Truesee's Daily Wonder

Truesee presents the weird, wild, wacky and world news of the day.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Trump Says Transgender People Can't Serve In Military

Hello! They are in the military, been there, and always will. Trump is singling out a group of people that have more courage to serve their country than he will ever have. He conveniently had a foot problem five times to avoid serving his country. I, like many others had no choice, but was still willing to serve. Our military is now all voluntary, gender identification is discrimination period. I loathe all forms of discrimination... Military and civilian.
Hello! They never should have been you dimwit! But transgender military and and transgender bathrooms were far more important issues for Odumbo than national security. Yet another chapter of the Thin Smoking Man's wonderful legacy just got flushed down the toilet. Hallelujah ! It was all part of the progressive agenda of undermining the military and turning it into some sort of freaky social experiment. Now't back to the business of fighting wars, killing enemy combatants and blowing up their assets. Thank-you President Trump!
KKKAL, as usual you have nothing to offer but gibberish. No one is debating with you punk. What military did you serve in? What war were you part of? Some of these transgender people will put your sorry coward azz to shame. These people were in the military before Obama. It's always you flakes with opinions about things you have no knowledge or experience in. STFUP
Wow, did I hit a nerve with that one, Lil'sleazey? Sounds like you must be one yourself. No doubt you're also in favor of boys/men using the girl's bathroom if they happen to be identifying as a female at that particular moment. You people really are sick and disgusting! Anyway, the matter is not open to debate you nitwit. It's a done deal now. Get used to it. Transgender types need not apply for any position in the military. More good stuff to follow! BTW, Lil'Sleazey, sorry to burden you with more "gibberish". Common sense, sound practice, established norms and protocol, ethical precepts, orthodox traditions and customs, honor, decorum, virtue and other such strange concepts as the aforementioned always translate to incomprehensible "gibberish" to you and your sick freakazoid pals. Hardly surprising is it? Duh!
KKKAL, you have not earn the right to say who can serve and who can't. You are a bonafide bigot and coward. Dirty azz ex-cop. SAD:<
Ha! Gotcha! Your roly-poly mind went totally blank when confronted with such accurate and insightful commentary coupled overwhelming brilliance so you resort to the default "bigot" response, LOL, talk about "SAD", how about PITIFUL!
KKKAL, you need to look up the definition of "BIGOT". You will find that it describes you spot on. A military dodging bigot such as yourself, don't have the right to speak about the transgender servicemen that are fighting and dying for your sorry punk azz. If the military had to depend on creeps like you, we would be in serious trouble. You talk the talk, but can't walk the walk. SAD:<
STFU already you sick pervert! Enough of your claptrap. Anybody around here knows you are the biggest racist and bigot that was ever allowed access to the internet. There are no transgender servicemen fighting and dying for anybody you idiot. They signed up because Insane Hussein Osama promised to pay for their sex change operations if they enlisted. Then after having their prioritized sex reassignment surgical procedures done, they are conveniently laid up under doctor's orders in some military hospital ward when called upon to train or fight. These type individuals are a useless and unnecessary drain and burden to the military and therefore quickly get cycled out. You should read up on FREEDOM THROUGH MILITARY VICTORY by retired Army Colonel and Pastor R.B. Thieme and not be so concerned about undermining and weakening the the military by liberal foolishness and entitlement mentality. If you actually were in the military, you need to sit down right now and write a thank you letter to President Trump for his decisive action in restoring honor and war machine readiness to all branches of US Military Services.
KKKAL, people like you make me laugh. You know nothing about the military, never served, yet you know all the answers. Transgenders are fighting right now you yellow-bellied coward. World news showed a transgender in full military combat gear. I'll bet you a ten for every dollar you wouldn't have the balls to go up to one of them talking sh1t. They would kick the dog sh1t out of your bigot azz. SAD:<
Another thing fool, why would I write a thank you note to a draft dodger? AZZHOLE
Oh wow, they showed a picture of one in full combat gear! Isn't that special? How do you know he/she/it or whatever was transgender? Do they have a special patch on the uniform? Or you took the word of the Fake News Network? Maybe the high ranking commanders and and generals weren't aware of the vital importance of the transgender mission seeing as that as they are in agreement with the Commander in Chief's decision. BTW- I'm such a "yellow-bellied coward" that I spent 35 years in the streets tracking down and locking up armed robbery and aggravated assault suspects, investigating homicides, intervening in hostage and crisis situations, breaking up drunken bar room brawls, etc. Not to even mention the hordes of sick deviant perverts and agitators such as yourself that are out there causing problems on all levels. Unlike yourself, I respect the military and retired veterans. Go suck a fat cigar you sick pervert.
KKKAL, you became a cop because you couldn't cut it in the military. You even sucked at being a cop. You were a racist corrupt cop on a good ole boy force. You don't know the meaning of civil rights. You used your gun and badge to give you courage. You don't respect veterans, your bigoted rhetoric makes you a plucking LIAR>SAD
yeah, I sucked at it; that's why they kept giving me awards for and promotions for exemplary performance every year, Officer of the Year, highest CID clearance rate, etc.
Don't go anywhere I'm just getting started with you punk. Tell this Vietnam vet some more about the military blockhead.
I think I understand where all this is coming from. You got something going on behind the scenes with that transgender hottie Chelsea Elizabeth Manning, former known as Bradley Edward Manning, Obama's poster boy for the US Military?
Good ole boys look out for each other. Awards were given, but never earned. They didn't fit your profile.
Stop lying. You never went to Vietnam. You couldn't even find Vietnam on a map. I don't have much more time for your retarded nonsense. I've got to get some Cash 4 tickets before draw break.
