Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Saturday, May 29, 2021


Why would Republicans want a credible non-partisan investigation of the Capitol riot?

Because many of the people charged in the riot would blame whomever the investigation found even partially responsible in their defense. The QAnon buffalo hat wearing sharman guy already is saying "the devil made me do it".
Actually, Republicans HATE investigations involving themselves. If it is for the good of the country, it's " No thank you." They certainly did not want one dealing with the Ukraine phone call. But boy are hung up on sex. What started with Bill looking into Whitewater, finding nothing there, they could have called Clinton aside and said " Mr President, this is not good- care to talk about it?' But no, they went ahead and ran the entire gamut of " what did you do and where." However with Trump's encounter with Stormy Daniels " We not interested!"
It's a sick party.
Trump was not involved with Daniels when he was President!!! Look in the mirror and see who is sick!!!
@Carbob, noise fart and stacked full of crap are idiot marxist lemmings of the left.
Oh look, the name calling children showed up and as usual added nothing to the discussion.

Maybe noise will explain that he was comparing Republican response to Clinton's alleged Whitewater involvement before he was elected President with the business as usual Republican response when Trump's lawyer revealed Trump's Daniels affair.

I'd ask the significant of looking in a mirror because the Trump/Stormy thing happened before he was president, but don't want to add to the stupidity.

Neither was Whitewater commie. It's the backed up filth you guys don't like looking into, because you have weak minds to begin with.

Republicans love sexual scandals dealing with those on the opposite side of the aisle- where is the voices of opposition into Matt Gaetz alleged underage see with a minor? It's silence from your people, but just you hear a darn thing about Democrats doing that & you guys are all over that story like S*** on a blanet.
What a hypocrisy.

Clinton was investigated for Whitewater while in office, and that crap happened many years before, while he was Governor, but the Republicans couldn't help digging into the guy to " find something."

So do research before attempting to put up a defense, weaklings.
According to Trump, he was not involved with Stromy at all. The fool went on record saying so.
Yet he forgot he instructed Cohen to pay her over $100K for her silence... because she did what for him exactly? Mow the front lawn of one of his hotels?
"It's a sick party"

Rep Gaetz's thing with minors and Rep Greene comparing suggestions to wear face masks during a world wide pandemic to the holocaust pretty much proves it. A few Republicans are commenting negatively, but it's all talk with no actions.

While Greene never showed up in Congress wearing a buffalo head tin foil hat, she is a QAnon follower. The same people believing there is a New World Order made up of Satanic deep-state cannibalistic human traffickers.

Bet these Kool-Aid drinkers wear MAGA Tin Foil Mickey Mouse Ear hats to their local QAnon meetings!

Why don't you two dipsh1ts put up something that the illegitimate regime has accomplished since its installation. All you do is parrot leftist talking points. Please tell us how POTATUS has improved the country.
Ever since the voters gave Trump the pink slip - he has been under that ot has been a mistake, that deep down, they want him to return to the oval office. Only a demented fool thinks that way.

I mean how can you expect Americans to think : He was impeached twice, he did lose the election,he did energize his followers to storm the Capitol, he did have re counts after recounts in States he did not win, after his lose, he was so upset that he did go golfing while Americans were dying from the virus...BUT we willing to look beyond all that and welcome him back.

That's the thinking of a sick person and Americans know better.
In your reality - Trump is still President. You entitled to THINK that,because that's YOUR reality.. ln fact there are people out there who also "think" they have slept with Jlo, Scarborough, Jennifer Lawrence etc etc- they can think all they want cause that's " their reality."
In the REAL world, we only have President at a time, and right now it's Joe Biden. Whether you voted for him or not, that's the reality.By the way- There was a time when there were two Popes in charge at the same time.
You in denial, you need therapy.
noise fart McFarty marxist fart face, guess you had nothing to share and highlight the illegitimate regime's accomplishments. All you have is a dirty old man joepedo bidone and a classless petty cackling hooker (no not peesloosley) kamalatoe harris.
The Election is OVER. It's will be 7 months in a few days.

As an Eminem song says " Back to reality." Maybe not for you, but the rest of humanity including the world speaks of Pres Trump in the " past tense." He is history & no amount of " illegitimate " talk from you and millions of other poor lovers is going to change the results, in fact no one cares what you and others think.

A new President was sworn in to lead this country, a Man, not a child man that speaks like a 9 year old. Trump was a national & world embarrassment, months after the election,, he is still spewing nonsensical theories. Did you read the part where Powell & Rudy said they took you guys for a ride, that you imbeciles to believe that you would take their word for it , that you this foolish,, did you read that?

Do you agree with Rudy that you that stupid, that you incapable of thinking as an adult, that you needed him & Powell & other Rightwing nuts on radio, tv & internet to CON you and millions into believing BS?

Are you and your ilk that stupid, that the court systems says " There is nothing there" but because you not smart enough to know the difference, you believe any & everything that comes out of the mouth of Trump & other Biden haters?

Are you truly this stupid??
Try in 4 years, and if you successful, then kudos to you.

America spoke Loud & Clear in November, and they wanted Trump gone & they got their wish.
c'mon girl! noise fart McFarty marxist fart face, guess you had nothing to share and highlight the illegitimate regime's accomplishments.

Can't write about a single accomplishment in 47 years??? Perverts like joepedo don't get much done other than sniffing, molesting, living off of tax payers, large scale grifting, and stealing.
c'mon girl put that hand your hip and fart out some joepedo grand accomplishments.....HAHAHAHA!
Powell & Sidney were right, you not too bright.
Let me let you in on a non secret in my opinion. The majority of voters wanted Trump OUT, regardless of who he finally ended up running against. Biden just happened to be the most politically savvy of the bunch.

