Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Thursday, June 8, 2023


Trump Witch Hunt Watch

Trump faces seven charges including Espionage Act, conspiracy to obstruct and making false statements. Considering Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims while President, the "making false statements" charge is a no brainer, but "conspiracy to obstruct" is a huge problem.
* l am reminded of the old saying " No-one is above the law." End of Story.
Ahhh yes, the legal, tenebrific scholars have spoken. Must be the end for ole DJT.... Well, that solves that. Case closed. Should stop the TDS in its tracks !!  Thank God for minor miracles.
Nothing but good times ahead for all.
* CD- why are you in denial? Either Trump " Broke the law or he didn't." Are you saying that 45 is innocent of all charges & that it's simply to get this guy out of the way?

*Gee, for someone who claims to have been or is still in law enforcement- you come off as being either a visitor to earth or just being farcical.
As a veteran law enforcement officer,what I know for FACT is that you are guilty upon being found guilty by judge/jury or admittance or plea bargaining with the prosecutors for a lessor offense. ONLY....Those are our legal system standards..Of which I will support and defend. PERIOD...and for someone like YOU, who has ZERO credibility in this arena. I don't expect for YOU to understand that. He currently IS INNOCENT of all charges AS ALLEGED. PERIOD.... That is our system and I for one, ESPECIALLY after seeing the Prosecutor in the Duke LaCrosse team assault case( you remember him don't you? 2006,Durham County(NC) DA Mike Nifong- who was disbarred,prosecuted for his actions. On December 28,2006 the North Carolina State Bar Association filed a prosecutorial misconduct complaint against Nifong. In January 2007, Nifong, facing growing criticism, asked North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper to take over the case. In April of that year, the attorney general announced Evans, Finnerty and Seligmann had been wrongly accused and dismissed all charges against them. Nifong was heavily criticized for his rush to judgment and his heavy reliance on the faulty testimony of the accuser. He was disbarred in June and later convicted of criminal contempt for making misleading statements to a judge. The three accused players received an undisclosed financial settlement from Duke University and later filed a lawsuit against Nifong, the city of Durham and the investigating police officers.
So if you don't understand, that I have skepticism, when a prosecutor STACKS on charges, then perhaps, JUUUUUST PERHAPS, you ought to invest time in understanding how the legal system actually works. Not works in the court of "public opinion"...Trial by written opinion or blog or tik tok or Wonderwall or whatever other source is NOT an absolute or even reliable... We haven't seen squat for factual evidence, how it was handled( see Mark Furman/Phillip Vannatter LAPD vs OJ Simpson)
Better yet, put on a badge, get about a dozen Grand Jury testimonies under your belt then come see me and we can talk turkey.
BTW, do you still believe the Steel Dossiere that was used to get FISA warrants is real/factual ?.....
Because if you do..... How did you put that again ??? Oh yeah...."you come off as being either a visitor to earth or just being farcical".
* Okay- name me one thing you � think� Trump is guilty of?

*  When Trump was repeated asked if there were any documents still remaining at his FL residence, he instructed his people to say � No.� so what does that tell � you� when boxes upon boxes are recovered from his property- is he � still innocent?� Personally, l soured on the guy the minute the lies started adding up.

