Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Thursday, July 14, 2022


Texas family dines at North Carolina Waffle House then robs it

Probably didn't enjoy their dining experience.
I don't blame 'em.
A lotta people like that place.
I ain't one of 'em though.
Worst waffles in the world and they give you margarine to put on the funky things instead of butter.
Well........I don't eat no stinkin' margarine!
And I don't like no burger flippin' peckerwoods or humongous waitresses slammin' the   plates and silverware in the friggin' sink while I'm sittin' there trying to eat a horrible waffle with freakin' MARGARINE on it!
10/4 Ridge

MARGARINE, just one molecule from plastic - including utensils

* Probably 45 supporters- one can always count on them to get violent over anything: a meal, a vote, you name it!
Weasel, go clean up the poop and be quiet the adults are talking.
* The truth hurts.
The topic of every blogpost has to be twisted to address Numbnutz' obsession with President Trump.
The pure hate is palpable.
And he doesn't realize that carrying all that hate affects only him, not Trump.
Brain malfunction.
* No Bhagwan- you forget that whenever there is a crime in CA, NY or any State that has a Dem Gov, your sorry A** is quick to blame � the Democrats.� Now that we find out these crooks are from TX, you can�t blame the Dems because the state is Red. Your thinking process is an open book you imbecile. Which is one of the reasons l say you incapable of thinking clearly, well to be fair, not just you, but Trout mouth & other fools who flock to claims � we won.�

* This BS shoutout about � twisting � a topic is exactly the game you play when it�s convenient for you & others who can�t face reality. Brain malfunction is right: It happened to Rudy, Powell & the others who you sent in your donations to. You guys were taken for suckers.

*Who in their right mind sends their party their credit card numbers- only you guys. Direct withdrawals- the worshipped one has to love it.
You're the one that brought it up first, in the 3rd comment.

* Probably 45 supporters- one can always count on them to get violent over anything: a meal, a vote, you name it!
* Based on this part of my post fool " you forget that whenever there is a crime in CA, NY or any State that has a Dem Gov, your sorry A** is quick to blame � the Democrats.�

* l am just RETURNING the favor, since your boy never leaves an opportunity to blame the Dems for anything out there. Relax- your being upset is not life-threatening, you'll get used it. much like your loss.
It's not just us. Even the citizens of those states are getting sick of the crime.

Funny how there weren't any Trump supporters burning down cities in 2020. Democrats rioting is one of their favorite things.
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