Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Sunday, June 6, 2021


Trump: I'm Not Trying To Destroy Democracy I'm The One Trying To Save It


He has always been an outsider!!
*What a load of horse manure! Who was the one that invited thus followers to " Go to Capitol Hill " where his people shouted " Hang Mike Pence." People died because of his encouraging violence in an effort to overthrow a legitimate election.

*Now he is back, trying to re sell himself to the American people. They had 4 years watching you prance around like a prize bulldog, and in the end they denied you a 2nd term because he is all talk. Remember him telling the police to " dominate " carrying a Bible across the lawn while using tearfas on American citizens? Why not go to Washington or New York and tell those folk what you telling these, see if you will fet the same reaction.

You can put a suit on a pig, but it's still a pig.
A "legitimate election" my behind! Are you trying to be funny NG or you're really that dumb? DJT won the election in landslide and in fact remains the legitimate POTUS elected by an overwhelming majority of the populace. The election was rigged and stolen by devious/cheatings Dim-Dems and reprehensible/clueless leftists! Anybody and everybody knows it, but imbeciles of your ilk still gloat of DJT allegedly "being denied a 2nd term" LOL! Take your claptrap over to CNN and get all the accolades there from your boy Don Lemon and Brian Stelter.
He's that dumb. What do you expect from someone who quotes cnn all the time. Hey, they tell the dems and libs what to think, and they close their eyes and ears to everything else. They're just bunch of lemmings and cnn and Biden is leading them right over the cliff. Trouble is we keep telling them not to do it, but they don't listen cause they're know- it-alls. So over they go and then SPLAT!!

*Yes it was a legitimate election.

* For months there was no polls that showed Trump ahead- go check, l'll wait.

* His internal polls showed that he would carry the " Red States " which was to be expected, but he met his waterloo in the 5 States he " thought" he would win.

* The Night of the election, Donald looked at the results " thus far" where he was way way ahead of Joe.. and assumed that the night would hold for him- big mistake- he forgot that the mail- in ballots had not yet been counted, which is why he said " Stop the count."

* When the polling places started counting those ballots, Donald's lead shrunk & Joe overtook him. There was no mischief afoot, this was NOT 2000 where we had hanging chads, this was real counting in real time. Your boy called it to early & America sent him packing.

* Why is it that not a Single TV station had & has backed claim that he lost? FoxTV, which at times looked like Trump owned it " invited" Powell & Rudy to present evidence that the election was " rigged." The station did not want to throw their weight behind the claims when all other networks were looking at the very same raw data. You can't gave other stations saying Biden won, but Fox saying " No Trump won."

* Both Rudy & Powell carried water for Trump & went before the cameras to claim fraud. Even Fox presenters asked Powell " for evidence " but she kept stalling..
Finally, both Rudy & Powell retracted their claims of fraud, BUT only after being sued for $1.4 Billion by Dominion machines.
Powell said that only " a fool would have taken her claims seriously."

* Finally- Why is it that not a single person has been charged with " rigging a Presidential election?" To pull this off, there would have to be hundreds, if not thousands of people involved in a crime of this magnitude, and so far- nothing!

* Sooner, rather than later,people wake up. On election night, they did.

*** If l was dumb as you put it, l would be with you guys. ***
cnn has spoken.
You gotta be joking...the only thing that fat piece of sh1t orange ogre can save is the last drum stick that he couldn't finish when he bought a bucket of KFC.

You have to be the dumbest rock on the planet to still support that wannabe dictator. You are a traitor if you really believe his lies. I guess it's possible to have millions of morons running around.

He should try saving his fat ass from getting indicted because that's all he should be focusing on right now, not saving anything else. He and his corrupt family should ALL go to prison, and so should his dumbass supporters for aiding and abetting his crimes to humanity. I'd wish his loser supporters would drink some bleach to make sure the virus is completely out of their systems. Boy what a bunch of idiots. In fact, I read that someone actually drank bleach and was hospitalized because of it.

It's just not possible to have millions of retarded idiots roaming the planet, it's just not possible.
*I should have caught this earlier, but it dawned to me that the maga folks brains are wired differently from normal persons.

*You guys have been so conditioned to listening to lies, that when the truth is presented, it is immediately dismissed.

*On the other hand, honest clear headed individuals will come to their senses and confess their ignorance and wrong thinking, but not you guys.

*When a head of a snake is cut off, the body goes through its usual jerking movement until it grinds to a stop, yet months after the separation of Trump from the office of the Presidency, the belief in his lies still continues.

*It�s a shame, but hopeful in time�.
Typical democrats. Can give a million reasons why Trump is bad. But when asked, what has Biden done as president that's any good. It's nothing but
Becase they're all like,   Duhhh, I can't thing of nuthin... They're just as stupid and clueless as he is. It's kind of sad really...
* Do you have � vision problem?� Because despite what people posted, you seem to brush that aside and go on about Biden�s accomplishments. Once again.The guy has just been in office 6 months.

* More importantly us the FACT that despite you crowing about 45�s accomplishments: America had enough of him and threw him under the bud?

*Does that statement resonate with you.... or do we hear Crickets?
� America had enough and threw him under the bus!�

You proving my point: You MAGA folks brains are wired differently.
Logic & reason are thrown out the window, and normal people ask.. why?
So after 6 months Biden has accomplished nothing right?

Normal people are asking why you can't you answer one simple question.
It's ONE question. Why is that so difficult for you?
You could ask a 6 year old the same question, and they might say, I don't know. But at least they gave an honest answer. You can't even do that.
It reminds me of the old tv show, Are you smarter than a 5th grader. In your case, Nope.
In Trumps 1st 100 days, he was unable to fulfill his major pledges despite having Rep House & Senate

He reversed his position in a number of issues, including labeling China as a currency manipulator. Near the end of his 100 days he brought in brought tax reform focusing on deep cuts, but he had to concede funding for his wall * which he said Mexico was going to pay for.

