Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Saturday, February 6, 2021


Trump Considering Launching New Social Media Platform

Perfect: This trojan horse destroyed an established political party from within.
Is that right Noise Fart? The mighty DJT got more votes than any other incumbent President in the history of the USA. And your lame brain calls that "destroying an established political party from within". You never cease to amaze me with your stupidity! You leftist "progreeeesive" crowd of devious/cheating dim-dems are so smug and confident after stealing the election. Xo Biden would not have garnered enough votes to be county dog catcher if not for the election having been totally rigged.
LMAO, what a joke. Is it going to be called "Lies, lies, and more lies? The fact that it comes from Breitbart is even more laughable.

Maybe it will be called the "MORON" club.

One circus closes and another one opens up. And his supporters are the clowns. How can anyone in their right mind still support the orange oaf? You have to be mentally unstable.
Yes, that's right. Back in the day the Republican party stopped David Duke from becoming a politician on Capitol hill. Today, under the Trump rules, you have Greene with her weird ties to conspiracy groups being elected to a Republican seat in Congress.

Then you Proud boys, Oath keepers & others rising up under the Trump era. Tell me you embrace Qanon & other conspiracy theories? Come on, say it fool.
Noise Fart, you and Pick3dummy are two bird-brains of a feather flocking together. You two have the combined intelligence of a dull brass door knob. No amount of polishing will help, Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum you remain. You want to see a clown, go look in the mirror and laugh out loud! Trump still lives in your mind rent-free 24/7. Totally waste of time talking to uneducated, brain-washed commie-loving libbies that do nothing but dedicate their lives to suppression of truth and spreading preposterous leftist lies and dim-dem propaganda. You make your parents so proud. MAGA 2024!
You obviously have the attention span of a 3 year old, why you ask? Because you attacking both Pick3 & myself, but NOT what we posted. Why not destroy what we wrote, instead our low IQ member goes after us.

Why not defend Marjorie Greene? Why not defend the Oath keepers & proud boys?
So instead of going after us with empty words that you constantly repeat over and over again as though it makes you look intelligent, frankly it does the opposite. My suggestion is : Quit fighting against reality, it does the soul no good. You probably had a good upbringing but strayed from reality at some point. There is yet hope for you, but it starts by returning to the real world. I will light a candle for your kind.
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