Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Saturday, February 16, 2019


Ruth Bader Ginsburg Back At Supreme Court Since Cancer Surgery

The cloning was successful!
I was thinking AI.
Welcome back. And to hell with all the idiots that wished you ill will.
Ruth 1, GHOULS 0. This is a strong and determined women. If it was possible to wish someone away, there would be zero bigots left on this planet.
amberjackoff you f'ing idiot butt hole bandito, nobody here wishes ill will on anybody except you, and you will pay dearly for your hate, trust me you will, sky daddy is gonna put a hurtin' on you, just wait, it'll happen. Same goes for monkey finger.
You can wish in one hand and crap in the other and one will remain empty while the other will be what makes up a typical Democrat's brains. (Example: OCC, Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, the various leftists in these blogs)

Zero bigots?   You'd still be here and the rest of your ilk, so that's not a true statement.

LMAO @ "monkey finger". He got toe jam football, he shoot Coca-Cola - he bad production, all right!
Why is it whenever I write the word idiots, you two clowns show up.? Is that just a coincidence or are you drawn the idiocy

Your puny brains must really hurt. How do you possibly survive on 18 brain cells and 54 neurons?
I wasn't even talking to you, you filthy, infected, effete, Farsi faggot. FOAD, queerbait.
So what? I don't give a rat's ass what you think, I write whenever I want to write dumb ass f***ing loser toothless racist bigot moron bootlicker Nazi loving incest baby. You're a f***ing disgrace. Go brush your teeth you stinking motherfuker. Piece of s**t no one. You're a f***ing a*****e a jerk a loser and a moron. go stick your head back in the toilet where it belongs piece of s**t cracker.
I should have written, go brush your tooth LMAO and then go fuc yourself
Don't get your panties all twisted in a knot, Miss Priss.

I heard they're building a new Disneyland-type amusement park for you HIV types down where you live; they're going to call it 'Sick Fags over Florida"
BIGOTINTEXAS you will fit right in since you're so fond of homo talk. BTW, I memorialized your little bigot rant in case you are stupid enough to say it again. You know when I got the best of you and you responded by calling me a <snip>. I CAME BACK AT YOU WITH A FEW CHOICE WORDS OF MY OWN, BUT THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN ALL MY YEARS ON THE LP I had to do this. if you can't take it, STFU. It on Feb. 10 thread under the topic below.

Elizabeth Warren: Trump 'may not be a free person in 2020
<snip> N*GGER
Racist bigot racist bigot racist bigot racist bigot racist bigot racist bigot racist bigot racist bigot racist bigot racist racist bigot racist bigot racist bigot racist bigot racist bigot
amberjack and monkey finger color doesn't matter, but it does to you two base stupid racist bigoted cork soakers in a pod.

Nobody cares what you write what you understand that?
Nobody gives a flying f***!
JARASH!T go get some meds for the sores in your mouth.
@13- You are slowing your true ghetto upbringing and you claim to have been a teacher. Tell the forum your first words you learned growing up. Tell the truth about the language Blacks use, when a group gets together.
Car Bob, nobody with even five brain cells gives two shirts about what you and your other trolls on this site says nobody nobody gives a s**t because it's all buls**t brainwashed garbage. Don't you get how stupid you are? You're a f***ing moron just like the rest of them get it?
Shut up sleazy. We don't need comments from the colored section, esp. the brain dead ones.

You think it's all right to call me retarded, a hillbilly, incest baby...sheesh, the bigoted/racist name calling you have done is too numerous to remember, much less list. If you don't want to be called one, don't act like one, monkey finger. (h/t to jarasan on that one)

Stick your memorials up your black ass. You've NEVER "got the best of me" and you never will. Don't like it? Tough.

And's that kind of childish crapola that makes me call you those names. The only difference is you ARE what I call you. You can just mince on out of here if YOU don't like it, ya limp wristed pantywaist.

Both of you are human stains.

CARBO, I know you use racial epithets, but there is a time and a place for everything. People have lost jobs for using racial epithets, the forum is no different. Trying to justify it by assuming what goes on among Blacks is just the stereotypes you were taught as a child. You dislike your own grandchildren because they are of Hispanic heritage. I know this because you said it a while back on a thread. So your opinion is moot BIGOT.
BIGOTINTEXAS, nor do I want to hear from a bonafide Texas red neck. I have been dealing with your kind all my life, bring it on. I will make you explode again chump.
BIGOTINTEXAS the terms you listed are not as racist as being called BUCKWHEAT, MONKEY, BABOON, N*GGER, and the latest one being COLORED. I understand that is part of your everyday vocabulary, but it is not appropriate for a forum that is connected to the www. You don't pay to be part of the LP, so you will not be missed.
Wow, just the other day you said "people of color". Same thing, right?

You ARE a baboon, flinging poo all the time.