Ultimately his Greatness was booted from office- and your brain is wired differently, even a 3rd grader knows that by now.
I know my nephew who is 8 is smarter than you.
You know why l say that?
Because when l explain things to him the first time, he GETS it, he doesn�t keep asking the same thing over and over again like you do DESPITE me telling you Biden only just started occupancy in the WH.
You expected the country to give Trump another 4 years when his handling of the Covid virus alone disqualified him from being in office.
He went golfing when he was told he had lost the election & no amount of arm twisting was going to get him back in the Oval Office. He failed, as did you with your silly repetitive question.

There you go again avoiding the question!! (smh)

You haven't explained diddley squat.

I asked you what Biden has done, and you tell me what Trump did. We already know that. Do you have some sort of reading comprehension problem? Sure seems like it.
I bet when your nephew goes back to school and if on the first day the teacher asks all the kids, What did you do this summer, every one of them can answer the question. But a grown man like you can't. That's pitifull.

Let me put this in a simple way that MAYBE even you could comprehend. If you got a new boss at your job, and 4 months later someone asked, What is your new boss like? You could answer that right. You might say,
A) He's a great guy, he really knows his stuff, he treats us well, I'm learning a lot, he leaves us alone, we get a lot more done now, every one likes him, etc.
Or you might say,
B) He's terrible. He doesn't know what he's doing, we are way behind schedule now, he's a pain in the ass, all he does is yell at everybody, nobody likes him, etc.

Nothing hard about that is there? After 4 months you know. So once again...   What is Biden doing that's good? Do like him? Is it A or B?

"DJT won the election in landslide and in fact remains the legitimate POTUS elected by an overwhelming majority of the populace."

That's weird because the last time I looked, after each state certified their results, Trump lost by over 7 million votes. And when the Electoral College met, Trump only got 232 electoral votes; well short of the necessary 270. Someone missed the memo saying Trump's legal team lost over 60 election fraud cases in many courts including the Court of last Resort.

And what's really weird about "DJT won the election in landslide", after all of the MAGA silliness, Biden was inaugurated President on January 20 when Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court John Roberts gave Biden the Oath of Office.

"The election was rigged and stolen by devious/cheatings Dim-Dems and reprehensible/clueless leftists!"

Now that's really ROFLOL funny! With no proof they are still saying the election was rigged and then calling the people they believe cheated "clueless".

Bet after a licking cube of sugar, they see a girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
"It's just not possible to have millions of retarded idiots roaming the planet, it's just not possible."

Speaking of fools, on June 4 Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green demanded Covid-19 answers by June 31, 2021. Almost as silly as redundantly asking for something they must be too stupid to look up. Like demanding someone to say "what Biden has accomplished". Wonder if they want their demands met by June 31 too?
The Trumpies are still whining?   Wow!   A national disgrace and they still want him as a republican candidate!
*Let's for argument sake say " l, NG does not know precisely what accomplishments Biden has done since being Inaugurated, THEN WHAT?"

* Is there a prize for knowing or not knowing what Biden has accomplished in the less than 4 months since he has been in office?

*What l am asking is " What's the Big Deal?" Do you see the absurdity of your question?

* What has Biden's accomplishments thus far got to do with him being in office?
That question is tantamount to me asking " Why did Trump go golfing while a pandemic raged, and you responding " Who cares if he went golfing, he has accomplished much!"

*What is important to this nation is that he was & is attempting to destroy democracy or at least his advisors are were pushing him in that direction. Did Flynn not suggest a sort of coup in a meeting at the WH, where he had the authority to declare " do over" of voting in some States?

* What you fail to realize is that Trump looked at himself as not just a President, but someone who the authority to tell the Scotus how to rule on the election.

* And Yes, your question still remains silly.
"Is there a prize for knowing or not knowing what Biden has accomplished in the less than 4 months since he has been in office?"

A couple reporters pro and con will probably write report card articles after a year in office or earlier if he fails on enough campaign promises. If you were asking there is a prize for answering an intellectual question or just an honest question just for the sake of discussion, passage of the $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief package is a no brainer.

The thing is, it really depends on who is asking the question before deciding if it will generate a worthwhile discussion. It's pretty clear Trump supporters and voters weren't interested in Biden's campaign promises which are the only logical things to compare with after only a short time in office.

"And Yes, your question still remains silly."

And not very honest or intellectual either.
We already know you don't know.

No prizes for you.

It's absurb that you can't answer one simple question.

He is supposed to get things done. That's his job.

The dems are the one's destroying democracy by rigging the elections. If they didn't cheat, then why are they fighting so hard against the audits? If they won fairly then the audits will prove it.

What you fail to realize is that there is an incredible amount of corruption in our gov't and Trump is trying to get rid of it.

And Yes, it is a legitimate question. What's silly is your refusal to answer it, considering you have such strong opinions on Trump.

Are you having fun using the * ??
"It's absurb that you can't answer one simple question."

Not saying it's absurb or absurd, but when someone mentioned "Our original Constitution", I asked if they meant the Articles of Confederation and they answered with something about the Bill of Rights which wasn't in the Articles. Then it got really weird after I explained that when they started quoting from the Federalist Papers.

I suppose I was just wasting my time by explaining the Bill of Rights, Our current Constitution, and Federalist Papers were not part of "Our original Constitution" because they decided to give quotations inside the Jefferson Memorial.
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