Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021


Murderer! Piece of Trash: Trump Supporters Line Streets In NJ To Tell Biden What They Think

* Why the complaints? Your Ex President made a deal with the Taliban and wanted to bring them to Camp David, to show he�s negotiating skills.
* That�s making America Great Again. Making deals with Terrorists is the way to get things accomplished under a failed Administration.
farticus I'm starting to think you have a brain tumor, go get that sh1t checked out.
* Instead of telling people what you " think" is wrong about my statement, SHOW us- if you cannot do that- STFU.
farticus you mean like what you thought about the NIH Ivermectin studies, you STFU about that didn't you? Look you aren't that smart, that's OK. The brain tumor thingy is kinda not about your statement but the why the mental state of your single brain cell. What could be keeping you stuck in the farticus alternate fantasy world that has nothing to do with reality? Brain tumors can cause all sorts of symptoms, two being hallucinations and psychosis. Do you have headaches often?
Why is it that die hard leftist liberals always seems to have diarrhea of the mouth? They seem to go to extreme ends in an effort to validate their almighty dementia ridden and confused leader Sleepy Joe.
The amazing thing is the avoidance discussing the severe deteriorating mental condition of the illegitimate joepedo. Yesterday he was being booed for numerous reasons, one being the unecessary military and civilian deaths, people are angry, the majority of Americans regret allowing this fake election to stand. Kamala would be worse, they are going to Arkancide her and make the witch of the house the next fake prezzy.

Yesterday joepedo said we will have climate change in control by 2020 and they don't call them tornados any more. His meds are going to kill him or incapacitate him.
* We wouldn�t be having this conversation if Donald won re election, so that�s it. It�s the loss you�ll can�t get over.

* As for your NIH studies, if Dr Fauci was incompetent as you and your weak minded ilk think, why are there not more � competent � Doctors willing to fill that void? Your silly questions are just that- silly. It shows your lack of education each time you put your thoughts down.

* For instance the theory that Mike Lindell passed off as Truth: That Trump will be re installed as President of the United States. What � part of your puny brain� tells you that is even possible? The ONLY way any person gets to be President in this country is through the voting booth, or if the VP takes over in the event of the death or incapacitation of the President. This idea that you can present � evidence� of voter fraud ( which does not exist) 11 months after the fact is FICTION. You probably thinking we live in a 3rd world country where they can pull of that Sh**

* Hey stupid F, l am not a leftist- l am an American who has his eyes open. This left & right BS is what got us in this mess in the first place. You wanted a Dictator as President- move to Russia or North Korea and experience that 1st hand idiots.

* You worship a 75 year old clown and you asking or telling others to follow him? Change your therapist.

I remeber decades ago when george bush senior did his famous draw a line in the sand to taunt the middle east . This was just plain stupid . It was followed up by W starting the war that never ended. All the other countries sit back and watch the USA take the lead and sacrifice American lives and trillions of dollars for nothing.    So the dumb republicans want us to continue a war for 30,40,50 years to be patriotic? Duh!
* l could understand if any of these guys could come up with a legitimate argument on the State of affairs in politics, but all you get is name calling & � little substance.�

* l call these morons because they are. All they do is attack anyone or anything that puts Trump on a bad light. Trump created his own nightmare by claiming voter fraud, trying to overturn an election because he saw himself as � unbeatable � and built up this BS rhetoric of Biden being � Sleepy Joe� etc etc- thing is his tactics did not work. This clumsy idiot got himself kicked out of the WH.

* Which so called educated President talks about injecting the body with disinfectant? This clown was the Leader of the Free World & he crying for months about he�s loss in the election. FFS- grow the hell up!
farticus you aren't just a leftist, you are an ignorant fuquing drone leftist.

lakerdummy well just a dummy.
The tin foil MAGA hat wearing orange45 kool-aid drinkers must be compelled by someone to make grade school insults maybe to prove they are the uneducated and unintelligent people Trump loves.

"effort to validate"

Is that like when the former president suggested injecting disinfectant as treatment for a deadly virus?

In their fantasy world people must prove they are supporters by justifying every moronic statement made including the "big lie". In the real world people voted against the cult leader that openly said he "loved the uneducated" regardless of whomever ran against him.

"Ivermectin studies"

I'll bet in their fantasy world their personal doctor, the American Medical Association and CDC follows their recommendations to take medicine for deworming horses, injecting disinfectants, and whatever treatments suggested by snake oil salesmen. Next week it will be wearing flea collars.

