Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Why so many people still support Donald Trump

Because of attack dogs that turned rabid like the Tribune.
Trump is doing a great job.

Count me among those that support him 100%
The left is going down.
He resonates with the heart of his voters. He heard what is wrong and is making every effort to turn it around. He's done more right in the 7 months he's been President than Obama did in 8 years with a Democratic congress and media in a love fest with him.
Naaahh, HERE'S one of the MAIN REASONS why. A while back, I elaborated on how I went under cover and became a member of hostile sites. This guy simply took it all the way to the top with putting it out there on just how easy it is to become one of 'them.' It ain't hard at all and I can tell you what key words and phrases to use including their slang, how to outline the main focus of their hatred/racism, HOW THEY COULD CARE LESS ABOUT VERIFIABLE FACTS, and how any Republican that stands by facts as opposed to 'their lies' is a RINO. This $hit is real, folks, and scary.
While I'm still in the neighborhood, let me drop this off...I'll pick it later. Here's our President Trump's version of law and order according to Republican police officers ans Sheriffs:

Yeah, I know, those dang RINO cops! George Bush's boys originally brought Arpaio under investigation back in 2008, and, Trump's boy Sessions actually prosecuted Arpaio!! You bunch of dumbazzes were once again hoodwinked with the whole 'bad Obama' line when it was the REPUBLICANS all the way with hammering Arpaio. Yeah, Yrump basically told Sessions, "Phuck you, your findings, and your law and order!!'

Trump knew his poorly educated very well.

Loser - I agree with some of the comments under the video on YT, namely that the guy attacks people for living in an echo chamber while his very speech is being given in one, not to mention that he lives in one.

It's the left that constantly spews lies; if you don't believe me, go to the BC gambling/election thread and scroll back and see where I rebutted several of the resident LP hard core leftists and their lies on all sorts of subjects, from Davy Crockett's coonskin cap to red states take more welfare.

The left is the side that's always rejected honest dialog, so there's no need for the right to even try any longer.

I don't believe either you OR him took the time to go undercover digitally, Loser. Both of you just made crap up and tried to spoon feed it to your gullible leftist peers but I for one ain't buyin' it.   You can claim anything on the Internet, don't you know? Remember that cartoon, one that came out when the world wide web was just getting cranked up, the two dogs talking to each other: "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog."

That's so true, but it's pretty easy to tell when someone is the son of one.
My, my, what a surprise! Lucky Liar tells another whopper: "Folks, what is boils down to is the fact that all Trump supporters are all a bunch of racists and bigots, simple as that Folks"... LOL, it's almost laughable if it were not so lame and pathetic. Same old song and dance. The low information S-F-B REGRESSIVE demon-rat crowd is so predictable. Russian collusion, bigots and racists, homophobic, not mentally fit to govern, etc. Next, Lucky Liar will provide a link that proves beyond all doubt that President Trump is the Devil incarnate! These leftist mental midgets are sick reprobates, Folks! But very wise in their own eyes.
You are correct amber. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Been telling you that for years.

Run along now and have another girl scout cookie amber.
Hmmm, okay. Let's just start with the following link first:

Now, let's look at an excerpt from #6 in the following commentary in that same link:

- I only recently started reading and commenting on blog posts when I was told about you and your lies. What's funny is that you are always referencing some comment you made in some already forgotten blog post but you know why you don't get a reply to it? Because no one read it in the first place, and if they did, thought it was so stupid they felt it beneath a dignified response.-

Comment by mikeintexas - August 18, 2017, 8:35 pm

Listen, folks, anyone even in their wrong mind can see the mentally disconnected yet consistent dumbazzness which ties KALO and mikeintexas together. Just yesterday, in this same blog, I had illustrate the serious error of KALO's ways with how he blows his own brains out by trying to shoot me down around here. Now, once again, mikeintexas comes along with trying to stand up for someone else according to the above excerpt. Speedy, amber, and I affect these clowns so much that WE actually run this blog. Yeah, we do. You see, they come after us under the guise of not allowing us to go unchallenged because WE'RE all liars...but they can never solidly debate or disprove the information we circulate. The reason why is because this information is also circulated among the conservative sites as well but, ya gotta dig for it. Then, most of the time, all your Fox shows like Media Buzz and The Five etc would outright denounce such lies but, they opt to just remain quiet. You can best believe that they've done their homework on what's circulating.

However, it's still very flattering they have such resilience and essentially validate my commentaries. In the following link, I posted twice using the same sources, reasoning, and facts to drive my point(s) as always. For some strange reason, they pick and chose 'which lies' they wanna contest...but 'none of them are worth a dignified response still and are stupid. Yet, he responds still. But, my posts are stupid. Do you folks see the connection I mentioned earlier? Yeah, I thought so. Now, the other one said that no one cares about my posts but, I see he's still tearing up his fingernails and his keyboard trying to address my commentaries...both are.

There's a ton of lies in that link to call me out on.

Tell ya what, guys, I'm fair. 'My bone' is tired so here's another bone for you to play with for right now. Enjoy!

Who am I standing up for, pray tell? You don't read very well, do you? I was replying to your whining about nobody reading your posts, ya dumb cuck.

Maybe I don't reply to all your posts b/c I don't have time or am so gobsmacked by your utter stupidity and audacious lies that I don't want to waste my energy arguing with azzhats. You have no reasoning, just mentions of your "black azz" and accusations of racism. Pure bigoted ery on your part.

I read that Cruz hit piece, watched the video and agreed with the others that he didn't "fall apart". He's one of the smartest people in Congress and yes, he had a right to be upset over Trump's "Lyin' Ted" comments and those about his father. I'm sure he knew, however, that politics is a dirty business and didn't want to resort to that tactic.

