Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Friday, August 27, 2021


Former White House physician says Biden's mental 'issues' hitting national security

When joepedo was speaking yesterday answering questions it appeared that he was repeating words being spoken to him thru an earpiece. The cadence of his words were spaced very evenly like a slow count 1 one thousand 2 one thousand 3 one thousand......he is very close to being 25th amendment material.
* We can always count on imbeciles to open their mouths & nothing of substance flows forth. Take this former WH physician: A guy who was called out for womanizing & being intoxicated on missions abroad with the President. But it�s not just that, it�s he�s married to the hip & a die hard Trump supporter who was obviously disappointed that Donny lost.

* This good Doctor said Trump passed his cognitive test with flying colors & Joe should take his. Where was the cognitive function when Trump suggested injecting Disinfectant into the body? Does cognitive function come & go, ebb & flow?

* Our resident clown doesn�t need a mention. Pointless acknowledging a fool.
Biden will be gone within 30 days, God help us.
* You and your ilk are still pissed off that Trump lost. Nothing is sticking to Joe, so let's go after him being mental & Sh**-

* News flash: The Afghanistan crisis is Trump's baby. He signed off on the deal for the Taliban to " Take Over." Now that they are, him & his sycophants in Congress are crying foul. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

* As for Joe being gone in 30 days, right. Why wasn't Reagan sent packing after 241 Marines were killed in one night?
Answer that pumpkinhead.
farticus you are making sh1t up as usual, it was a conditional agreement, joepedo didn't have to follow it just like he didn't follow anything else President Trump left in place, so stop gas lighting that it was Trumps fault.

I know you are fuquing idiot, and I know you are enjoying the deaths of US Marines & soldiers. You hate America.

Reagan ended the cold war,STFU, Reagan was handed a pile of sh1t from Carter, he got hostages released immediately, and your BS talking point is pathetic. Reagan is deceased, he saved America.

You are sidelines sh1t chucker, write something and put some facts in your first blog post. Gutless little fuquing bitch.
Learn about the truth here, from the AP a trusted leftist source.
* The problem you have is " you can't handle the truth." You can't point out to me where l make stuff up, instead you accused and call people names when your back is to the wall.

*Reagan outspent the Soviet Union & if thats translated into " ending the Cold War" so be it. As someone once said " The Beatles had more to do with the fall of the Soviet Union than Reagan. Anyway, go ahead and canonize the guy.

* Trump didn't want a war, and l give him kudos for that, but as l posted, he thought that he was going to win another term and that is why he set that date for withdrawal, but the guy was & is an idiot. He starts stuff & regardless, expects either himself or others to finish what he started so he can say " See, they had no choice but to follow my lead." He is that narcissistic.

* Lastly, you are nuts. Claiming l enjoy seeing the deaths of Marines is clearly BS. My Father is a Marine you clueless F.

* Want to know who's Unamerican? It's you. How so you ask, because you WANT Biden to fail. We only have one President at a time, and you can't get over the fact that Trump lost to another American you imbecile.

* l may have disagreed with some of the crap Trump pushed forward, like him wanting to get rid of Obamacare, because this idiot didn't have anything to replace it with, how is that good policy. You don't go on a 1,000 mile road trip without a spare tire etc... as an example, cause you that clueless. Remove & replace, but oh no, not with Donny.

* You uneducated and it shows.

* Our resident clown doesn�t need a mention. Pointless acknowledging a fool.

Talking about yourself again, are you?
The American blame game and it's cost us trillions of dollars and lives. Meanwhile the other countries are sitting back barely helping or doing norhing.
farticus and so if true, why do hate your daddy?
farticus, joepedo has been failing for 50 years. He is a fraud.

* Fools recognize other fools because they always on the same freaking page with anything. Be it politics or whatever. Even ion LP.if one of you fools finds a reason to go after anyone, the other fools pile on, don't deny it, cause its obvious.

* That fact is glaring because fools and other fools always thinkss an example: Trump is Great. The guy did NO wrong. Impeachment was all a misunderstanding.

* Which is one of the Reasons all you fools do not want to be vaccinated. You always find a freaking excuse not to get it even though folks are dying around you.

* How's that for Neanderthal thinking. Look in the F mirror when talking about fools, cause you'll recognize one.

farticus you are no fool, you are an idiot. An idiot because you believe the gas lit crap you write is convincing anyone based in reality that it is honest or factual, it is not. Only your three nit wit acolytes agree with you because they are also ill informed America hating leftists.
* You in love with the word " gaslighting" you really should look up its definition Before using it ignorant one. It denotes being manipulated in an abusive relationship, which you and your ilk are in.. how so you ask?

* Cause Trump has manipulated your thinking into doing he's bidding, claiming he was robbed of the election where court after court has said " nothing here." In your world, l am an idiot, but Trump is a genius.. sounds weird, but worse things have happened. By the way did you get the jab, you know- vaccinated?
*.... and you call me a idiot.
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