Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Donald Trump's mental health becomes an issue again

No Sh!t, back to attacking Trump.
OHH, look over there to deflect from Bidens rampage against this country. Or from whomever is yanking his pork.
Trump is an "Alien Squirrel" and leave it at that
* No surprise there.His mental health was in decline for years & continues to be. It was on full display on Jan 6th when we later learned this incompetent fool sat before the television and watched he's supporters storm the Capitol with glee.

* Any further proof is the constant complaint of voter fraud in the 2020 election. This stupid F poked his nose in the CA Governor recall as well telling those who would hear " the recall was rigged." He needs to just stfu and just go away.
* Btw: if Obama and Clinton had done a boxing commentary on the anniversary of 9/11- it would have run 3 days straight wall to wall coverage on Foxtv & Newsmax.

* However those network knows his mental health is in decline which is why they just let him be. Whether it's complaining about the election,not being on Twitter or whatever..
The Republicans don't want the truth about what really happen at the Capital Building on January 6 to get out because it's easier to put all the blame on Trump. If Trump had mental issues, Mike Pence knew it and instead of helping Trump, Pence poured gas on the fire.

When the mob entered the Capital Building the phone calls to Trump from McCarthy and Jorden are skeptical too. It's almost instead of trying to prove Trump wasn't crazy, they helped to make him look crazy.

Bet it will come out that Milley talked to Pence before taking any action to prevent what could happen.
Just Amazing!!
cnn is saying Trump's mental health is an issue, but not one peep whatsover about biden's mental state. Stevie Wonder could see that biden ain't right.

Well one thing is for certain. biden didn't take ANY time to talk to NYC first responders while was there. Neither did Clinton or Obama. As a matter of fact, biden was the first president NOT to speak at a 9/11 anniversary.

Trump talked with the NYPD and NYFD for 31 minutes. But of course cnn and msnbc would never say anything about that.
* The problem you and your fellow kool- aid drinkers is that you voted for a guy who has a hard time shutting up. Before he ran, while President, and now after being voted out.. this guy is still vocal. Thats what the issue with him, he just can't stop talking.

* The other thing is that when he does talk, it's always the same diatribe, he wants to be in the spotlight 24/7 but he never comes up with anything " earth shattering " Take this trip you mentioned, word is he couldhelp going off about the " fraud, his loss at the hands of bad people.

" Trump makes news for all the wrong reasons, which is why he out of the Oval Office, he couldn't behave. As with kids, when they don't behave, they given time out, in his case- booted from office.
"Trump makes news for all the wrong reasons"

It was news the two or three times when Trump told the truth. But don't ask me what it was about. But again the Republican party used when they could but for the most part hung him out to dry. His inter circle was filled with people with either no clue how to advise Trump or were afraid of him.

Mike "fly on his head" Pence made a call to Dan "potatoe man" Quayle asking for advice on how to follow the Constitution and rule of law and still be Trump's "friend". The fact the call was made probably goes why over the heads of the MAGA people. The call Pence made to Quayle proves he considered throwing the country into a constitutional crisis.
* Talking about the guy you voted for: Did you know that he said that after the planes went into the Twin Towers " he was right there, and heard the creaking of metal."

* This SOB lied openly about there there & no one remembers him standing in the rubble. This is who he is, a known liar.
Did joepedo take his cognitive test yet? No. There is no sniff portion to the test. C'mon man.

President Trump 100% on the cognitive.

Did President Trump start any wars? No. He ended them.

joepedo has been starting wars for 50 years.

Donald Trump as a citizen in NYC during the aftermath of the 9/11/2001 attack sent scores of crews and equipment to help with recovery.

joepedo was grifting as a 5th term swamp senator from Delaware in 2001.

joepedo is responsible over the past thirty days for the deaths of over 2000 people, including 23 US military.
NG, you and your best butt buddy Dem_Hack47 need to take your own advice as posted above: " Just stfu and just go away." You two mental defectives think the dynamic Anti-American duo of Clueless Doofus-In-Chief Joe Robinette "MaskEmUp" BIDET and Traitorous General Silly Milly are the best thing ever since your boy "Obammy" and Don Lemon one on one in the Bath House of ill repute, LOL, what sick psychopathic/deviant losers! The Mighty DJT (legitimate POTUS) will still save the USA from being flushed down the toilet by your sorry ilk! MAGA 2024 baby boy!
"Making the TALIBAN Great Again": Legacy of Robinette BIDET and General Silly Milley. Fake VP "Que Mala" Harris gets no credit. Nobody heard from her in months since she proclaimed the southern border crisis was non existent, LOL!
I think they are prepping kamalatoe for take over of the WH.
WOW!!! They are already massively running scared over 3 years before the next election!

Flush the Turds 2022
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