You could very well be " right" about the so called none existent accomplishments of Biden, l don't think people cared to check, what is important is that Biden " took him out." You need not feel bad- Trump took Hillary out, a vastly more political savvy person than a non politician like Trump, so,no hard feelings.

Thing is the American voters got their wish..bye bye Donny. Why are you posting stuff about the break in in GA, could be Republicans for all we know to " try " and say see, they don't want to let the public see..see what, we 7 months past the election.
... Rudy & Powell still view you as an idiot.
Your responses are repetitive,why is that? Can't think on your feet, or can't think at all? Hands on the hip comments.. where you get that, watching Swamp people?
Rudy thinks you an imbecile..
noise fart McFarty marxist fart face, not one accomplishment. You are an idiot for blindly supporting a puppet that is being used to fuque this nation. Go the fuque away moron, you hate what you are told to hate. You are dimwitted sheeple.

Speaking of Russian marxist commies that are totally against freedom of speech, is it just a coincidence that comrade jarasan blocks people from posting their opinions on their blog?

Is repeating the same thing over and over in your head a way of consoling oneself?. Oh, now l see,, is this why you guys are having recount after recount, thinking that if you do it enough times- the results will change? Like Biden's numbers will magically switch to Trumps? Now there's a theory, but will it work?

I noticed that Sidney Powell was invited to a " God and country rally" and she spouted off about if " Enough States can find ballots" that were not counted( 7 months after the election).. those States can de certify Biden's win, and get this.....
Have ANOTHER Inauguration, with Trump getting back into the WH. I have no idea what that woman is drinking or smoking, but if conservative voters were savvy thet would keep her as far away from a microphone as possible. I say she should not be invited to any function to speak about the election, but you guys lap that S*** up.
After all, it was her that said that the machines used in the Nov election had something in common with Hugo Chavez who has been dead for years.

Sidney did call you guys suckers, losers, idiots and lame brained voters, my question is : Who invited her?

She and Rudy say you have the lQ of a Hazel dormouse.
stackles people aren't blocked, only America hating marxist sheeple a$$holes are blocked.
Are you a Nazi too, commrade jarasan?
American hating ? Joseph Mccarthy thought the same thing decades ago and went after people who spoke out against tyranny & ineptitude.

What is American Hating, us not accepting her ststem of democracy. We have Presidential elections every 4 years. The LAST one in question for the Oval office was between Bush & Gore, and that one was settled by the courts. You did not see Al Gore kick & scream about the results for weeks & months on end.

But you have Trump going off on it, unable to accept the results, coming up with behavior typical of an extremely spoilt kid or a dictator in some 3rd world country. The founding Father's would be embarrassed by the actions of Trump, there is absolutely no excuse for his behavior.
I mean we have the judicial system in place to " decide" issues that are out of our hands, but even judges this fool appointed came " down on the rule of law " by calling it correctly, but no- him and millions of his followers could not, WILL NOT accept the decision of the American voters.
You folk wanted to live under a dictator- the rest of America said H** No.

It's really a shame that on Memorial Day Veterans that defended Freedom of Speech are called "American Haters" simply because idiots disagree with what they say.

The cowards are easy to spot; they block and call people childish name and some even had their daddy pay thousands to keep them from getting drafted.
It's a disease. These looney folk are under the impression that if you do not support Trump or his policies- you un-American. You HAVE to be for the Wall, how about agreeing with Trump that the virus was a hoax to begin with, that if you disagreed with him,, you were viewed as UnA.
You recall when he was asked " What will be your agenda for your 2nd term, what will you tell the American what you aim to achieve?" There was a pause before he said something like " continue what we doing." The guy was so confident of himself that he considered himself the Pied Piper of the GOP, the party would follow regardless. Thing is Trump instilled fear in the party, they won't admit it, but he still does. No minority leader of the house flies to Florida to kiss the ring and get the blessings from a twice impeached ex President unless the fear factor is off the scale.
The party is comatose.

Did you notice some of these childish clowns are voting negatively on most of your posts, Noise?

Probably for out of their flustration of while blocking you from posting on their blogs, can't block you from posting elsewhere. A few people were saying Trump made many of the Republicans "offers they couldn't refuse" and now it looks like many of them took the offer.

Biden supporters NEVER say anything Pro Biden.
Everything they say is anti Trump.

Because Cnn & Msnbc tell them exactly what to think and what to say and what to believe.

Great, just what we needed, more nonsense from another anti-First Amendment anti-Constitution Kool-Aid drinking tin foil MAGA hat wearing Trump cheer leader.

I'd mention the fact the stock market is up 25% since the Tuesday after the first Monday in November 2020, but doubt the people here with sixth grade educations would understand the significant.
What about higher taxes, higher fuel prices, higher food prices, building supply costs going up. Not to mention illegals pouring across the border, Russian hackers getting into our gas suppliers, and meat processing plants. And if a reporter asks a question about any of it, what does Biden do? He turns around and walks off. I guess you're happy as hell about all that right? If you are then you're an idiot.

Now go ahead and explain to everyone how great Biden is doing. We'll wait while cnn tells you what to say.

Somebody wants a "Cheerleader-in-chief" that's a fat orange moron that bankrupted businesses, causing thousands to lose their jobs, and then brags about how great he was.

Orange Donnie "Horner" Trump
Sat in a corner
and his silly supporters still can't understand why
Donnie was put in the corner sitting on his fat rump.
Trump didn't bankrupt businessses and put people out of work. That happened because of the pandemic. Unemployment was 3.5% before the virus.
You still haven't explained how Biden is so great. What's the hold up? Can't think of anything?

That's the worst poetry I've ever read. Did your dog write that?
On second thought, he probably would have done better.

You're quick to bash Trump, but can't think of anything good to say about a democrat (Biden)

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