I not only went, but was in infantry. I know you can't relate. Patrolling the streets is not the same as walking through jungle and rice paddies.
lil*poopy you are an avatar and nothing else.
JARASAN, you know you don't belong in this conversation, but you can join pervert. Now, what can you tell me about the military or who can serve since you are a plucking reject. SAD:<
Lil'Sleazey, I think you need to be investigated for collusion with the NVA Cộng Sản. How many times did you pass off confidential information to the NVA Cộng Sản in exchange for porn magazines? NVA hated to see you ship out after Richard Nixon ended the war.
KKKAL, unlike you, I have already proved my ability to led and follow orders. I served my country with honor, and went on to serve humanity record speaks for itself. I will compare my credentials to yours ANY DAY.
I do agree. The blatant lies, wanton Anti-American propaganda and other meaningless drivel that you regularly post on these pages speak volumes as to your track record. But why are trying to change the subject on a dime? I asked you about your collusion with the NVA Cong Sanh. And all of sudden you want to talk about serving humanity, LOL. Were you following orders from Ho Chi Minh? I think I'm going to email Jeff Sessions and suggest that he open up an investigation on you Lil'Sleazey.
lil*poopy is an avatar and a lying one at that. STFU lying sack of sh1t avatar.
KKKAL, you and JARASAN are not veterans. I don't expect you two to feel the same as I do about another soldier that's willing to die for their country. Both of you have the audacity to judge and be prejudice toward transgender soldiers, while you two have neither the guts or nerve to serve anyone but your self. Well you go on and judge them while they are in harm's way protecting both of you rejects. Both of you are jealous because they accomplished something that you two chicken sh1ts could never do. The veterans organization and Congressmen are on their side. This is just another of many lies that Trump has told on national tv.
Nighty night SUCKERS>:#
Traitor! We could have and should have won that war. But I have it on good authority from anonymous sources that you sold your platoon out to NVA Cong Sanh for a sack full of porno magazines.You were cavorting with the enemy back then and continue to do so to this very day. Try to get your story straight before Jeff Sessions comes a-calling Lil'Sleazey!
lil*poopy you aren't a military veteran, you are the #1 veteran avatar of writing bullsh1t and a premier member of United Morons & that is it.
I am so happy you two scary fuk ups never wore a military uniform. Both of you are pathetic and pussies. You repubs are all alike, deny, deny, deny. When you constantly deny the truth, you make yourself a fool and it shows a lack of maturity. SAD
And another thing, I stopped playing no you didn't games a long time ago. It's not becoming a grown azz man. Saying something isn't so only satisfy the JERK saying it. It changes nothing because there are others that know the truth. IDIOTS!
Also KKKAL, stop embarrassing yourself and making fun of veterans. You can say whatever about this old proud vet...I can take whatever you throw at me sonny. Bring it on.
I never make fun of patriotic veterans. But as an independent investigator assigned to the Special Counsel on Anti-American Activities, I must insist that you stop avoiding questions about collusion with the NVA Communists.Why were you having late night secret meetings with various NVA officials at Ho Chi Minh's jungle hooch? The optics are bad.
KKKAL, please don't try to tell me something about Vietnam that you read in some book, you were too young to comprehend what was going on. Your opinion means nothing! This makes you sound and look stupid. All veterans are patriotic...Period!
Excuse me, I didn't offer an opinion on anything. I asked you a direct question. And you side-stepped the question once again. The optics are very bad.
Trump did not consult his generals before he tweeted. He told another outright LIE. He didn't even alert the pentagon. Trump lacks procedural and protocol experience. That is putting our country at risk. The chairman and joint chief of staff told his people to stand down and operate as usual until they get clarification. The military is not going to implement anything without clarification. Trump's fixation on destroying Obama's legacy will cause his own demise. SAD
If that's the way the Commander-in-Chief wants it, I don't think 'Mad Dog' Mattis is going to buck the directive. He's an old school Marine Corps retired 4-star general. Time will tell.
According to the American Psychological Association's (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), "Gender Identity Disorder" (gender dysphoria) is considered to be a mental disorder resulting from prolonged years of depression and anxiety over unresolved gender incongruence issues. This type disorder ("transgender") requires on-going hormone therapy, counselling and medical treatment. Why should the American Military Services be required to enlist recruits with a known mental disorder that adversely affects stability, readiness and deployability? This becomes a liability and makes no sense unless you have frat boys and sorority girls running the military. President Trump is right again.
Trump has no military background. That's like taking the advice from a dentist, when you are about to have brain surgery. KKKAL as long as we have able bodied person like YOU unwilling to serve their country and leave it up to those that are willing and able, we will have transgender in the military. This is not a new phenomenon...this has been going on for was just in the closet. No doubt, it will go back there if Trump has his way. But again, this is just a diversion from the Russia investigation. No one is buying it. Trump has proved that his word means nothing. SAD:<
I believe you must be the single most ignorant cretin in the State of Georgia, if not in the USA. Are you related to Maxine Waters? You have no degree in psychology or psychiatry but yet you know more mental disorders than the trained experts that wrote the Diagnostic Manual. You are afflicted with the mother of all mental disorders called LIBERALISM.
Now, that's just ignorant of you KKKAL.
I rest my case.
KKKAL, what have you proved? All you showed the LP and WWW is that you are against transgenders serving in the military...and you were too chicken-sh1t to serve. STFU
Mostly, I just find it somewhat amusing to probe the murky depths of your seemingly boundless stupidity. You should be listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. Right next to Maxine "Murky Waters", Lol
KKKAL, #42 was about your sorry azz. You repubs deny, deny, deflect. SAD
lil*poopy is a douchebag avatar dipsh1t.
JARASAN, this conversation is over your blockhead. Go smoke a joint and trip for a while pervert.
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