Truesee's Daily Wonder

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Monday, September 10, 2018


Maxine Waters Goes On An 'Impeach Trump Tear' Vows To Get Him

And he will be impeached. I wish we could impeach his retarded supporters too. Put them all on an island somewhere and let him Pat each other on the back.
I hope the Trump haters hold their breath until he's impeached. That's the only blue I want to see, a bunch of brain-dead Smurfs.

I think anyone who says Trump isn't their President should be deported, let them live in their own country since they hate this one so much. I know ^ someone ^ who would make a GREAT president of The People's Republic of Mariana Trench.   Lowlife living in the lowest point on Earth, very apropos.
Stop making yourself look like an idiot that you are and go get some teeth for god sakes you lousy trailer trash piece of s*** you should be deported for being a moron.
Why should I be deported? Trump is my President, as was Obama and all the others since the day I was born. I am a patriotic American, not some treasonous and unpleasant cretin who brings nothing but foul insults. Yes, I have slung them back at you, but only in hopes of you realizing how obnoxious you have been since your very first post on these blogs. That's the ONLY mistake I've made in dealing with you, hoping to bring you some enlightenment, rescue you from the evil that is your political preference.

Silly me, I should have known better than that.

Yet again, I would spot you 50 IQ points and still double you up.
That's hilarious, enlighten me? How could a dumbass redneck loser racist bigot with missing teeth living in a trailer park enlighten me? You're a f****** dumbass who voted for a loser so that only means you're a loser too.

You'll find out how much of a moron you are when this idiot in office gets impeached.

You could Enlighten a roach.
I don't think I could enlighten a roach, but I'm sure you light them all the time. When did you start smoking pot? I've always heard that it stunts emotional growth and maturity at the age when you do start getting high. I'd estimate you started at a very early age, maybe around the age of 13? It would certainly explain your childish, emotional outbursts and lack of control.

The "missing teeth" and "trailer park" insults are getting old. Again, I implore you to get some new material, amuse me for a change. This is just getting boring and pathetic. Then again, if that's all you can come up with due to your limited intelligence and emotional immaturity, I guess I will just have to live with it.

For what charge and reason, pray tell, will Trump get impeached? I keep seeing you say that, but there's never any explanation.

If Trump is a loser, then what is he doing sitting in the Oval Office? (besides WINNING!!!) He was duly and legally elected, so I don't think that qualifies as a "loser". Hillary, on the other hand.....
You like comprehension, like I've said a hundred times before the only reason he's sitting in office is because half this country are also retarded simple I know it's hard for you to understand.
I don't believe you've said that a hundred times before, but then again, your vocabulary is fairly limited. Glad to see you got your head out of the toilet and quit dredging up your posts out of there.

Yes, I like comprehension and that's why I've begged you "a hundred times" to work on yours. (I'm sure you meant "lack", but it's funnier the other way, thanks for the typo!)

Funny, I always thought the reason half the country voted against him was retarded. I think I could make a case for that better than yours, but we'll just have to agree to disagree on the ratio and where it stands, huh?
@Amber, Don't try to explain anything to BIGOTINTEXAS, he's an incest baby, a freak of nature that suffers permanent brain damage. He has the intellect of an imbecile.
Me, an incest baby?

I'm not, but would rather be one than a tar baby.
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