*When Trump pulled the pin out of the grenade- his supporters  huddled closer, as is obvious.
Do you understand my position at all Noise ???  I mean at all.. AT ALL ? I don't think he's guilty of anything as I am typing this...because the evidence and the process isn't fully available to see seen yet.......
This just in Noise gate is guilty of inappropriately assaulting small children,  Jarasan claims...... OH, there you have it !! You're guilty.....Its been alleged therefore it must be true and you need to be charged..... It's on Lottery Post therefore it must be true !! Noisegate is guilty because someone alleged it....then come to find out in a trial, you were helping a child at the playground who fell off the monkey bars and you checked them to see if they were breathing.You did the slight shoulder shake, speaking to them to see if the child responds and put your ear down to see if the chest is rising or you can hear them breathing. Did you assault(offensive physical contact with another person) the child ?? Well YEAH, technically you did, because you touched them(even though in real time it was done appropriately with your CPR training) I saw you and am now putting it on phone video.  I have associates that I know of in the DA's office and show them the video of you putting your hands on the child... LOOK AT HIM ASSAULTING THE CHILD !!!
See, I don't like you and know your political viewpoints, so I convince my allies that you are a POS and a bad person and inappropriately touch small children on playgrounds... Maybe even the prosecutor knows your political point of view and doesn't like you for being that way.
Now, while the above scenario is a fake/false. It is just an example of how things can be put out there and quickly warped in public opinion........Even against anyone.
That's why I don't do the Kangaroo court thing...Now, if I had inside knowledge of an act or activity that was illegal and had you in my crosshairs as the prime suspect, without possible ulterior motives or other suspects?? Then I would be crossing my "eyes(i) and dotting my T's to charge you.... But that is only as a law enforcement officer, doing my job in a fair and equitable way, not because of your politics but because you have committed a crime.
See why I don't rush this process along..... just wait..let's see where the evidence takes us.
If I use your method ???  Well, HellsBells, Joe Biden and his Corvette stash of Docs means he's guilty as sin.  Let's indict him cause he's guilty !!!  IMPEACH HIM...25th AMENDMENT VIOLATION. yadda yadda yadda.....Is Joe in decline ??? At his age ?? sure is...Does he have walking and talking issues ??? Been a number of stumbles and mumbles and falls during his 46th tenure, that's for sure... But if I hadn't seen/heard them on the idiot box and someone alleged that, I would want to see evidence that it actually happened... Not accusations................Hope I helped...Best of luck.
* Sure l understand your position & l take it you a Trump supporter & that�s okay as well. But this � wait for all the evidence � from your point of view would suggests that legal scholars, attorneys & others are � guessing as to the charges.� Jack Smith for instance is soaked in the justice system, sees & knows a crime when presented. Trump � took documents from the WH� and tried to conceal them from govt agents, that is why they RAIDED his residence because is lying about having them in his possession.
* You having been in Law enforcement: Question? You pull a car over, tell the occupants to step out of the vehicle - if on searching one of the suspects, you come across a firearm, and neither has a gun permit.
*Do you CD accept the guy�s excuse that � it�s really not mine, it�s my cousin�s � who just so happens not to be in the vehicle or do you say � Sorry, this gun was found on you, but we will run a trace to see who owns this gun� or accept the guy�s tale  and simply take it away & let him off with a warning?
* My understanding in this situation is that possession is guilt. Pivoting back to Trump- the boxes were found on HIS property, ergo, he has to accept the consequences.
* BTW: BOTH Biden & Joe are in decline, but at least you don�t see Joe making a mockery of himself by going after law enforcement, judges, DA�s and then talking about being innocent.
* Both Trump & Biden are in decline� there!
As the Prosecutor stated on TV, nobody is guilty of anything until proven in a court of law. I can see you absolutely despise Donald Trump and don't have a single clue on how the justice system works.... Right now, the DOJ and its lawyers have a battle because they are untrustworthy with their recent actions over the last few years and have impugned/hurt their reputations.....  They are trying the case in Miami, FL...NOT  CA. or NY. so that is another battle, they may encounter with a jury trial. It's going to be a circus with all the motions and appeals before it gets to trial according to Jonathon Turley....Should he be elected as President by that time, he can just pardon himself... Man wouldn't irritate some folks...
* You have not answered my question on the scenario l pointed out in my last post- why not? As for � absolutely despising Trump�. Just come off your horse for a minute there. I despise incompetence, the guy you picked to be President of these United States showed his lack of how the government operated and when he was thrown under the bus by the voters- your pick decided that he was going to overstay his Welcome as POTUS and look at the mess we have. Perhaps you loved having a dictator in the WH, well l don�t.
* This Clown demanded loyalty above all else as though he was royalty. He speaks ill of Mitch & others that did not fall in line with his way of thinking yet cozied up to Dictators like Putin & Kim- because he saw himself as one. We have a mini me in Ron from FL and he thinks he is the 400lb gorilla who will put States in their place. What�s with this � strong man� tactic of the Maga folks. They see no fault in their leaders, wanna know why- cause they mentally blind to begin with.
* Trump may get a friendly jury in FL, but history has judged him already, as a poor loser & a lying sycophant. America had enough two and a half years ago. Good riddance.
It's simple Noise... I am not going to conduct a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
* Right. When l can't get an straight answer from someone who keeps reminding me that they have multiple guns & was in law enforcement- l tend to believe the guns statement. Being in law enforcement - l think not,but that's just me.
Again, I don't answer hypotheticals derived from liberal points of view from a one sided interpretation or any one sided opinion. Is that really that tough to understand ?
There are ALWAYS 3 sides to a story... Person A...Person B and then there's the exact truth right down to the noun, verb and prepositional phrase. Your thoughts of my career amount to about a urine hole in a snowbank in Alaska... "but that's just me"
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