Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Saturday, September 3, 2022


Rep Majorie Taylor Greene Compares Joe Biden to Hitler Get Rare Criticism

I guess you have to sign up for something to get the story.
But anyway, MTG is a patriot and all the Democrats and RINO pussies in the government hate her because she has more balls than any of them put together. Boebert too. We need more like them.
* That Karen is nuts.
Thanks for confirming who hates her.
* Trump took Putin word over US Intelligence.

*  Trump said " he said he didn't meddle, he said he didn't meddle.�Every time he sees me he says I didn't do that, and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it.�

It was remarkable enough that Trump openly admitted he just believed whatever Putin told him. It�s even more startling when you realize that in January, the FBI, CIA, and NSA clearly assessed that Russia did interfere in the election � and that Putin was behind it.

* Yet no one called Trump a Dictator at that time- but he acted like one near the end of his term.
* Greene isn't taken by the party seriously, and that tells the whole story. She is tolerated because the nuts in the base love her. Got to keep the party together- right?
The intelligence agencies that he didn't believe are the same ones that said Hunter's laptop was Russian Disinformation.
Do you still believe that?
* That laptop you guys are making such a fuss about- its on Hunter's drug habits etc etc. Trump was thinking that it would have something on it that would side track Joe and 45 could remain in power. Where did he get that idea from, Rudy?

* Trump can hold rallies from now till the cows come home, he is not sitting inside of that Oval office ever again. The opposition has built a file on him as long as that wall Mexico is paying for- he had his time, and it was a mess. You know it and so does he. What mess you ask? Jan 6th for one- no one comes back from that debacle- no one. He screwed himself, not " them" whoever those guys are, its all him.
You're avoiding the question.
Once again, do you still believe as the intelligence agencies said, that the laptop was Russian Disinformation?
* Sounds fair, and l will answer that When you answer my previous questions you avoid at all cost. Tell you what- l will only ask  "1" question.

* Who are " They" that 45 loves to say stole the election from him & why has no one been arrested?"
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