Going on and on about my not having a subscription to this site makes you sound a lot like Ridge, know that? (although you ain't even close to being as smart or good as a man as he was) I used to love to watch him mop the floor with you, so I decided to step in and take his place after he went missing. He would approve, I'm sure. I love rubbing your nose in your own hypocrisy, racism and bigotry.

And BS to you, esp. when you and the Persian Pansy use "retarded". That's despicable, what I said pales in comparison. If you can't see my own pejoratives as countering your own, then you're even dumber than I thought you were.

You're sure a tough guy, aintchoo? <snicker> Perpetual victim w/ delusions of persecution, guilty of constant projection, that's plain to see., chimp.
BIGOTINTEXAS, you have been white trash all your life. You being angry with the world because of the place you are in society is your fault. Being jealous of others will never help your situation, it will only get worse. IDIOT>
BTW, Ridge is not missing, he's dead. If you check the threads, you will see that I took on RIDGE and all the present day trolls at the same time and still kicked his azz. I even kept his azz up for 24 hours, twice, and each time he quit like the big wimp he was.LMAO
Lol @ toothless in Texas putting ridge on a pedestal.

He's digging through the sewer for his idols LOL
From the beginning Ridge never addressed the issues I brought up whether it was religion or politics. Mostly religion.

I'm sure for a long time you all have been thinking why I don't hate Speedy because he is religious. There's a huge difference between mindsets and belief systems. People of faith are looking at a bigger picture and that's fine with me, as long as the politicians don't make legislations law because of their religious belief systems. I don't care if you go to church eight days a week, just don't have the power to base laws on your belief system that's all.

So even though Speedy believes in a god, he has a brain unlike you trolls will only have a few brain cells and about 72 new neurons. I mean it's so freaking obvious that this idiot in office is such a screw-up oh, you people have no backbone to admit it to be true because of egos. A real man knows it's time to give up the charade and call it quits before he embarrasses himself or herself even more. But you lack that ability, and so does the rest of Trump's supporters. Their hate is so strong that the ego won't allow them to admit they were wrong.

So Don't Preach to me about what you think is right and wrong because everything is objective. It can also be subjective but that has a bias baggage with it.

The other problem I have with you trolls is that you conveniently forget that I don't start the insults when I first meet a person or talk to somebody. You people forget that you Hurley insults from the beginning, if you want I can actually go back to the very beginning I'll take some time I get it but I'll find it and show you who started the insults, it's in your blood to do so. How convenient to Forget.

Hey Amber, I know you are telling the truth. They attacked all of us like a pack of wolves the first time any of us made a comment about anything. They tried their best to run me away, but they wasted their time with me. Yet they still try. Poor saps. They will pay dearly for all the people they ran away. What goes around, comes around.
That's right speedy, we are not going away, they can try all they want but it ain't gonna happen. I got all day and all night 7 days a week. Bring it on!

Someone has to school you idiots. And if you don't read what we write, at least other people reading the blogs May grow a few brain cells and realize they were wrong.
Amber, they read everything that we post, including our blogs, that is why they talk about it in other threads off the topic.
ambturd, sleazy isn't religious, not unless he's a member of the Muslim cult like a lot of his "brothas" are. You cannot be a Christian and a Democrat, the two things are not compatible.   You're only an atheist because that's the only way you can justify your deviant lifestyle.

I know you have all that time in here but it's funny that not but a few months ago you were accusing us of being on here 24-7. Which is it, Miss Priss? How can we be on here any more than you?   Frankly, you must be doing meth to be on here constantly AND posting such unhinged rants.

You never beat Ridge, not once, sleazy. You're a delusional Knee-grow, Sambo.   You jumped on me once after me telling Ridge "Sic 'em" and never let up with your racist talk against YOU started it, but are too thick to remember it. You've been scum most of your life, although I think you probably were a decent kid, most kids are but you sure took a wrong turn somewhere. Maybe that's from not knowing who your father was. Don't blame white people for your people's failings.   Like I've said, you're a perpetual victim, it's what you are. You should be honest and own it.

I don't read either of your blogs. Put in a web beacon in a post sometime, then you'd know that. I have read them a few times before, then felt as though I needed a bath, so full of nasty lies and unhinged hate. Both of you are full of TDS and if you weren't such asshats, I'd feel sorry for you.

Oh, and I'm still here, sleazy, with my free account! Did you run crying to Todd like ambturd did?
Incest baby toothless in Texas.... you are such a moron and it's so scary because you don't even realize it. You are one pathetic moron. Nothing you just wrote made any sense whatsoever. I feel sorry for you.
VICTIM? I am a successful victim. You see I was never a victim but I was victimized by bigots like you, but I overcame your hate with education. You, on the other hand, have done nothing to better yourself. You were born a bigot, grew up a bigot, and is still a middle-aged bigot. It's time for a change, eh? And no, I did not report you to Todd. He monitors the threads, I'm sure he is aware of your recent racist epithets.
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