Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Rush Limbaugh: We Elected a Disrupter! Hang In There and Win

Yep, leave to Rush to try and keep his desperate and clingy followers in the dark...and in a 'safe space.' Really, Rush? Hang in there and 'win??' LMBAO!!! Let's have a look at what your so very far from reality leader had to say...and yes, it's confirmed:

From the article:

-“We are getting crushed!” Mr. Trump told his acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, after watching some recent coverage of the shutdown, according to one person familiar with the conversation. “Why can’t we get a deal?-

There's no winning to be had for Trump, AT ALL, Rush and you know it. He and the Republicans had a great deal, in hand, which the Republicans voted on and passed but, it was all those ignorant @ass people like Hannity and Coulter that got into Trump's head and forced him into this...and he now regrets it. Let's move on.

Trump said that 'he admires Pelosi's political savvy which comes on the heels of her doing some 'HOUSEKEEPING' and denying Trump access to HER HOUSE to LIE MORE. Anyone having a problem with Fancy Nancy then, you'd better first take it up with Trump who commended her already...for being quick on the draw on all fronts. Trump ain't no match for her, and, wasn't a match for Hillary either. Hillary just had baggage...too much. Let's move on.

Trump said that ISIS is defeated and that we've won and that we beat 'em badly. Thus, we're pulling out!! Uh, ooohhhh:

Then, this happened:

-Mike Pence claimed ISIS was defeated hours after it killed US troops in Syria-

Hint: This a sign of things to come with the advent of Trump's telegraph...which he said he never does. Here:

-“I’m not like other administrations, where they say we’re going to do this in four weeks,” Trump adds. “It doesn’t work that way. We’ll see what happens. -

I could go on and on 'til you wake up for coffee in the morning but, you get the point...very well by now. Nancy is doing a great job by simply giving Trump all the rope his little heart desires. Soon, even more Republicans will peel away, and, when Mueller drops this MOAB in a few weeks, it'll all be over but the crying. Yes, he conspired against his own country which you'll see.

I believe when Barr is the AG, you will see things happen, you have never seen. Draining the swamp will be a realty. You are going to see people convicted of treason. The real Americans are going to witness what happens, when you attempt to frame a President of the United States. It will be a history lesson to learn from.
More like a retarded racist loser, that fat orange face f*** face we're going to go to prison. Him and his immediate family will be wearing jumpsuits soon. And Rush bimbo should go with them too that fat piece of s**t drug user.
Just as the repubs were wrong about Trump and Roberts, they will be doubly wrong about Barr. Barr works for the American people(ALL), not just bigots, racists, and repubs..
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