Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Thursday, May 18, 2023


The Link Between The Durham Case and Biden Family Corruption

Even Lancelot Link could have figured this case out...a long time ago. And with Mata Hari's help sooner than that.
Jan. 6, the Alamo, Green eggs and Ham, Mr.Spock, Dr.Spock and whatever else those goofy libtards will spew out. hahahahaha Weasel Gavin said no. hahahahaha
* I am still waiting for the smoking gun on the " Biden Crime Family" as you minions like to call it. Now Comer & Greene are talking about " missing whistleblowers." That's what you get when you have incompetent folks running Committees.Comer & Greene loves the cameras so much that they willing to lie to the American public in order to be taken seriously. Durham's report will be a blimp in the pages of history.
Jack Smith report will have you guys falling out of your chairs.
*It's gonna be sensational.
Bruhahahahahahaha weasel you so funny.
It doesn't take a smoking gun to get an indictment, Lucria.  You could line up all the "Jack Smith's" reports, and they wouldn't amount to squat for the Durham report.
* Well- There is a scene in the movie " The Dark Knight rises" where Bane says " No one cared who l was until l put on the mask!" No one cared or took Biden serious until he cleared the field and took on Trump & beheaded him in the 2020 election & you & others are still crying in your 🍺.
Just stop it,you looking silly.

* Prior to the run up to the election,the Republicans did everything they could to derail his ascendancy to the WH. That included the hunter laptop which had nothing to do with Joe, you guys made a movie on hunter- that went nowhere, now we have Committee's looking into the " Crime family " and it's a dead-end. Of course,no mention of your fallen leader having a Chinese bank account whilst President.

* Plainly put: When you in a hole, you should stop digging.
If you think the laptop has nothing to do with Joe you are totally delusional. Everything he's done or gotten is because of who Joe is.
* Prior to the run up to the election, the Republicans did everything they could to derail his ascendancy to the WH.
Man you're funny. The democrats have been doing the same thing to Trump since 2015 and continue to this day to try to prevent him from running. What do you think all these BS lawsuits, one after the other are for? One reason only. Keep Trump out of the white house. They must sure be afraid of him exposing their corruption if they keep trying so hard to stop him. Drain that swamp!! It's coming.
They are scared very scared like the brain bug at the end of Starship Troopers. Do you want to be a good citizen?
I think the republicans are grabbing at straws to take the attention away from the national disgrace. On court date after another. The insurrection  and the I need 11,000 votes fiasco is next.  Priceless!!
* The laptop from hell has been in the FBI�s possession under the Trump administration. A copy of the hard copy was handed to Rudy by the store keeper who says he is � blind.� My question to you G is how is it possible that the laptop came to be dropped off & suddenly this storekeeper sees the need to copy the HD, and for what purpose? There is no report of Hunter dropping it off so where did � it come from?�

* As for exposing corruption, Trump ran on � draining the swamp� yet more people around him were indicted & it ended up with him getting into hot water himself.
* Had Trump conceded, slithered into the night & Re appeared years later to ran for the Presidency- l think he would have been ok, but no- he had to stick around and attempt to remain in office � against the Will of the American People.� That�s what got him into this mess, it�s all on him.

* Now we have the fake electors cutting deals in order to stay out of jail. They were all in for Trump when he convinced their puny minds that he had won & now they trying to avoid seeing the inside of a cell.

* You guys were not looking for a serous candidate for President back in 2016- you were looking for a celebrity, and you got one. Thing is the nation rolled the dice on your guy & they were fooled into thinking that he � created this strong economy � where if you look at the growth chart- it started back in 2009. You could have place Gummy or Peewee Hermit in the WH & the economy would have stayed the same.

* You guys got conned big time & still haven�t realized it. When the economy tanked during his watch while Covid raged on, he had no plan, because he was exposed as a grifter, a charlatan who didn�t know how the government worked, and he is still under the illusion that if he gets back into the WH, that everything will right itself- dream on.

* Now that you have read this- take a moment to think back on your silly actions on believing that 45 made America great again.
No report of HB dropping it off. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You're a riot!!!
What about his signature on the receipt? He signed for it.
Standard practice is, if you drop something off at a repair shop and don't pick it up after being notified several times it's ready, at some point it is considered abandoned property and the repair takes possession of it. The shop owner looked at it and said Holy sh1t! This is some f'ed up stuff. He turned it over to the FBI, they sat on it since. Why is that? To cover up for the Bidens.
Educate yourself. Read this.       The proof is here, ALL of it.    
I'm sorry I forgot, you don't need to be educated. You already know everything. CNN told you everything you need to know.  HAHAHAHA
More BS from LB.  I think the republicans are grabbing at straws to take the attention away from the national disgrace. 
It's the dems trying to distract from the total disaster the Biden admin has been from day 1.
Improve the economy. Nope
Lower inflation. Nope
Lower interest rates. Nope.
Fix the border crisis. Nope
Build back better. Big Nope.
Reduce spending. Nope.
Unify the country, not divide it. GIGANTIC Nope.
Lower fuel prices. Nope.
Destroy the fossil fuel industry. You ain't seen nothing yet.
Increase taxes. Going higher every day.
All this and we still have another 1 1/2 years to go.
Again, we have opinionators, that like to spew garbage that has nothing to do with Trump! The header reads the link between the Durham report and the Biden family corruption. why don't you people stay on topic, instead of showing your hatred?
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