In the real world intelligent people listen to real experts and then decide for themselves.
* Jar jar- you incompetent idiot. Make yourself useful and get an Education, hopefully not from the Trump university.
"draw a line in the sand"

We invaded Afghanistan because a group of terrorist decided hijack commercial airplanes and fly into buildings to become martyrs for their beliefs. Twenty years later when we were finally leaving Afghanistan members of another clone kamikaze terrorist group exploded their bombs killing themselves, 60 civilians and 13 American service men and women.

The Doha Agreement was signed on February 29, 2020 giving plenty of time to withdraw our troops, our people, and equipment from Afghanistan before the November election. But Trump's biggest fear was exactly what happened on August 26 so he waited.

Just googled "liberal" and the number 1 definition is:

"willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas."

Someone has to be a world class moron to find fault with that ideology.
stackles that isn't the left, the left is tyrannical, dishonest, and it steals elections. The left is the opposite of liberal, but then again that is off topic.

joepedo is a liar just like all leftists:

* Every freaking war started in the last 20 odd years was spearheaded by a Republican President. Oh yeah, we will get our troops in there pronto...BUT the withdrawals are left to a Democratic President & just let things go South & the criticism & BS talk begins. These folks shouting at Biden are fools.

* Saying Trump would have done a better job with the Afghan withdrawal is like saying he's " Insurrection on Jan 6th" could have gone a lot better without attacking the Capitol Police & breaking windows & doors.
farticus, concentrate, that tumor is getting worse. The blog post is about the murderous illegitimate joepedo enabling the deaths of thousands of people including the unborn. Since you believe he is in charge NOW... he is the murderer occupying the WH TODAY.

Trump is a tumor in your head, excise it and you'll be able to stay on topic.
* Trying to run away from your stupidity is fruitless. It�s been stuck with you since birth. Your tumor point falls flat. How about answering my question..

* Why are Republican President�s constantly starting wars & leaving it for Democratic Presidents to do the withdrawals?

* Take your time asking other idiot heads in your pack & come up with a cogent answer.
NG, neither jaracrap derived from a test tube experiment gone horribly wrong.
Nobody gives jar jar any credibility because they live in a fantasy cartoon world. They use the terms "on the left", "left wing", "far left".
"leftist", and others because they heard someone say it on Fox News. Maybe read on one of the conspiracy blogs.

They worship a guy that will spend 9/11 commentating a fight between to men with a combined age of 102. At least Reagan was in Bedtime for Bonzo before he was President. Saw where David Dennison is credited with playing the role of Bonzo in the sequel "Bonzo goes to College" to avoid the draft.
farticus, stackles, and the nosepicker get back on topic, joepedo is illegitimate and a murderer of hundreds in Afghanistan. He will also be responsible for the deaths going forward because of the weapons left behind. joepedo is also responsible for all the deaths from the flood of drugs flowing in through the porous border, frinking people are dying left and right because of joepedo. The cartels must be giving kick backs to Pelosi, Schiff, Hunter, Valerie, and joepedo. Don't you dummies snort any of that fentanyl laced coke, be careful, joepedo don't care about you.
NG likes to call Trump a dictator. It's the dems that are the real dictators.
Here's how.
Trump never censored free speech. Dems did.
Trump never used the media to silence his political opposition. Dems did.
Trump never threatened to take people's guns. Dems did.
Trump never threatened to put people who disagreed with him politically in "re-education" camps. Dems did.
Trump never tore down historic statues that stood for many decades. Dems did.
Trump never censored people from social media. Dems did.
Trump never cancelled people's accounts because they said something he didn't like. Dems did.
Trump never shut down peoples websites, because they spoke out against the govt. Dems did.
Trump never made people get vaccine passports, in order to go to events, or go out to eat. Papers, please... Dems did.
Trump never said if you don't get a vaccine you will be fired from your job. Dems did.
Trump didn't lock up protesters in jail in solitary confinement for several months. Dems did.
Trump didn't tell small private businesses, You have to close. While the big box store a mile away could stay open. Dems did.
Trump never said, You can't have more than 10 people at your house. While I can have as many as I want to my house. Dems did.
Trump never said, You're not allowed to have a barbeque to celebrate our National holidays. (Memorial Day or the 4th of July.) Dems did.

You think Trump was a dictator?   Better take a good look around.
We are more of a communist country now than we ever were.

And today the senile SOB is going require gubmint workers no opting out to be vaccinated, violation on the Nuremburg Code. The tyrants in charge are out of their minds.
Read earlier where he said, Companies with over 100 employees were going to have to give paid time off to employees to get the shot, and for time off to recover from any adverse reactions to it.
So if someone gets the shot and becomes permanently disabled, are they going to pay them for the rest of their life?

So glad I retired at the end of the year.
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