There are tons of lies to call you out on every post you make, 'tard. Some of us have a life, though.   Sounds like I live in your head, though. LMAO

I sure was hoping you'd drowned in the flood or got shot for looting.
Hands up! Don't Loot!
My "ery" had the obscenity edited out, thought it would slip through. It rhymes with "punt" and "stunt" and "runt", though. Describes Lucy Loser to a "T" though.
Lucky Loser, you have got to be one of the biggest dumbazzes I ever heard of, you went under cover to find racists, how you infiltrated the bad guys, lol lol, Out to prove that everybody hates you because your black, gimme a break, your personality is reason enough.
So you really have no idea who you were communicating with? Could have been law enforcement setting a trap, college kids with nothing better to do, etc, etc.
   I'm going to let you in on a little secret, all these crazy groups protesting each other are all paid by the same person, this crap is staged and people are being manipulated.
   Now for secret number 2, the real people that may not want you or even I around, are not on-line.
They do not recruit, they do not leave electronic trails, no face book, no twitter, no Instagram.
Those people who say stupid things on line are idiots.
These men and women, are for the most part as off the grid as much as they can be, you won't see them at protests, they will not splash their faces all over the place.
They are smart and well organized and trust me, you will not infiltrate.
Now Maxwell Smart, think about how stupid you sound and Oh! GO GET LAID !

Why Sully, who in their right mind would want to have sex with someone who has ( Diaherrrrria ) of the mouth. Oops, stocks just went up in Pepto Bismal and Ex-Lax. Imagine all that from one frivolous Libtard
Lucky Liar would like to follow Sully's advice, but Maxine Waters has rebuffed his amorous propositions at each turn and on every occasion. She even returned the Valentine card he sent her back in February! Poor man. You got to understand he's stressed out!
There goes amber's "critical thinking skills" kicking in again! LOL
Amberjackoff get a keyboard you f'ing loser. We gave you advice in kind and still you are a fuque face. The only racists here are you and never to be laid loser.
Detective Loser probably tells people on other sites how he infiltrated a lottery gang, and he's so close to unlocking the secrets to how they pick numbers, he'll crack the pyramid pairs vtrac codes.
Top secret stuff.

ambturd, you need to use that Websters for something more than a door stop.
Wow! Hey, amber, they actually went and did a SURGE with bringing in a couple of others around here which actually hadn't said a word to me in quite some time!! See, I told you that I run $hit around here! Everyone that visits truesee's blog, all 25,105,254 Views outside of the few terminally brain ill dumbazzes here, can CLEARLY see that THEY CHASE ME in my every post...can't help it. Conversely, I'm simply sharing my views directly to the link(s) provided and/or the corresponding author of the link(s) in question. This is so provable but, just like with everything else, they could care less about facts.

Every time they get their azz handed to them, they come up with the same old lines over, and over, and over again. silly16 has done this 'go get laid' line for YEARS now with me, folks, and jarasan's illiterate azz just followed right along! Here's just a couple of quick links, and, you still Google search 'Lucky Loser needs to get laid' for even more:

Oh, and here's where I had to calm silly16's azz down with facts and reality. Just read the dumb$it she wrote and think about how she and the rest are now praising what's going on under Trump...and Trump's businesses are STILL overseas:

Okay, time to get back on my LP blog grind and show just what ALL of these idiots were saying just a couple of years ago. Silly16, you're first 'cause you care so much about my sexual needs.

@ LL & Amber, it is a waste of time responding to MALCONTENTS. They sit and wait for one of us to respond so they will have something to write about, many times paraphrasing what we just said. Unless we comment, the thread will remain silent because their hateful brains remain in neutral. I will never stop commenting because it amuses me to know that I have that kind of effect on them when I stick to the subject and mention no names. They love you get us off the subject because they can't handle the truth about anything. This is so sad:<
love you to
Who you love, Lil'dummy?
Lil'dummy, you gots to be more careful when texting that special 'somebody' on the side you don't want the wife to know about, that you don't accidentally post it to LP!
LL, what did I just say? SAD:<
Lil'dummy, thank-you for posting and sharing your infinite wisdom. You can go back to sleep now.
Trump's background is in entertainment. He knows how to play the crowds. He rants and have hissy fits in front of his base, and uses a teleprompter every where else. That's not normal, nor is it presidential. By Trump entertaining his base he is able to dupe them into thinking that he cares and take their mind off of the promises he made that he has no intentions of keeping. SAD:>
lil*poopy Wharton School of Univ of PA. has no dept of entertainment, lil*poopy dumb ass cork soaking idiot you are, GTF back to your mom's basement.
On this weeks episode of Stupidnatural:
Inspector Gadget And Lil DOH DOH. Go deep undercover to find racists, homophobes and haters.
They infiltrate a gang of old ladies , they bake cookies by day and are big meanies at night, hurting the feelings of thin skinned crybabies.
Gadget and DOH DOH use their entire arsenal to fight the meanies, they call names, they tell lies and sit and wallow in self loathing, after they are done blaming everybody else they run and hide deciding to save the town another day.


Lil'dummy, the intelligent and patriotic people that voted for President Trump are VERY content that our country is finally in good hands after 8 disastrous years of Insane Hussein Osama. You and your left wing pals are the malcontents. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves and get on the Trump Train to prosperity and success!

Lil'dummy, I'm glad you learned a new word today. Building new vocabulary is very important and very commendable. But you must endeavor to use the word in the proper context. As stated above, the Trump supporters are NOT malcontents. We are very content. YOU and your Marxist Leninist anti-American pals are the malcontents and misfits. Try to let that soak in for a few minutes before you go to spouting off again.

Read #27 again. This time with comprehension. Now go away MALCONTENT. Play time is over.
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