard.
I heard he wants Stormy Daniels as his running mate!
* Jar jar- you probably have failing memory but l will do you a favor by digging up this piece from "

*Business Insider :
Oma Seddiq Jan 18, 2022, 8:09 AM PST

* QAnon followers want Trump to run again in 2024 and choose JFK Jr. as his running mate, according to a Politico report.
JFK Jr. died in a plane crash in 1999, but QAnon members believe he is actually alive and a Trump supporter.
Trump has repeatedly hinted at a 2024 run but has stopped short of a campaign announcement.
Followers of the far-right group QAnon want former President Donald Trump to run for office again in 2024 and select John F. Kennedy Jr., who is dead, as his running mate, according to a Politico report published on Monday.

Trump held his first rally of the year in Florence, Arizona, on Saturday, with many attendees decked out in QAnon gear, according to Politico.

"He's supposed to reveal himself on the 17th if he's truly alive. I think we'll see him," one rallygoer told Politico.

The JFK Jr. conspiracy theory has existed within the QAnon sphere for years, and the date of his return has changed over time. Followers recently flocked to Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas � the site of President John F. Kennedy's assassination � in hopes that JFK Jr. would make a comeback.

Believers of QAnon, a fringe movement that has become mainstream within the Republican Party, broadly maintain the conspiracy theory that Trump is fighting a "deep state" cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles. JFK Jr., according to QAnon followers, is in alliance with Trump and secretly fighting alongside him.

Members of the right-wing movement believe in a conspiracy theory that falsely alleges JFK Jr. � who died in a plane crash in 1999 � is actually alive, is an avid Trump supporter, and will soon show himself publicly.

* No need to apologize jar jar, just remember: NG, speaks the truth!
*sparkle-farts* once again you prove yourself to be an idiot, you don't exist in reality, you put up crap every time. Seriously Business Insider 2022? You are a moron.
Even when presented with facts by noise, jaracrap still has a hard time dealing with his cult mentality ego. What an embarrassment to humanity he is. You're nothing but a moron troll, and not very good at it. Again, crawl back to your filthy cave.
To the leftist dingleberries here,  you are using obscure irrelevant crap to portray what you ignorantly desire to be the homogeneous thinking among 100's of millions of citizens that love America. Well you are projecting again, we are not lemming drones and we don't hate America, and the 99.9% majority are not conspiracy theorists.  *sparkle-farts*, nosepicker Iranian joker, and laker dummy are indoctrinated America haters 100%.

Not one of you three nimrods has anything constructive to put forward, all you have is TDS hate and crap, nothing new, nothing original other than posting obscure sh1t pretending that anyone really believes any of that.

The reality is we have a senile,frail, old illegitimate codger sitting in his dirty diapers ruining this country, EVERYBODY sees that TODAY. You can read about in TODAY'S news and see the world mocking us....TODAY.
Jaracrap has to be the densest moron 9n this site. Dumbass...
* Nice try Jar jar.
* By the way the " world" is not mocking the

US. What it is mocking is the fact that a twice

impeached, 91 count indicted Ex President is

the front runner of the Republican party

that's the horror they witnessing. President

" Delay my court cases" is the " Only choice"

for a political party in shambles.That's the

joke around the globe!
Qanon is as relevant as you 3 clownish leftist a$$hats. That is a red herring, worthless and meaningless, you imbeciles can gas light all day long but the world is laughing at joepedo TODAY, everywhere on the planet in every time zone.
You're the laughing stock of LP knuckle dragger.
Oh yeah,  says the goat fuquer that has been ejected 43 times from LP. Dumasshat iranian goat abuser. 🐐🐐
* QaNon is alive and well within the Maga movement. Your party is looking for support of any kind, which is why they court Evangelicals and others- they trying hard to get independents on board, but those indictments and criminal charges are putting them off.

* Besides- Trump has NO MESSAGE, he cant run on the border, his slaves in Congress will talk about drugs coming across the border, but will not pass a border bill.  Trump is going to be a deportation President. Well l have news for him : Thousands of deported folks finD their way back to the States and the farmers need their help because you not going to find jarasan picking fruit & vegetables in the fields- a totally lazy ass is what that person is.
* You remember when 45 lost in 2020- The Orange unit said that " world leaders" were calling him up and asking " what the heck is going on over there, since you clearly won." When asked to name any of them.. he refused. Yet even Putin is saying he would rather prefer to have Joe in there because he knows Joe has a steady hand. Trump's heaping praise on Vlad is a major suck up & he knows it.

* Trump seems to think other world leaders are waiting to engage him in matters of world affairs,
but there is not one that has the welcome mat out for him and he knows it. So continuing lying is the way to go. He does it at every rally and gets high fives from his audience.
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